What's the sickest you've been at WDW?


New Member
Just curious as to what the sickest some of you have been while at WDW. The reason I bring this up is that on this past Valentine's Day my wife and I flew down to celebrate our 5th anniversary. We were staying at the GF and had planned to have dinner at Victoria and Alberts that night to celebrate (we ate there six years earlier on the night I proposed and had not been back since). Our seating was at 6:15 and everything was going wonderfully until about 8:45 which was just before desert when I started feeling not so hot. I thought it may have been that I just overate and had a bit much alcohol (we had the wine pairings), but over the next couple of minutes I knew I had to get to the restroom quick. Anyway to make a long story short, I spent the next 40 minutes in and out of the bathroom and then finally made it back to our room. I wound up having a pretty nasty case of gastroenteritis (stomach flu) for the next 24 hours but the way I look at it is better to be sick at Disney than sick at home. By the way, if you feel like you're going to pass out and need to lie down on the floor, the cool marble in the bathroom at Victoria and Alberts comes highly recommended, not to mention the stall is extremely private!:lol:

I had the same thing about 4 years or so ago, for a week. I was off school for the week and couldn't eat or drink properly. Not the nicest illness.

As for being ill in Walt Disney World, i've not been ill, but I regularly get headaches due to the heat as it interfere's with my nasel passage problem.


New Member
That really stinks...glad it only lasted 24 hrs. The stomach flu is the worst! I laughed at the part about laying down on the floor. Luckily, it's never come to that for me, but I know that feeling! :lol:

The sickest I've been, was our trip last year (2006). We packed our bags, got on the plane, and I felt fine. But when we stepped off, I just didn't feel right. My throat was so sore, I developed a slight fever, and it progressively got worse as the days went on. My throat was raw, my eyes were watering constantly and I lost my voice completely and this lasted the entire trip (8+ days). I felt like crap, but I didn't want to spend our vacaction in the hotel room, so we did what we normally do...spent the mornings in the parks and by the pool in the afternoons (with a short nap). I was living on alka seltzer cold and went through so many bags of throat drops. I carried around a mug of tea everywhere! It was not fun. Especially since the weather was beautiful but HOT. I got dizzy a couple of times. We finally bought one of those spray bottle things that saved me, and thank goodness there are so many places you can go inside with wonderful air conditioning! If I'm going to be sick, I'd rather it be at Disney World!


New Member
The sickest I have ever been was after I rode Missison Space. Lets just say I spent a few minutes in the bushes:hurl: . I had to go back to the resort after that. The rest of the day was a waste, I laid had to lay in bed..........felt like a horrible hangover!!! I would donate a kidney before I ride that thing again, although I have to admit its a awsome ride.


Active Member
OmG I feel sooo bad for u guys. I have only gotten sick @ Disney Once, I had a sinus infection and sun poisoning the last day of the trip, which made me really sick on the plane ride home.
My Father got sun poisioning on the first day of the trip, so it was me , my mom, and my mom's dad came with. My grandma stayed with her son-inlaw- HOW CUTE!!!
My mom also got a sinous infection.
But I'm sure that isn't the worst.
I feel bad for the people who have it worse!
~ A dream is what your heart makes~
~When You wish upon a star~
It is so hard to read your post with those lite letters. have a happy easter!!


Active Member
:wave: We stopped at a restaurant on 192 and ate a big breakfast brunch before we checked into Disney. That afternoon, I had to come back from the parks and spent the rest of the nite between the potty and the wastebasket getting rid of something. was so awful. next day I went to the parks but came back early cause I felt so weak. wouldnt wish that on anyone!!:cry:


New Member
first time I ever went to Disney. My father got chicken pocs(sP) that last three days. My brother and I had it two weeks prior to vaca but I guess it just took him a while to get it. He spent the last two full days in the room.

Man a kid getting chicken pocs is nothing compared to an adult getting it. when I had it and all my friends at the time it really didn;t slow us down at all. But when my father got it, it completely stopped him. And he has scars all over his body.
We were staying at the Dolphin for our honeymoon in Sept 2000. I got a fever and a sore throat about 4 hours after the plane landed. It turned into a horrible sinus infection a couple of days later. I called my doctor at home who prescribed medication which was delivered by the pharmacy to the hotel. :)) gotta love delivery service) I ended up in bed for 3 days. Luckily we had friends joining us for the last part of our trip so my husband was able to spend some time in the parks. The flight home wasn't much fun at alll...I kept waiting for my eardrum to explode! :(

lucyanna girl

New Member
One year ago tomorrow, my DD (14 at that time) had emergency surgery in Orlando Sand Lake Hospital while we were on vacation at WDW. She had such a low hemoglobin count that she was slipping into cardiac arrest when we arrived at the hospital in the middle of the night. The doctor described it as literally missing over half her blood. We never were able to find out why. The doctors thought she had an abdominal bleed and that is what they operated on her for but when they got in there was no bleed.

DD received 4 units of blood that night to stabilize her and spent five days in the hospital. She has an eight inch scar to remember that trip by.

Thankfully she is fine now. We keep a close check on her blood level now.



When i went in September 2006 i pulled a muscle in my back on Rockin' Rollercoaster. Not exactly an illness, but i was determined not to stay in the hotel until i felt better, so i ended up taking these pills to help my back and ended up walking around like a zombie off Dawn of the Dead.

I was almost expecting to be ill every morning because of my IBS making me feel very sickly of a morning, but it clearly enjoyed WDW as much as i did seen as it never affected me once. :sohappy:


Active Member
:sohappy: the only time i have ever been sick at disney is leaving day. i always love to get home but leaving disney is horrible. hopefully this year will not be as bad since our next trip will only be a month later.next trip oct.7-oct.14

:sohappy: kungaloosh:sohappy:


New Member
Spring break 06: We caught what I would guess to be some version of the Norwalk virus. It was a 24 hour thing, but we passed it around the whole family. DS2, DS1, Me and finally my DH. DS3 didn't get it. Our first day of the trip was the only one that someone wasn't :hurl: . It was a HUGE bummer.
DD received 4 units of blood that night to stabilize her and spent five days in the hospital. She has an eight inch scar to remember that trip by.

Wow, that definitely takes the cake for worst way to spend your trip to Disney! That sounds horrible-- I hope she doesn't have to go through something like that again. :(


Well-Known Member
I took my mother on Mission: Space before it's official opening.

I think we seriously hit up every bench in Future World afterwards. :lol:
edit: Just recently she was very happy to ride the less-intense version.


Well-Known Member
On the drive down one year from St. Louis, I developed a horrible eye infection. Some kind of terrible puss was leaking constantly, and my eyes were both bright pink. The first couple of days of the trip were hell... and all my pictures from that day I look absolutely horrible in.


New Member
Kidney Stones

I have two HUGE kidney stones. In November 2006, they started to bother me. They are the size of dimes, so Im not gonna pass them. Anyway, They bothered me during the trip. Luckily I had some Vicodin to get me through the day. Im in the process of getting them blasted so I can be ready for my next trip this year. Stone free!



I have been really sick at disney once as well. I went to the parks everyday though... but i bypassed many rides and kept falling asleep on benches. I remember sleeping while some of my family was on Dumbo and The Haunted Mansion. Anyways, when we got home 10 days later the doctor estimated it may have been mono. I ended up missing two extra weeks of school... which in the end was the entire month of May.

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