What's the funniest thing you've seen at WDW


Well-Known Member
(1) Okay, this happened last December while walking into Epcot. You know how some boys wear their jeans below their waist w/ their underwear showing? The ground was wet (probably from the morning scrub down) and his jeans were so long that he was walking on the back of them. Well, he walked on them so much his jeans came down around his ankles, tripped him up and he fell on the sidewalk in his tidy whities. I am one of those horrible people who laugh when other people get hurt, but I always ask if they are okay.....anyway I was laughing so hard I almost fell down. Dumb kid, wear a belt OR big smaller pants.

(2) At Animal Kingdom a few years ago with my sister who is a veternarian. While waiting to catch the bus back to the resort this older man sits on the railing then proceeds to pass out (NO I did not laugh at this). Turns out he was diabetic and had low blood sugar. My sister the doctor (animal) treats the man until the paramedics get there. When they are loading him up in the ambulance the man and his family ask my sister if she is a nurse. She starts laughing and says no I'm a doctor. The look of their face was priceless when she told them she was a vet. The guy couldn't have been more shocked if my sister told him he was just treatd by an ob/gyn dr. Probably had to be there for that one - everyone had a good laugh paramedics included.


Well-Known Member
Let's see here...
-When I crashed into a clear door at the AKL
-When some random guy stood up on the bench we were next to during Illuminations, said "HANS!", and walked away :lookaroun
Steamboat_Kevin said:
My cousin Jack is a riot, he's so fun to be around, at home and at WDW. He says such funny things. And my sister Amy + my cousin Jack= HILARIOUS! So, I don't really have a funny thing I saw at WDW, but some of the things they say are the funniest things I've ever heard (luckily my cousin lives down the street from me so whenever he is home from college I can just go talk to him and stuff, and my sister lives at home when shes not at college)

Totally agree my cousin's make it so fun for us we have these really stupid inside jokes that are really great!!! but it so fun to just not care about if anyone understands the jokes... we have a great time because my cousins are hilarious but it's really my dad... he knows how to have a GREAT time in WDW!When we are in WDW it's like we are on a jouney as fast as we can to see it all in such little time it's so much fun and great excerise!



New Member
It was around Christmas last year. My mom was with me and we decided to try something new and eat at Cape May Cafe. There was hardly anyone there. Our waiter was great. He was kindof flirting with me I guess. He brought me a balloon signed by all the characters and tied it to my santa Mickey hat. I left it there while I ate. I had a little girl come up and and try to reach for it saying she wanted one (I think her waiter did get her one after the mom asked). I had all the waiters come and like bop it or something because I was right next to the kitchen. The chef at the bar said he was going to pop it with his carving knife. One waiter actually cut it off, but my waiter got it back. I was cracking up the whole time. I don't think I have ever laughed so hard before that. :lol:


Active Member
My friends and I were on the ToT right before the park closed. There was absolutely nobody else in the line... so we all get into the elevator and the doors close..... nothing happens. The cast members open the doors back up and call maintenance saying there's a problem with the elevator... and all of a sudden, the doors close and the ride starts up... as about four cast members were screaming and pretending to be all worried.

I still laugh every time I think about it. :lol:


Dreamflight4Eva said:
My friends and I were on the ToT right before the park closed. There was absolutely nobody else in the line... so we all get into the elevator and the doors close..... nothing happens. The cast members open the doors back up and call maintenance saying there's a problem with the elevator... and all of a sudden, the doors close and the ride starts up... as about four cast members were screaming and pretending to be all worried.

I still laugh every time I think about it. :lol:
I would have cried like a baby. I terrify easily. :cry:


Well-Known Member
My mom's birthday on Christmas Day (hence the name Carol). Chip offered my mom a few tea bags, but after all of it, Mom said, "Actually, I drink decaf." Chip threw down the tea bags in a kind of funny disgust! Later on, she received a free birthday cake, though. And I got my Hidden Mickey guide signed by the Head Cheese himself!

Dj Corona

Active Member
I once saw one of the horses that pull the trolleys on Main Street "relieve" themselves in a major way, right in front of the Main Street station. Let's just say the horse definately didn't suffer from shy kidneys!


New Member
One of the funniest things I saw was a kid queueing to go into Haunted Mansion - while messing about he got his head stuck in the railings. After alot of pushing and pulling his mother managed to free him only to find that his younger brother had done exactly the same thing!! :hammer: :wave:


New Member
AK Anecdotes

On the Maharajah Jungle Trek one afternoon, I overheard two very funny "kids say the darndest things" conversations.

A CM was talking about the tapir to a family visiting from the UK. The CM said "it's a tapir", and the little boy said "a teapot?" The CM again said "tapir" more slowly, and the little boy still thought he'd said "teapot." The CM (trying not to laugh at this point) tried to explain that he was saying "tapir" and not "teapot", and the little boy said "what's the difference?" By then the CM completely lost it and started cackling, as did I. We stood there laughing with tears streaming out of our eyes after the family moved on. He'd tried so hard not to laugh, but the innocent confusion of the little boy was just too funny.

I was still wiping my eyes and holding my stomach when I went to see the bats, next to the tapir area. The CM was going through her bat spiel, and after she said that bats are very clean animals, another little boy said (in a very, very serious voice), "bats don't get dirty." Probably one of those moments that you had to be there to get the full effect, but those two little boys were hysterical without even knowing it. :lol: :lol: :lol:


New Member
We were staying at the Polynesian and decided that we wanted to order a pizza to be delivered to our room late one night. 30 minutes or so later there's a knock on the door and I go to answer it, fully expecting there to be a pizza delivery guy standing at the door. You know- being from NYC I expected the guy, the greasy box, I'd pay him, he'd leave. Not at the Poly! I open the door and there's a guy dressed like a maitre'd, a cart with linen and china, and the pizza hidden somewhere below. I was completely dumbstruck :lookaroun and invited him into the room, forgetting that my husband was sitting on the bed, in his skivvies, cross-legged, reading the newspaper with the family jewels hanging out. My husband's mouth dropped open so low it formed a perfect circle. He grabs the cover but the way he was sitting it was too short to cover his assets. The waiter is busy setting the table with all this fine china and beautiful, heavy silverware and linen and my husband doesn't know where to run or hide. I was so hysterical I literally fell on the floor. The waiter acted like he didn't know what was going on and I kept apologizing. Finally, he leaves and my husband starts yelling at me, "What were you thinking?! What's the matter with you?!" :veryconfu Of course, this made me laugh even harder. Finally, when I was able to speak again I explained that they guy totally took me off guard and I was so shocked I just invited him in without thinking.

To this day, we laugh about that incident.


Well-Known Member
One of those "you had to be there" stories...

In 1990, while standing outside the China Pavilion, I overheard a teenage kid singing, to no one in particular, "Wookin' pa nub in all the wrong places, wookin' pa nub" -- Buckwheat/Eddie Murphy style. He must have been bored waiting for his family to finish shopping.

I'm sure he didn't think he was singing so loudly at first, but once he saw me (a younger kid) staring at him, he kind of hushed at lowered his head.

What's interesting is that that weird memory has never left me, and I always think of that song when I'm near China at Epcot. So, in some small way, that poor embarrassed teenager has left an imprint on me!

Ya gotta wonder though: Has anything weird you've done affected a stranger this way?


Well-Known Member
Can't say that it's a funny thing, but more gross:

In 1997, my family and I went to WDW during Easter week. While were were walking on the path between Horizons and WOL, we noticed a woman helping her daughter go to the bathroom up on a hill next to the walkway. Now there is a bathroom only yards away so I don't know what they were thinking. The worst part is that the girl's backside was facing the walkway in clear view of guests passing. I realize the bathrooms may have been crowded, and the guests were from a different country, but no one was prepared to look up and actually see "it" coming from a guest only a few yards away. :hurl:

The funny part is that on my latest trip to WDW last May, I was walking by the same bathroom in that area and saw a teenager peeing on the wall outside as a dare from his friends. There were families with kids and strollers standing there looking at him. :brick: Now I'm beginning to think it has something to do with that restroom. :lol:


Well-Known Member
A few years ago I was at Epcot, walking in front of Germany. A family was approaching from the opposite direction, walking into the pavillion. The boy, about 8-10 years old, shouted "HERE"S MY WEINERSCHNITZEL!!!" and gestures at his *area*. :lol:


Well-Known Member
During Illuminations when the Globe opens and has the torch in it, I heard lots of little children saying (in a scared child voice)"Mommy/ daddy, if thats the Earth, why is it on fire!?!?! Ar we gonna die? :cry: ". I don't think it's funny that they're sad, I just think it's funny how the only people bright enough and creative enought to make a connection like that are 3/4 year olds.

And the crying may be funny too :lookaroun :lol: :slurp: .


here's something i would often do at the haunted mansion. before i go into chamber where they turn the lights out, i often tell other guests who went on HM before, to scream as loud as possible when they turn the lights out. come to think of it, i often screamed out as well, and it makes some people laugh... kind of.


Naturally Grumpy
My two favorite places for ongoing humor are 50's Prime Time Cafe and Hoop de Do Review. Every show offers some really funny interactions with guests.

One item that I do remember was on Safari, when my daughter was much younger, we past the herd of elephants and one was well...mounting another. Of course in a fairly loud voice, she asked "Daddy, what are those two doing?" A number of people started laughing at that but all ears were on me for a response. Lamely, I told her they were dancing...which got a bigger response. I did recover and had to take a picture of the "event" and today, my now 15 year old comments when she comes across the picture, that the elephants are "dancing", but with a smirk on her face.


New Member
At EPCOT, while I was walking to the Living Seas, I heard someone shout to a girl, possibly their wife, "No! I can hold it in! I'm gonna walk right over to France and do it there!" Pretty funny.


Well-Known Member
In 2002, during the part of the MGM animation tour where an artist draws in front of the group, there was this exchange between the artist CM and a kid, all amplified over a microphone:

ARTIST: Did you see LILO & STITCH?

KID: Yes.

ARTIST: Did you like it?

KID: No.

ARTIST: Hey, you're not supposed to say that!

At the end of the show, as we were filing out, another kid went up to the artist:

KID: Can you draw Woody Woodpecker?

ARTIST: Yes! But, uh, I'm not allowed to!

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