What's the funniest thing you've seen at WDW


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Calamar
For instance, as we're returning from Reflections of Earth via the rear entrance, in unison we'll point toward the sky and gaze at absolutely nothing, gasping in astonishment toward what we've seen [nothing]. Then, we'll watch to see who was fooled by our ruse. Often, many guests returning home assume we've seen more fireworks, heh.

A slight variation on this is the "Bush Baby Hoax," designed specifically for the Animal Kingdom, although we've executed it elsewhere. One of us will point into the bushes, exclaim that we've spotted a bush baby, and the others will quickly rush to marvel at it. Meanwhile, one of us takes a snapshot of our victims who are also drawn to the spot.

those are GENIOUS! i've GOT to remember those next time i go! :D

as for my funniest, i have 2. one happened this past Nov. my dad and i were standing on the Adventureland bridge, facing toward Main St. we were both kind of looking around, taking in the scene, when i hear this awful commotion. i look, and a boy (teenager) was sitting on top of a small palm inside of a planting area. apparently, he had been sitting on a guard rail when he lost his balance and fell backwards. his brother was getting a big kick out of it, as was me and dad! :D

the 2nd, happened to me. dad and i were about to walk into HM...a petite young lady was standing at the door while petting a rubber rat. we walked past her and into the hallway when i hear her screech. somehow i knew she was screeching at me, so i turn around to look at her and sure enough she was. but for some reason it caught me off guard, and i let out the biggest scream. naturally, everyone (including me and my dad) started giggling. by nature i'm an introvert; i try not the be loud or call any attention to myself, so i was kind of embarrased by the whole thing (especially since i knew she was screeching at me, but i screamed anyway) but, even i have to admit, it WAS pretty funny. :)


New Member
Haunted Mansion, MNSSHP: as I was entering the gates of the HM, the cm at them wearing a cape and make up gives me a creepy look... I just keep walking to the line and right when I stopped being the last person in the queue, I turn to my right and the guy was cheek to cheek with me! I didn´t even notice he was following me, and when I encountered his face, I screamed sooooooo loud that everybody turned to see the guy 'fly' away and back to the gate laughing! My heart was beating so fast! :lol:

It´s tough to be a bug: dad, mom, and me... at the part when the bee stings you, my dad -who wasn´t paying too much attention- whispers to my mom: "the guy behind me is laughing too hard and just kicked me". Of course, my mom starts laughing so hard that she couldn´t even tell me what was going on and my dad was wondering what was so funny! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Calamar
The most prominent member of this crowd was a heavy bald guy, pushing a stroller while screaming (in a thick New York City accent) into an old cell phone the size of his head. "Aw, I can't [expletive] b'l-ieeve this! This is such [expletive] garbage! Hey, 'ow's everyone back at home? Well, guess what, there can't be [expletive] anyone up there 'cause everyone in the [expletive] world in right here in Disney [expletive] World! These crowds are driving me [expletive] nuts!" And so forth ...

reminds me of Trigger Happy TV...have you ever seen that show? where the guy has an oversized cell phone and he'll take it in museums and libraries and starts screaming at the top of his lungs into it? it's classic!

(1) If you're riding with other guests who have indicated that this is their first ToT experience, start screaming in terror immediately after the elevator stops ascending for the first time. The newbies will assume that they've reached the drop (while this is far from the truth), and some may start genuinely screaming as well.

(2) After the ride, start screaming at the cast member as soon as the elevator doors open. It's always fun to watch their reaction*.

:lol: :lol: omg! you're REALLY making me want to go to WDW with you sometime! that's so funny! i love playing with first timers heads like that! it may be kind of mean, but it's fun. i like to scream as loud as i can in random places while on HM. sometimes you can be riding with a good crowd, and they'll catch on and start screaming too. i remember one time we were in the room with the crystal ball, and i heard a guy scream 'where's Mulder and Scully when you need em'?'
*sigh* good times, good times!


I never have associated WDW with any major laughs throughout my life, but the last trip out (december '03) I did have one of those laughs that you remember for awhile.

Me and my mom were in Epcot, and were checking out the times for Honey I shrunk the Audience at the Imagination pavilion. I insisted that there's a way to World Showcase up near the jumping fountains (if you can picture what I'm talking about), but of course I was wrong...

so we were near those nifty jumping fountains, when I noticed something that made me start laughing uncontrollably. When my mom saw what I noticed, SHE started laughing, and guests exiting HISTA meandered over (upon hearing the noise I was making), noticed the "joke", and started laughing too!

Apparently, one of the "jumping" water spouts was having, er, problems...in order for this to be funny, you need to picture it in your head, so make a mental image of the foutains...Biiiiig graceful arch of water, Biiig graceful arch of water, Biiig graceful arch of water -- spliiishhhh, the broken one coughs up a low-flying splunk of water, then a Biiig graceful arch of water...

I don't know if I explained that well or not, but it was funny as hell to see....Fwing! Fwing! Fwing! (splishhh) Fwing!


BG Rugger

New Member
My Family and I were eating at the 50's Prime Time Cafe and as a joke my little brother slid a penny across the table to our waiter and said it was his tip. Like I said it was a joke and he thought it funny, but apparently our waiter liked jokes too. So he made my brother hold the penny against a doorframe with his nose in the middle of the resteraunt. Everyone in the place started taking pictures and laughing. :lol:


I just returned from my wedding & honeymoon (and first WDW trip!) :) Here are some funny things that happened to us...

1. Had breakfast with Pooh & friends at Crystal Palace. My husband is in the army and is a BIG eater. He was helping himself to yet another huge plateful of bacon and sausage when Piglet (who evidently has a great sense of humour)
tried to take his plate away - and gestured wildly not to eat any more pork products.

2. After the ceremony at the Grand Floridian, we had our wedding dinner with Cinderella & friends at 1900 Park Fare. I was still dressed in my gown and tiara and was eating prime rib with my husband when several little girls starting coming up to me for pictures & autographs (thinking I was a princess too?!?!) while their amused parents looked on. Our waiter told us to "just go with it."

3. We rode Kilimanjaro Safaris, but I was not aware of either the Audio Animatronics or the "poaching" storyline. I genuinely thought that an elephant had been shot and that there were really intruders in the park! I was terrified, crying and too hysterical to notice that many of the other passengers were laughing at me. When I finally realized it wasn't real - our driver CM just lost it laughing. She said it was the funniest experience she'd ever had.


New Member
Originally posted by hoppypooh
I just returned from my wedding & honeymoon (and first WDW trip!) :) Here are some funny things that happened to us...

1. Had breakfast with Pooh & friends at Crystal Palace. My husband is in the army and is a BIG eater. He was helping himself to yet another huge plateful of bacon and sausage when Piglet (who evidently has a great sense of humour)
tried to take his plate away - and gestured wildly not to eat any more pork products.

2. After the ceremony at the Grand Floridian, we had our wedding dinner with Cinderella & friends at 1900 Park Fare. I was still dressed in my gown and tiara and was eating prime rib with my husband when several little girls starting coming up to me for pictures & autographs (thinking I was a princess too?!?!) while their amused parents looked on. Our waiter told us to "just go with it."

3. We rode Kilimanjaro Safaris, but I was not aware of either the Audio Animatronics or the "poaching" storyline. I genuinely thought that an elephant had been shot and that there were really intruders in the park! I was terrified, crying and too hysterical to notice that many of the other passengers were laughing at me. When I finally realized it wasn't real - our driver CM just lost it laughing. She said it was the funniest experience she'd ever had.

Congrats, and good luck! :sohappy:


Active Member
Originally posted by hoppypooh
I just returned from my wedding & honeymoon (and first WDW trip!) :) Here are some funny things that happened to us...

1. Had breakfast with Pooh & friends at Crystal Palace. My husband is in the army and is a BIG eater. He was helping himself to yet another huge plateful of bacon and sausage when Piglet (who evidently has a great sense of humour)
tried to take his plate away - and gestured wildly not to eat any more pork products.

2. After the ceremony at the Grand Floridian, we had our wedding dinner with Cinderella & friends at 1900 Park Fare. I was still dressed in my gown and tiara and was eating prime rib with my husband when several little girls starting coming up to me for pictures & autographs (thinking I was a princess too?!?!) while their amused parents looked on. Our waiter told us to "just go with it."

3. We rode Kilimanjaro Safaris, but I was not aware of either the Audio Animatronics or the "poaching" storyline. I genuinely thought that an elephant had been shot and that there were really intruders in the park! I was terrified, crying and too hysterical to notice that many of the other passengers were laughing at me. When I finally realized it wasn't real - our driver CM just lost it laughing. She said it was the funniest experience she'd ever had.

congrats! and thanks for telling me that third one, man, I am cracking up here at work.....


New Member
Originally posted by hoppypooh

3. We rode Kilimanjaro Safaris, but I was not aware of either the Audio Animatronics or the "poaching" storyline. I genuinely thought that an elephant had been shot and that there were really intruders in the park! I was terrified, crying and too hysterical to notice that many of the other passengers were laughing at me. When I finally realized it wasn't real - our driver CM just lost it laughing. She said it was the funniest experience she'd ever had.

Congrats! :)
That was great! :lol:

This one time, we were riding the safari with a bunch of cast member friends and my then bf started saying aloud "why do we always listen to the same? could you please change the radio station?" We were cracking up, but the guide didn´t find it that funny... hehe :p


Well-Known Member
I guess there are two stories that I can think of.

The first one is when my dh and I went to WDW in November for our honeymoon, he got to meet Eeyore (his favorite character), at The Crystal Palace in the MK. My dh is introverted (keeps to himself, quiet, doesn't express much emotion), but when Eeyore came up to him, he was the only character that my dh interacted with. He was asking how Eeyore was, and when Eeyore was telling/showing my dh how sad he was, my dh felt so bad for Eeyore. For some reason, it was funny to me, because my dh sounds monotone when he was having fun, but when he met Eeyore, he was colorful.

The second funniest moment was during our same trip but at a different park (Epcot). And in the Body Building (or something like it), they have this small theatre where it shows videos of Goofy and how to stay healthy. Well, there was this little girl who couldn't have been older than five. She was dancing and getting all into the video. The dad wanted to leave, but this girl didn't. He kept saying, "Honey, we've seen this FIVE TIMES NOW!!! Let's go!" But she refused to go. He tried to leave "pretend wise" (when parents go "Bye I'm leaving!" and act like they're talking off), but this girl refused to go. Finally, I had to help the dad by catching her (she was trying to avoid her dad by running around), and my dh cornered her. He kept on saying, "I've seen it five times now...we're done!"


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by hoppypooh
I just returned from my wedding & honeymoon (and first WDW trip!) :) Here are some funny things that happened to us...

1. Had breakfast with Pooh & friends at Crystal Palace. My husband is in the army and is a BIG eater. He was helping himself to yet another huge plateful of bacon and sausage when Piglet (who evidently has a great sense of humour)
tried to take his plate away - and gestured wildly not to eat any more pork products.

2. After the ceremony at the Grand Floridian, we had our wedding dinner with Cinderella & friends at 1900 Park Fare. I was still dressed in my gown and tiara and was eating prime rib with my husband when several little girls starting coming up to me for pictures & autographs (thinking I was a princess too?!?!) while their amused parents looked on. Our waiter told us to "just go with it."

3. We rode Kilimanjaro Safaris, but I was not aware of either the Audio Animatronics or the "poaching" storyline. I genuinely thought that an elephant had been shot and that there were really intruders in the park! I was terrified, crying and too hysterical to notice that many of the other passengers were laughing at me. When I finally realized it wasn't real - our driver CM just lost it laughing. She said it was the funniest experience she'd ever had.

How cute, my dh and I love Crystal Palace!!!

That is so cute that kids thought you were a princess!

And the Kilimanjaro Safaris was hysterical!!!


Well-Known Member
Me and my family were riding Kilimanjaro safaris and we were at the elepants and there was one elephant that was showing us his rear(and we later found out he was a male). We were all just sitting there listening to the CM when a little kid leans over to his dad and asks "What's that btween the elephants legs?" in a rather loud voice and the whole car started cracking up while the Dad obviously embarassed explains it was a *cough* male part *cough*. It was histerical!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by hoppypooh

3. We rode Kilimanjaro Safaris, but I was not aware of either the Audio Animatronics or the "poaching" storyline. I genuinely thought that an elephant had been shot and that there were really intruders in the park! I was terrified, crying and too hysterical to notice that many of the other passengers were laughing at me. When I finally realized it wasn't real - our driver CM just lost it laughing. She said it was the funniest experience she'd ever had.

ROFL!!! That really made me laugh! It says a lot for Disney though :wave: :lol: Thanks for sharing! :D


At Chef Mickey's , Pluto tripped over a chair that a bus person left their bucket of dirty dishes. Pluto fell down and then stumbled through a door, Apparently I was the only one who this because nobody knew what I was laughing at.


Beta Return
The funniest, well, weirdest thing I've seen there was a woman breast-feeding her baby during the MGM Daytime Parade last June. We were standing there, on a concrete bench so we could see the parade over everyone else. I looked to my right and this lady was not hiding "herself" at all! There is was, hanging out there, and the kid was s__________g away on it!!!

I mean, yeah, it's something that has to be done, but it can be done in more privacy, and without so much visability. I mean, there are children all around who don't really need to be given an anatomy in that place or time, haha! Just a weird thing!


Beta Return
Re: Re: What's the funniest thing you've seen at WDW

Originally posted by edwardtc
The funniest, well, weirdest thing I've seen there was a woman breast-feeding her baby during the MGM Daytime Parade last June. We were standing there, on a concrete bench so we could see the parade over everyone else. I looked to my right and this lady was not hiding "herself" at all! There is was, hanging out there, and the kid was s__________g away on it!!!

I mean, yeah, it's something that has to be done, but it can be done in more privacy, and without so much visability. I mean, there are children all around who don't really need to be given an anatomy in that place or time, haha! Just a weird thing!

Apparently "$______1ng" is a bad word on here - silliness. I guess i should have said, "...kid was nursing away on it"



In '97 I was in the Magic Kingdom. I watched this asian family which had rented one of the ETVs for the elderly member of their party attempt to keep up with the vehicle by holding one to the back of it. The way I've described it isn't great, but it was pretty amusing at the time. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: What's the funniest thing you've seen at WDW

Originally posted by edwardtc
The funniest, well, weirdest thing I've seen there was a woman breast-feeding her baby during the MGM Daytime Parade last June. We were standing there, on a concrete bench so we could see the parade over everyone else. I looked to my right and this lady was not hiding "herself" at all! There is was, hanging out there, and the kid was s__________g away on it!!!

I mean, yeah, it's something that has to be done, but it can be done in more privacy, and without so much visability. I mean, there are children all around who don't really need to be given an anatomy in that place or time, haha! Just a weird thing!

i've experienced the same thing! there was a lady breast-feeding her baby in the queue for Kali River Rapids. she was sitting on a bench in the last room you walk through before you board the rafts. so, at least she wasn't as 'out-there' as the lady you encountered, but still...if it were me, i'd prefer to do this kind of thing in more privacy! thankfully, i think most women would say the same.
but i agree with you...yeah, it's something that's gotta be done, but not in front of a crowd, and certainly not in front of children.

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