What's the funniest thing you've seen at WDW


Well-Known Member
STORYTIME!! Gather 'round.

It's almost midnight on a warm Easter break night. Our fmaily of four gets off of the Aruba bus stop at Caribbean Beach, my dad leaves through the front door and the 3 remaining family members exit through the rear doors. The bus was empty, so there were not a lot of people around. My dad gets in his head that he wants to scare us b/c we are all zoned out after a rough day. He hdes behind the busstop wall and waits. Unbeknownst to him, we get caught in a traffic jam still on the bus b/c of a gigantic stroller. From the bus, we see an elderly couple walk by and scream and fling their arms up and turn around. My dad had leapt out from behind a bush and the back busstop wall thinking the couple was us. Needless to say it was not, and we saw the end result still stuck on the bus.

It was hysterical! We saw that couple all throughout our vacation and they had avery good attitude about the turn of events. It was funny stuff!!


New Member
This didnt happen at Disney, It was at Six Flags New England.

My friend and I were walking around the park looking for something to do, we spotted this pretty girl looking at us and we started talking to her. Her name was Tinisha and she wasnt from around here, so we offered to go on the rides with her. She told me she had never been on a roller coaster before so we took her on the old wooden one (I forgot the name) because it was the tamest. I sat next to her and my friend sat behind us, on the way up I told her that she has nothing to worry about and just to have fun, off we went.

I didnt really pay attention to her because I was just having fun screaming on the roller coaster, when we got off I looked up to see a face of horror, I was just about to ask whats wrong when I noticed that half her hair was missing...HER WEAVE FELL OUT! I started laughing hysterically. But what was more amazing was my friend caught the peice of hair!


New Member
I'll never forget when I was 10 and my parents took my sister and myself to disney for the first time (aug. of 1990), we had a character breakfast at what is now Fulton's Crab House? (the steamboat at downtown disney), and Donald Duck came out of the back to see everyone and ran smack into the waiter who was carrying all of these meals. The food ended up everywhere! It was pretty funny, but embarassing for donald and the waiter! I think Downtown Disney was just known as the Marketplace, but i could be mistaken...



New Member
A dad was pulling his son onto splash mountain and the kid was screaming that he didnt want to go and the dad said " Be quiet do you want these people to think you're autistic!?" I had a pretty good laugh about that one.


New Member
I had two funny things happen on our last trip:

1) My wife wanted to have her picture taken with The Beast in the worst way. I found out where he would be and got there a few minutes before Belle and Beast came out. When it was her turn for a picture, she walked up and gave Beast a big hug. She then said to Belle "I just want him in the picture". Belle walked off saying "fine, if thats the way you want it, I can take a hint". Belle was being sarcastic, but it made me and all of the other people in line laugh.

2) While my wife and I were SCUBA diving in The Living Seas, I spotted a young girl in the viewing area waving like mad at me. I returned a big wave and started swiming toward her. As I was approaching she turned to her mom (i think) and said something to her while pointing at me. When she looked back, I was right up against the glass. I must have startled her because she nearly jumped out of her shoes. After she calmed down she started laughing. So I took my regulator out of my mouth and laughed with her.


I've had many funny things happen at WDW. (Although some things were funny just to me and my cousin, and we're the only ones who find them funny.)

When I was at the MK back in 2001, my cousin and I were headed towards Space Mountain. This big guy, who was about the same size as Ruben from American Idol, was walking there too. He said in a loud, deep voice "SPACE MOUNTAIN!!" It became a running joke for the rest of the trip for us to announce where we were going by saying it in a deep voice like that, or if not that, in a Sean Connery voice. :D

One time at AK, I went on the Kali River Rapids. I was seated next to a big guy like myself. When we went down a hill, I was going down first. So when we reached the bottom my back was facing directly forward. This meant that I bore most of the wave. Needless to say, I was completely soaked. I think I got more wet than I would have if I jumped directly into the water.

On the same trip, at Epcot, my grandma and her sister came with us. They were both in wheelchairs and pretty tired by the time we got around to the Universe of Energy. We wheeled each of them into a back corner of the wehicle, while the rest of my family had the entire back row to ourselves. After about 5 minutes we looked at each of them, and they were both fast asleep.

Last trip we ate a dinner at the Garden Grill, as we do each trip. Part way into the meal, when Dale came over, he started dancing right near our table. The waiters were clapping and saying, "Go Dale! Go Dale!" I found it really funny, but I was upset that I didn't take a movie clip of it, and I had my camera right there. :(

While we were at Universal Studios this past summer, we went on Twister. In one of the pre-shows, Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton are talking about tornadoes and stuff. Helen was talking on one of the screens and turned to look at Bill, who had the next line. But just as she turned, the screen with Bill went blank, so it looked like she was looking at the malfunctioning screen. It wasn't the only malfunction. Once we got into the final pre-show (the room that looks like a tornado hit it), the lights went out and we weren't able to go into the actual ride. We had a choice of waiting it out, or exiting the ride through an emergency door. We waited it out (it was like a 30-40 minute wait), and heard lots of rumors during the wait. Some said that a transformer or something blew; that a bunch of rides were out; that the whole park was out; that this was the first time this happened in like 10 years; etc. I guess, for me, this was like a precursor to the blackout. And during both power outage incidents, I had a great time - lots of memories.

I've heard about living statues in WDW, but the only type of this that I ever saw in person was at Universal. At and around BTTF, there's a guy walking around who looks like Doc Brown from the movies. When we exited the ride, he was standing near the exit outside. My cousin actually poked him, but he did nothing - we thought it was a statue or something. About 20 seconds later, we heard all these screams behind us. Doc Brown was walking through the crowd, startling everyone he walked by. Later on we saw him standing still as a statue by the DeLorian. And even later we saw him riding his 50's-style bike through the park.

As in most parts of the country, we have a few local companies that have been doing corny TV commercials for years now. For us up here, it's Bob's Discount Furniture - and his commercials have been running for well over 10 years now. But my cousin and I were mesmorized when we first saw the Appliance Direct and Family Auto Mart commercials. I know you guys down there must be used to them, but we just couldn't get enough of them. I have yet to get a t-shirt stating "I Love Refrigerators", but I usually refer to the area as "Orlando, Orlando, O-O-Orlando".

However, the funniest thing that I do in WDW (and pretty much anywhere) is looking for interesting looking people. The is usually only funny to me and person I'm playing it with. By interesting looking people, I mean people who look like celebrities, political figures, sports figures, teachers we've had, family members, or anyone we know or can think of. The fun starts when you get combo people (people who look like two or more people). It's a great way to kill time while waiting in line. :)

You may find these funny, maybe not. They were to me around 2:00 last night when I was trying to fall asleep. I don't know - this may be funny, maybe not. It's late. I'm tired and I wanna go to bed. :snore:


:lol: :lol: :lol:

I think this may be a "you had to be there story"

We were sitting on a bench in Frontierland, waiting for the 2nd Spectromagic parade. A boy around 8 walked by with his family, pointed to the shootin' gallery and screamed excitedly "Look Mom, I can see Milwaukee". It just struck us extremely funny, and we laughed until the tears ran down our faces. We spent the rest of the vacation "looking for Milwaukee" wherever we went in the park.

Sometimes the little things make the best part of a trip.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if this is funny or more disturbing... but when we went last spring, I think we were waiting for the afternoon parade to start and I guess this woman had caused another woman to lose her balloon (the woman with the balloon was pretty overweight and was using one of those ETV's I think they are called) when all of a sudden the woman gets off her thing and starts punching the other woman in the face with her camera! ouch. I thought it was funny just cause I can never picture anyone fighting in Disneyworld over a ....balloon!? ...Oh well. A bunch of security guards popped out of literally nowhere. Me and my friends were laughing saying they popped out of the trashcans and stuff because we had not seen them in the park. The two women were escorted somewhere..ah who knows. It was funny :lol:


Active Member
Originally posted by Piebald
I don't know if this is funny or more disturbing... but when we went last spring, I think we were waiting for the afternoon parade to start and I guess this woman had caused another woman to lose her balloon (the woman with the balloon was pretty overweight and was using one of those ETV's I think they are called) when all of a sudden the woman gets off her thing and starts punching the other woman in the face with her camera! ouch. I thought it was funny just cause I can never picture anyone fighting in Disneyworld over a ....balloon!? ...Oh well. A bunch of security guards popped out of literally nowhere. Me and my friends were laughing saying they popped out of the trashcans and stuff because we had not seen them in the park. The two women were escorted somewhere..ah who knows. It was funny :lol:



New Member
Originally posted by Bimmy56
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I think this may be a "you had to be there story"

We were sitting on a bench in Frontierland, waiting for the 2nd Spectromagic parade. A boy around 8 walked by with his family, pointed to the shootin' gallery and screamed excitedly "Look Mom, I can see Milwaukee". It just struck us extremely funny, and we laughed until the tears ran down our faces. We spent the rest of the vacation "looking for Milwaukee" wherever we went in the park.

Sometimes the little things make the best part of a trip.

This story reminds me of something a little girl said on the plane ride down to Florida just last December. Right as we were taking off (and I mean we were hardly off the ground) the girl said, "I can see the whole world!" It was so cute, and my whole family started cracking up.


New Member
A couple of years ago, when Test track was still considered the newest ride at wdw, something funny was said while i was waiting on line with my family to ride for maybe my 2nd or 3rd time. A boy of about 12 years old say's to his father, "Dad why are we waiting on this line, we can do 65mph in our car."

From now on everytime i ride TT i think of this kid and have a good laugh.


I remember another funny story. When we went to the Magic Kingdom two years ago, my grandma came along. The last time she went to WDW was back in the late 80's. So she had a ticket from back then that still had a visit left on it (they never expire!). The girl at the ticket booth pulled out a big binder with samples of all Disney tickets that went back many years. It was funny to see her looking through years of tickets to find a match. :D


New Member
The funniest moment for me was watching my Grandma scream her head off the first time she went on Splash Mountain. She was 56 years old, and she had never been on Splash. She's always been a chicken, but man! Anyways, everytime we got into a new scream she'd GASP and say (loudly) "The drops coming!" and when the little drops came she'd scream and yell "Oh God, I can't believe you got me on this thing!" When we finally got to the big drop, she screamed all the way down and threw her hands to her face. We got into the briar patch and she was still screaming. We were coming up to the loading docks but you couldn't see them yet, and she yells "Oh no! One more?" Hilarious. We just had to buy a ride photo for that one, and the look on her face was priceless.

This big guy, who was about the same size as Ruben from American Idol, was walking there too. He said in a loud, deep voice "SPACE MOUNTAIN!!"
Haha! That reminds me of when we were looking at our park map upon entering the MK, and this big guy comes up with his family and yells "YES SIR, WE ARE IN WAAALLLLT DISNEY WOOORLD!!!"

My family and his family just burst out laughing. The guy was really friendly, though. When we were through laughing and he was walking away, he stopped, turned around and yelled "Ya'll have a great day now! Nice to meet ya'll!" Very nice man.


Well-Known Member
We have some funny moments at work.......


One day she did the finale of the show with a bright orange leaf stuck in her cleavage.

Lion King:

As all the dancers were coming onstage, the leopard (played by Sterling!!! :D) hops out from behind the curtain and sneaks up to a girl who's about 10 years old. The girl turns around and SCREAMS BLOODY MURDER! Poor Sterling- he tried to apologize but the girl hid behind her mom throughout the show.

Another time.... Zawadi ("the Gift") picked a frail, elderly man to hit on. When she asked him what his name was he threw his hands in the air and shouted, proud as could be, "My name's D!ck!!!!" Zawadi couldn't even get out her next line, "I think that's Swahili for 'It's my lucky day!'" :lol: I don't think I've laughed so hard in my life! :brick:


Well-Known Member
sillyspook13 said:
Another time.... Zawadi ("the Gift") picked a frail, elderly man to hit on. When she asked him what his name was he threw his hands in the air and shouted, proud as could be, "My name's D!ck!!!!" Zawadi couldn't even get out her next line, "I think that's Swahili for 'It's my lucky day!'" :lol: I don't think I've laughed so hard in my life! :brick:

I'm assuming he did it intentionally....if not, that's BEYOND hilarious. :lol: I wish I could have been there for that one, I don't think I would've stopped laughing the whole show. :lol:


Well-Known Member
While waiting for the monorail to come with my friends, this little girl went "GET DOWN AND GET FUUUUUUNKY!!" and did a little dance, swinging her arms and hips.... me and my friends all looked at each other and busted out laughing!!

So now it's a tradition that whenever we're waiting for the monorail, we'll go "GET DOWN AND GET FUUUUUUNKY!!" and do the dance!


Well-Known Member
In 1986, while riding the Jungle Cruise for the first time, I pointed to a group of animals and asked my mom in a soft voice: "Are those real?"

Our guide apparently heard me and replied over the mike, "Yes, sonny, those are real animatronics, yes indeedy! Finest ones in the park!"

It got a big laugh from the boat.

rosebud's mom

Active Member
This one is funny only because it was my mother. She is EXTREMELY shy and introverted around people she doesn't know. My parents, my husband and I, and our 2 young sons went to the Empress Lilly for a character breakfast. Gideon from Pinnochio took a REAL liking to my mother for some reason. He kept coming back to our table and hugging her, even "kissing" her on the head. On his last pass around he suddenly plopped down in her lap and wrapped his arms around her neck, and made "smooching" noises near her cheek! The pictures are 21 years old now, but we still give her a hard time about it.

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