"What's Next?" presentation December 7th


Well-Known Member
That's very feasible but I don't agree with one thing, that Disney need Cameron. Disney were making amazing theme park attractions long before Cameron came on the scene and they could do so again without him, the problem lies with a management stucture that has stifled creativity. Whether Avatarland happens or not, Disney don't need James Cameron to make AK the park we all want it to be.


Iger figured that the recipe for box office success is Blockbuster + themed land = massive success. He just made the unfortunate choice of choosing Avatar because it was hot at the time. Sure, there are Avatar fans that will pop out of the woodwork when the sequel comes out, but it's not like Star Wars where there was a cliff hanger. Plus, Cameron didn't create a new culture/people with the macho military types, they look like they were straight out of the Alien movies, maybe with some G.I. Joe thrown in.

Iger felt the need to atone for one big mistake: the day Disney lost Potterland to Universal. Imagine if Potterland was built along with Carsland at DCA. It would have been like a license to print money for eternity. Or, if Potterland was built somewhere in WDW . . .

Thrill Seeker

Well-Known Member
Honestly, if Disney had Potter it should have been a 5th Gate. The Harry Potter universe is huge and has more than enough in it to merrit it's own park.

Imagine the park enterance into Diagon Alley. From there you enter Platform 9 & 3/4 and board the Hogwarts Express and travel to Hogwarts Castle. From there, you can travel to Hogsmead for more shopping and dining, brave the Dark Forrest and the horrors within, enter the castle for a magical tour around the greatest Wizarding School in the world and much more!

Honestly, I'm glad Universal got it because what they lack in room they made up for in quality and imersion.


Well-Known Member
I can't speak for anyone hear other than myself, but I am no Walmart shopper. I am far from the average guest and I don't really know (nor care) how to put it in a less elitist manner.

If you're going to simply lump everyone who buys admission to WDW as all being the same, then I'd strongly disagree.

Well, I guess you're talking about the people not the product than. If you're comparing a certain class of people who visit WDW with a certain class of people that shop at Walmart than that's a whole other topic. Not fair to lump all the average guests into one category either, now is it? So, I would have to strongly disagree with that!

People come from all walks of life and whether they dissect the parks like we do doesn't mean they are not as selective as we are are or have the same discerning tastes.


Well-Known Member
They'll probably be discussing detailed plans for 2013...the year of higher prices, longer waits (yay nextgen!), and limited time magic.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, if Disney had Potter it should have been a 5th Gate. The Harry Potter universe is huge and has more than enough in it to merrit it's own park.

Imagine the park enterance into Diagon Alley. From there you enter Platform 9 & 3/4 and board the Hogwarts Express and travel to Hogwarts Castle. From there, you can travel to Hogsmead for more shopping and dining, brave the Dark Forrest and the horrors within, enter the castle for a magical tour around the greatest Wizarding School in the world and much more!

Honestly, I'm glad Universal got it because what they lack in room they made up for in quality and imersion.

If Disney had done this...we would be living in a whole different theme park universe. There would be no catching up to Disney. I wonder if this was a lesson learned - or just a catalyst for denial for the suits at the top...


Well-Known Member
I just thought of it. Here's what they're going to announce.

DVC Benches.

Here's how it works. So, you buy in to points for an allotted amount of "butt time" at
a bench in the parks. You book it, and it's tied to your nextgen chip. So, during
your points time, you may sit on the bench. If someone tries to sit on it whose
nextgen tag doesn't match, they do the "Tough to be a Bug" thing, and a bunch
of little pointy things poke out until the person gets up.

Gonna be a big seller!


Well-Known Member
Honestly, if Disney had Potter it should have been a 5th Gate. The Harry Potter universe is huge and has more than enough in it to merrit it's own park.

Rumor has it that Rowling wanted there to be a fifth gate, she thought Harry Potter franchise said could carry one all on it's own and Disney shot it down because they didn't want to build a fifth gate. Apparently she also wanted it in the MK with a complete replica of Hogwarts as seen in the movies and Disney told her there was no room and it would be bigger than Cinderella's Castle and she didn't want it in any of the other parks...


Well-Known Member
Rumor has it that Rowling wanted there to be a fifth gate, she thought Harry Potter franchise said could carry one all on it's own and Disney shot it down because they didn't want to build a fifth gate. Apparently she also wanted it in the MK with a complete replica of Hogwarts as seen in the movies and Disney told her there was no room and it would be bigger than Cinderella's Castle and she didn't want it in any of the other parks...
stupid, stupid, stupid. A fifth gate harry potter? I would love that! They would have made millions. Sigh. Guess one of these days I will have to give in and visit it in uni. But the only things there that appeal to me is potter and Seuss!


Well-Known Member
stupid, stupid, stupid. A fifth gate harry potter? I would love that! They would have made millions. Sigh. Guess one of these days I will have to give in and visit it in uni. But the only things there that appeal to me is potter and Seuss!

Maybe, but like it has been discussed ad nauseum here on other threads....Disney needs to focus on the four gates in WDW they have no before going off half-cocked and adding a half-finished 5th gate. Make the four current parks the best damn parks they can be first!

Besides, knowing how Rowling feels about Harry Potter, WDI would have their hands-tied with the attractions. Remember she brokered the deal with WB that they can only make movies based on the 7 books, no spin-offs? Well I feel the attractions needed for a full park wouldn't be able to fit the books/movies without branching out and getting creative, which Rowling probably wouldn't allow.


Well-Known Member
I have never been to UNI and I'm Disney to the core. It's pretty sad to see Disney World's failing in some areas of the resort. I don't know why they didn't bite on a HP gate. That would have been amazing and provided a huge boost. Now Disney is practically playing catch up. :(


Well-Known Member
Rumor has it that Rowling wanted there to be a fifth gate, she thought Harry Potter franchise said could carry one all on it's own and Disney shot it down because they didn't want to build a fifth gate. Apparently she also wanted it in the MK with a complete replica of Hogwarts as seen in the movies and Disney told her there was no room and it would be bigger than Cinderella's Castle and she didn't want it in any of the other parks...

Not true at all on the fifth gate. ... and MK was her preferred park, but it was in no way a deal-breaker at all.

It all came down to three things: 1.) control; 2.) scope; 3.) money. Pretty much in that order.


Well-Known Member
Maybe, but like it has been discussed ad nauseum here on other threads....Disney needs to focus on the four gates in WDW they have no before going off half-cocked and adding a half-finished 5th gate. Make the four current parks the best damn parks they can be first!

Besides, knowing how Rowling feels about Harry Potter, WDI would have their hands-tied with the attractions. Remember she brokered the deal with WB that they can only make movies based on the 7 books, no spin-offs? Well I feel the attractions needed for a full park wouldn't be able to fit the books/movies without branching out and getting creative, which Rowling probably wouldn't allow.
sorry, I haven't seen the other threads. New to this forum.


Well-Known Member
I have never been to UNI and I'm Disney to the core. It's pretty sad to see Disney World's failing in some areas of the resort. I don't know why they didn't bite on a HP gate. That would have been amazing and provided a huge boost. Now Disney is practically playing catch up. :(

Maybe you should try UNI? Maybe sucking down the same Pixie Dust trip after trip doesn't really do more than numb the brain to the fact there are other vacation options out there.

Not saying go cold turkey as I've seen fanbois set themselves on fire after trying, but, perhaps, just take two days off your WDW trip and spend them at UNI -- and don't be searching for the Disney MAGIC while there, but allow the UNI MAGIC to seep into your Spirit.

Oh, and Disney isn't practically playing catch up ... they are so far behind that it will take years just to get to the starting line.

Just some thoughts ...


Well-Known Member
Not true at all on the fifth gate. ... and MK was her preferred park, but it was in no way a deal-breaker at all.

It all came down to three things: 1.) control; 2.) scope; 3.) money. Pretty much in that order.

Ah, I heard a lot and just pieced it together from there... but yeah, the three things you pointed out make sense and is what I heard officially. Makes sense.


Well-Known Member
Not true at all on the fifth gate. ... and MK was her preferred park, but it was in no way a deal-breaker at all.

It all came down to three things: 1.) control; 2.) scope; 3.) money. Pretty much in that order.

Sadly, this is all to familar.


Well-Known Member
It all came down to three things: 1.) control; 2.) scope; 3.) money. Pretty much in that order.

Which makes their decision to collaborate with James Cameron very strange given his reputation regarding those three things. If they couldn't deal with Rowling I felt their partnership with Cameron was almost doomed from the start but maybe I'll be proven wrong.


Well-Known Member
Which makes their decision to collaborate with James Cameron very strange given his reputation regarding those three things. If they couldn't deal with Rowling I felt their partnership with Cameron was almost doomed from the start but maybe I'll be proven wrong.

I feel the same but we shall see...

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