"What's Next?" presentation December 7th


Well-Known Member
Let's hope UNI doesn't try to keep up with them this time...

They wil increase too. The question will be who is providing the best bang for the buck ... drooling Fantasyland Fanbois aside, I've seen nothing to show TDO is interested in improving its product.

That said, it may well be forced upon them again (just like the relatively small scale F-land 'expansion' was).:D


Well-Known Member
I'm sure the mom who complained about the peanuts is a very small minority (very, very, small). But aren't we the "Walmart" shoppers? Are we not paying to go to Disney? How are we any different from the general population (who doesn't spend their days on forums discussing cougharguingcough Disney)?

I can't speak for anyone hear other than myself, but I am no Walmart shopper. I am far from the average guest and I don't really know (nor care) how to put it in a less elitist manner.

If you're going to simply lump everyone who buys admission to WDW as all being the same, then I'd strongly disagree.


Well-Known Member
More extreme than Disneyland?

Not sure yet ... DLR is in for large scale increaeses as well. But they need to tread lighter in Anaheim (although all those construction walls in Tomorrowland will certainly convince many that the spending spree isn't done there -- and it's not!) because they had such large increases last year.

WDW's will be monumental.
Whether Georgie K and TDA is that arrogant, I'm not sure of ...


Well-Known Member
Usually they clock in under an hour.

And it sounds like Universal is getting ready to drop 1.5 billion into their Orlando resort. Things have gotten even more interesting. Maybe Disney really should pull something out of their hat for this.

Well, it's not like their BAH isn't large enough now ...


Well-Known Member
Quite possible that some concept art will be shown. They've had art for months, just no solid agreement about what will actually get built.


Except I heard that John Lasseter was talking about future WDW expansion during his visit and blue alien sex kittens wasn't on the agenda. Gee, I wonder what's on his mind? (Yep, probably those plain napkins!)


Well-Known Member
Serious question... What incentive do they honestly have to announce something "big" the day after the opening of what sadly is the biggest expansion to the entire park in 14 years...

Kind of overshadows fle if they announce something overwhelming right after finally opening what they've spent the last 3 or so years building.

The chances of them announcing anything MAJOR that hasn't already been talked about is miniscule ... the focus is on what is opening and the rest of the land.


Well-Known Member
Not sure yet ... DLR is in for large scale increaeses as well. But they need to tread lighter in Anaheim (although all those construction walls in Tomorrowland will certainly convince many that the spending spree isn't done there -- and it's not!) because they had such large increases last year.

WDW's will be monumental.
Whether Georgie K and TDA is that arrogant, I'm not sure of ...

Awesome! A montumental price hike will TOTALLY help with those slumping hotel occupancy rates! Seriously...who is coming up with these ideas? :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Awesome! A montumental price hike will TOTALLY help with those slumping hotel occupancy rates! Seriously...who is coming up with these ideas? :rolleyes:

The same folks who have been running WDW into the ground for the last 15 years (well, minus folks like Al Weiss who have moved on but left their trained monkeys behind to continue).


Well-Known Member
The same folks who have been running WDW into the ground for the last 15 years (well, minus folks like Al Weiss who have moved on but left their trained monkeys behind to continue).

It just makes no sense. Really. With prices being hiked up to levels this high, it will most certainly not be unreasonable for guests to start to expect MAJOR expansions and completely refurbed/reinvented attractions on a very regular, if not annual basis.

From a business standpoint - this is mindboggling. Occupancy rates are down - so let's place false value on our product to drive even more guests away. If rates are going up as high as you suggest - unless they have an aggressive discount plan for 2013 lined up - they probably shouldn't even count on the 1% attendance increase next year...


Well-Known Member
What do you expect to be announced?
Well it sounds like multiple people are saying that Avatar concept art is coming out, what it means is up for debate.
I expect Carsland to be announced as well as a new parade, the return of Spectro, the Tangled Show and the Phineas and Ferb show. It's at the point now where they need to announce something on the scale of Carsland either now or immediately after the official Transformers/Potter announcement.


Well-Known Member
Well it sounds like multiple people are saying that Avatar concept art is coming out, what it means is up for debate.

Really? I haven't heard that beyond a few vague guesses on fan forums. But it doesn't matter. Avatar was announced in 9/11 as coming to DAK and other Disney parks around the globe (that part will never happen!), so if they finally decide to show some art of what we're all supposed to believe is an ongoing project, how is that an 'announcement'?

I expect Carsland to be announced as well as a new parade, the return of Spectro, the Tangled Show and the Phineas and Ferb show. It's at the point now where they need to announce something on the scale of Carsland either now or immediately after the official Transformers/Potter announcement.

I would be very surprised if Carsland gets announced as it would immediately upstage everything Disney is opening and/or planning for WDW. Announcements like that would be saved for D23's Expo. The parade info (both) is a given and I could see those shows possibly being announced (but certainly not guaranteed as the Studios project is in essence a complete makeover a la DCA and they may want all of that to come out in one shot).


Well-Known Member
Awesome! A montumental price hike will TOTALLY help with those slumping hotel occupancy rates! Seriously...who is coming up with these ideas? :rolleyes:

I just started to wonder: Is the current offer for DVCers for a PAP for 399 $ maybe already the first step of the price hike? Since the PAP voucher has to be exchanged for a real PAP before the end of 2013 it locks a lot of people into a trip for 2013 and gives them a very nice deal on the admission price. So when the price hike in 2013 happens a large number of DVCers won't be affected immediately. By the time the price starts to affect them in 2014 they just had one year with a ticket they considered to be a great deal, so might be more willing to pay more for their ticket...


Let's hope UNI doesn't try to keep up with them this time...

They will. And SeaWorld will follow.

Supposedly for the what's new the announcement is based around showing avatar images, does that mean its still on. No. If Cameron's not there its just a dog and pony show.

It has been on. And if Cameron isn't there, it means Fox finally lit a fire under him to get his butt moving on Avatar 2 and 3. They were really mad at how slow the process was going last I heard.

Avatar themed benches?

I actually helped my friend fabricate an Avatar themed patio table. It's actually pretty cool. ;)

Pandora flight dark ride.


Benches beat a ground-breaking dark ride any day, right? ....

If they can heat/cool, have cup holders, menu buttons to order drinks/food, massage your back and give you a great view, then yes. Gosh I miss Vegas.

Well it sounds like multiple people are saying that Avatar concept art is coming out, what it means is up for debate.
I expect Carsland to be announced as well as a new parade, the return of Spectro, the Tangled Show and the Phineas and Ferb show. It's at the point now where they need to announce something on the scale of Carsland either now or immediately after the official Transformers/Potter announcement.

You'll most likely, if all goes according to reports, see Avatar for the first time. Probably will hear about the new parade(if its ready) and Spectro coming back. I dont expect anything about the shows or Cars till D23 Expo.

Really? I haven't heard that beyond a few vague guesses on fan forums. But it doesn't matter. Avatar was announced in 9/11 as coming to DAK and other Disney parks around the globe (that part will never happen!), so if they finally decide to show some art of what we're all supposed to believe is an ongoing project, how is that an 'announcement'?

Many outside of Disney believe that's exactly what they plan on doing; especially down the road(both Universal and SeaWorld). Where I stand, which is more on the SeaWorld side of things, they fully expect Disney to come out with something about Avatar. So much so, that they have been getting a ton more Empire of the Penguins goodies ready for fans. There is a big blitz coming from them in the not to distant future. They are determined to not be overshadowed by Transformers.

Now like I said, Im seeing it from SeaWorld's POV. But as far as everything Ive been told, which has been all year, Avatar has been chugging forward full steam. They apparently got most, if not all, the survey work done and are just getting the logistics of building down on paper. Either that or they have SeaWorld and Universal completely fooled. Cause SeaWorld has been having tons of meetings recently about if they should delay their next big thing till 2017 to avoid competing with Pandora. Which is a big deal, since the year delay will probably cost SWO a nice chunk of change. Not that the whole thing wont already, but still.


Well-Known Member
They will. And SeaWorld will follow.

It has been on. And if Cameron isn't there, it means Fox finally lit a fire under him to get his butt moving on Avatar 2 and 3. They were really mad at how slow the process was going last I heard.

I actually helped my friend fabricate an Avatar themed patio table. It's actually pretty cool. ;)


If they can heat/cool, have cup holders, menu buttons to order drinks/food, massage your back and give you a great view, then yes. Gosh I miss Vegas.

You'll most likely, if all goes according to reports, see Avatar for the first time. Probably will hear about the new parade(if its ready) and Spectro coming back. I dont expect anything about the shows or Cars till D23 Expo.

Many outside of Disney believe that's exactly what they plan on doing; especially down the road(both Universal and SeaWorld). Where I stand, which is more on the SeaWorld side of things, they fully expect Disney to come out with something about Avatar. So much so, that they have been getting a ton more Empire of the Penguins goodies ready for fans. There is a big blitz coming from them in the not to distant future. They are determined to not be overshadowed by Transformers.

Now like I said, Im seeing it from SeaWorld's POV. But as far as everything Ive been told, which has been all year, Avatar has been chugging forward full steam. They apparently got most, if not all, the survey work done and are just getting the logistics of building down on paper. Either that or they have SeaWorld and Universal completely fooled. Cause SeaWorld has been having tons of meetings recently about if they should delay their next big thing till 2017 to avoid competing with Pandora. Which is a big deal, since the year delay will probably cost SWO a nice chunk of change. Not that the whole thing wont already, but still.
Somebody's pulling the wool over seaworlds eyes, yes survey work has been done, but all the surveying in the world doesn't matter when the two sides can't get together and decide what's actually going to be put there and at what cost. From what I hear if this gets done it won't be for along time. BTW no one lights a fire under Cameron, fox let him take his time for titanic,avatar,the abyss, and every other feature he's made for them, do you actually think they want to kill the golden goose. Is fox mad no, are they frustrated, yes. But they also know they've been thru this numerous times and only didn't have a humongous hit once. Cameron can do what he wants when he wants, it's in the contracts. Believe if Cameron is not there when the first art for his project is shown its a really bad sign. Read between the lines.


Well-Known Member
Not sure yet ... DLR is in for large scale increaeses as well. But they need to tread lighter in Anaheim (although all those construction walls in Tomorrowland will certainly convince many that the spending spree isn't done there -- and it's not!) because they had such large increases last year.

WDW's will be monumental.
Whether Georgie K and TDA is that arrogant, I'm not sure of ...
The price increase needs to cover "rent" for all the people running their businesses out of the park with their AP

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