What's after EVEREST?


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Tell me what do you think of this:2008/2009?? - Indiana Jones Adventure - Rumor - (5/9/05) While there is a chance that the Indy ride could still be built at the Studios, we’ve heard from a few sources that they are not planning on closing down the Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Show anytime soon either to make room. Of course there is plenty of room over at Animal Kingdom where it could be given a new story. However... our sources tell us that there is still an E-Ticket attraction in development for the studios. It could be Indy, it could just be Star Tours 2 or it could be something completely new


speck76 said:
On top of that, if would help distribute the crowds more evenly, if many people went to the back of the park during the day, and returned to Future World in the evening, it could really help with flow.

To this end, it would help if WS and FW both opened and closed on the same schedule like in 'ye olden days'. I know I used to prefer WS in the morning, because there wasn't as much of a rush. But in recent years it seems most of FW is closed after 7 which is really irritating. Thankfully, they've pretty consistently kept TT and now MS open until 9, and if FW receives some further upgrades maybe they'll extend those hours to the entire area.

How late has The Land been staying open?

I would, of course, like to agree with everyone who thinks WS needs a new country pavilion. It's been 17 years! That's about time. I don't even ask for an E-ticket; a nice traditional dark ride would suffice for me.

As to the UoE question, I would place it low on my list of priorities. There are just so many spots that need more desperate attention. Besides, it's nice to have at least one attraction left that keeps you in the AC for a while and lets you take a break. I think the UoE show still has enough bang and humor, and has yet to date itself, so I'd definitely put that on the back burner. Unless, of course, they get a new sponsor who insists on a new show and wants to pay big bucks for in. In that case...

Still, before UoE was touched I'd do:

1) Something in Life. Get one of these pharmaceutical companies that are ripping us off daily to send some of those billions down EPCOT way.

2) Come up with a Grand Unifying Theory for Seas. Clean the tanks. Restore the Omnimover. Keep or update the movie. Upgrade the hydrolators with flat-panel digital technology to give you a sweet view as you descend.

3) Imagination. Please. For the love of god.

4) Communicore..... southwest I guess.

5) Postshow area for Mission Space worthy of the attraction. Think Seabase Alpha in space.

All these would seem to be higher priority, along with new countries. Here's hoping for some movement soon so that EPCOT's 25th is memorable...


Well-Known Member
Soarin was open until 7pm last week, but until 9 this week. FP's for Soarin were given out until the 8-9pm window.

This week, Soarin is open until 9pm each day....and on THURS, all of FW is open until 9pm (and then PM EMH until Midnight)


Well-Known Member
I honestly do not ever remember WS opening prior to 11am....except for special occasions.

I would really like to see Epcot extend their hours until at least 9:30 PM in the summer (like they do over the Candlelight Processional dates) as it is not really very dark when Illuminations begins at 9pm in the summer. On top of that, if a local resident was to go after work for a late dinner in one of the table-service restaurants, they can not really have a relaxing meal and still enjoy Illuminations.


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A few notes:

UoE is now the only ride that closes prior to 9pm on EMH nights (at 7pm). It and Innoventions are the only things in future world for that matter. Even food and the pin store stay open later.

On non-EMH nights Test Track, M:S, Soarin', SSE, and Honey all stay open to 9pm. EMH nights extend the hours of Figment, Seas, and Land boat ride. Turtle Talk with Crush will be offered until midnight during EMH.

Epcot will be open until 10pm on July 4th.

During EMH, San Angel seats until 10pm.

Seas Hydrolators are showing signs of work - broken windows for descent have been covered up, atleast improving the show quality slightly. Again, Turtle Talk is hugely popular.

Southwest communicore (facing imagination, no?) is pretty much a special events pavillion. It is used during food/wine and flower/garden as an extra store and presentation area. Everytime they open a restaurant in there, it fails. Rumor has it Ice Station Cool is going to be revamped/closed/etc soon (its part of that building.)


Well, if I were in charge, this is the action I'd take -

I like the fact that disney has said that they'd hold off on building more parks for the time being - that leaves more money to upgrade the current parks. The Magic Kingdom could use some refurbishment; particularly, the Haunted Mansion should have it's entire ride SYSTEM - I.E. the doombuggies/omnimovers - replaced with similar but new models. No major change to the ride system, but it's ancient and stiff - everytime the cars rotate (and this is coming from someone who's gone on HM about 20,000 times from sept-dec last year) they jerk around wildly, particularly when you come around the corner to see the floating candleabra and then the coffin in the conservatory. Also, I get fully working audio in my car about 50% of the time, and even then I need to put my ear ON the speaker to hear Paul Frees. It needs to get what GMR got - upgrade to digital sound system/sensors. Some of the effects also need to be cleaned up, such as the jumping heads, which don't jump up with the screams anymore. To complete this rehab, something more awesome should be done with the spiderwebs area. That's always been the lamest part of HM (again, just my opinion).

Also, there has been talk of a HUGE PotC overhaul, making it more like the one in DL. At the very least they need to upgrade to digital sound, because I can barely make out what any of them are saying (in the town sequence). It's also too short, but I'm sure that would be corrected if they made it more like DL's version).

Tomorrowland is in DIRE need of refurbishment. Ride the peoplemover (sorry, I'll NEVER call it TTA), and you'll see leaves, grime and dirty water on every roof. The metal studs underneath the paint on the track structure are all rusting, and it's showing through the paint. There's bird ________ on all the futuristic entrance structures. The old skyway building is literally falling to pieces, and the waterfall might as well be called the rusterfall. The exterior of space mountain is atrocious - paint is peeling off in sheets 2 feet long or more and there's rust on everything. The interior isn't doing so hot either. The ride itself is perfectly fine, but the post show needs cleaning up. The robot dog has been without a lower jaw for ages, and the robot man looks stupid holding up nothing while looking at the guests (he's supposed to be holding binoculars). I'd love to see something really great replace timekeeper, or just keep TK open. Also, I am of the mind that they ought to replace the speedway (which I like to call the stinky lawnmower ride) with a new, indoor tomorrowland building, housing a tron 2.0-themed ride. This would also give the Peoplemover something new to go into and tour, and it could also serve to make a more defined "entrance" into tomorrowland from fantasyland...the speedway is old and falling apart, and it's too annoying because there's always someone in front of me going TOO SLOW and you CAN'T PASS THEM!! ARRG


New Member
WDWFanatic007 said:
we’ve heard from a few sources that they are not planning on closing down the Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Show anytime soon either to make room.
You have sources? Where?
WDWFanatic007 said:
Of course there is plenty of room over at Animal Kingdom where it could be given a new story.
It's already happened. It's called Dinosaur.

I'm not sure if your repetitive plugs (on this and another board I suspect) for an Indy Jones ride should be applauded or reviled. The redundancy is entertaining though.


New Member
speck76 said:
I think UoE is probably in its last version of the original concept, I do not personally see them keeping it as a 45 minute movie-heavy attraction.

Specially when Iger has stated that the company wants to a more guest interactive, as to a purly guest observation attraction. UoE not being a classic, I could see this attraction being turned into some new and more cunning.


I'd love to see the final completion of Epcot. Finish the refurb of FW, by helping WoL and UoE. Tear down the arm, finish LS, possibly refurb Honey, and either add another WS Pavillion with a dark ride, or add the Germany boat ride whose space is still collecting spiderwebs! Germany was supposed to have a boat ride! That's why the pavillion is so large. AHhhh.

Anyway, I doubt this (if any) will happen anytime soon. I just hope they don't stop fixing Epcot by saying they added Soarin'. I just hope they give it some respect for its 25th.


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You guys just don't think that Indy will come uh??? But let me tell ya this,you don't need 2 stunt shows in one park. Plus IJA could be used as an E-Ticket Attraction.


Well-Known Member
WDWFanatic007 said:
You guys just don't think that Indy will come uh??? But let me tell ya this,you don't need 2 stunt shows in one park. Plus IJA could be used as an E-Ticket Attraction.

Why is everyone so excited over a 10 year old ride?


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I'm not, I hate Dinosaur/CTX and even if its vastly different I doubt i'd enjoy it all that much - the basic mechanics are what i dont enjoy.


Well-Known Member
I find it funny how people scream for "new" and "innovative" and then get all wet for a clone of an old attraction


Well-Known Member
WDWFanatic007 said:
You guys just don't think that Indy will come uh??? But let me tell ya this,you don't need 2 stunt shows in one park. Plus IJA could be used as an E-Ticket Attraction.

Now, where have we heard this before??


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Incase anyone was wondering: Disney's official statement on the Indy show is that it's not going anywhere and they feel the two shows offer unique experiences to guests yadda yadda blah blah.


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mousermerf said:
Incase anyone was wondering: Disney's official statement on the Indy show is that it's not going anywhere and they feel the two shows offer unique experiences to guests yadda yadda blah blah.

Where did you hear this from?

NOTE: I'm not accusing you of weilding false information, I believe you, as I agree with you, just curious as to when this statement was made.


Well-Known Member
mousermerf said:
Incase anyone was wondering: Disney's official statement on the Indy show is that it's not going anywhere and they feel the two shows offer unique experiences to guests yadda yadda blah blah.

Thanks for posting this. You sure are full of useful information!


New Member
WDWFanatic007 said:
You guys just don't think that Indy will come uh??? But let me tell ya this,you don't need 2 stunt shows in one park. Plus IJA could be used as an E-Ticket Attraction.
The expression that comes to mind is beating a dead horse. 007 - you are posting these same messages on the Dis Boards and repeating the same posts over and over. It was funny for a while but now is officially becoming scary.

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