Whats a more impressive nighttime show: Fantasmic Or Illuminations


With lasers, and brilliance It's Illuminations

Illuminations is no stage show, which Fantasmic is mostly, but is the best night show on site.

Illuminations has a fabulous soundtrack, brilliant effects and a fireworks display 2nd to none. The sculpting of the world showcase buildings in lights, the laser beams slicing the clouds of fireworks smoke, colored water foiuntains spraying forth, ah the show always amazes.

Fantasmic and Wishes are fine in fact I like to do all 3 when I can; it's the trifecta of fireworks and puts them in an excellent array for appreciating each in its own way.:ROFLOL: :sohappy:


I'd say Fantasmic. To me it is SO Disney.

I like Illuminations, but I don't think it captures the essence of Disney like Fantasmic. Also, for the first night, I think it would be nice to sit down in the stadium rather than try to hold a spot standing around the lake.

But it would depend on the friends. If they appreciate the arts and good music and a meaningful story, then I'd go with Illuminations.

I don't think you can go wrong. Make one the first night and one the last.

I like Illuminations last. I tear up with... a million circles round the sun, we go on....

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
I'm going to say Fantasmic as well. I'm never bored watching it. The first two minutes and last minute of Illuminations always thrills me, but the middle section sometimes bores me. Not the case at Fantasmic.

In terms if technically impressive, I suppose that might be Illuminations. However, Fantasmic is, in my opinion, far and away the better show.


Active Member
Illuminations is a no brainer. But maybe I'm partial to it because I've seen it hundreds of times, night after night, while on my college program.


New Member
Illuminations. Definately. Ive only ever listened to the soundtrack and watched videos of it (like a million times or more) and I love it so much even though I havent seen in it real life. Which means that when I do I might have a heart attack from excitment.:lol:

Same with Fantastic I have only listened and watched videos of it and I know every bit of it by heart,

but Illuminations is the best.

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


New Member
Illuminations !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course it all comes down to personal preference, but to me Illuminations is a stroke of genuis. Seems to get better every time.

I've watched it from many different points around the lagoon, but the spot I was in last time seemed to be the best. Just follow the main walkway from Future World back to the World Showcase and pretty much head straight for the water.

There is a fenced area that they open up about 5 minutes before the show starts where people must sit down to watch the show. When everyone rushes in, don't actually go in that area...just walk up as close as you can get to the fence and stand behind it for the show. With everyone sitting in front of you, you get a great view and it seems to be "center stage".


Well-Known Member
Seems like Illuminations is the winner so far and I'd have to agree. Illuminations is a better show and it actually makes me tear up a little without having to resort to the antics of characters.

Justin Jones

New Member
First of all, I think your decision depends on the type of "newbies" that you are bringing to Disney World. Trust me, I've brought lots of people for their first time, and their reactions to the shows vary, typically by age. GENERALLY, people over the age of 35 tend to like Illuminations more than Fantasmic. Personally, I don't compare the two, because they are so different. I always bring people to Fantasmic the first night of their trip, mainly because I believe it holds a much higher "wow" factor than Illuminations. Nowhere, during Illuminations, do you hear everyone in the World Shocase respond like they do in Fantasmic. For example, when the water screens first appear during Fantasmic, then entire theatre gasps (it is easily heard on every tape I've ever made). So, I guess that I'm trying to say that I would choose Fantasmic. It's longer, with more types of effects. The story is much more developed than Illuminations, and the majority of the people that I've ever taken to Disney World tend to like Fantasmic the best.


Justin Jones

New Member
Oh, btw, I think a lot of people are saying Illuminations is a better choice because it has a higher repeat value from year-to-year. This is coming from people who go to DW more than your average joe. So, I can understand that they would enjoy something with a better repeat value. But, like I said before, if you want something that will "wow" your guests like no other with something that they cannot find anywhere else on the planet, then take them to Fantasmic. Oh, here's another thing: probably half of the people that I've ever taken to Disney World have said that Fantasmic, over all other attractions (including both rides and shows) at Disney World, is there favorite. Period.


Illuminations. Especially after last trip when me and my 11 best friends from high school had a cry fest after it, knowing our trip together was over.


Well-Known Member
While Fantasmic is a great Disney show, I've never been moved like I do when I see Illuminations. It's enjoyable, but I have realized over time that when our schedule is tight, I am willing to skip Fantasmic on a trip to catch Illuminations. I've seen both at least a dozen times, and hands down, if you have to choose, my vote is Illuminations. If theres any way at all to squeeze more than one show in, then Wishes would be my close second. Both shows have moved me to tears. Fantasmic falls to third on my list I'm afraid.

Mansion Butler

Active Member
Agreed. 3000% agreed.

I knew there was a reason we get along.

Knowing that it could be our last chance, my favorite coworker of ours and I scheduled our entire New Years trip around seeing it. Possibly the most we've ever teared up.

*punches something to return to being manly*


Naturally Grumpy
Fantasmic is fine, and you should see it once, but my family generally considers it "slow" in the middle and generally a bit drawn out. Match with that that you have to start to queue about an hour and a half before the show, sit and wait on concrete benches...it becomes a bit of an ordeal.

With Illuminations (which I consider a better show anyway), you can just be there, in any number of locations and enjoy it. Also easier to pick up a beverage or snack of choice during the show. Far easier to plan for and enjoy.

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