What to do about a husband that doesn't like Disney!


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OK everybody, I know this is going to sound IMPOSSIBLE, but I assure you, it's all too true, my DH doesn't like Disney!!! (Sacrilage, I know) I've tried just about everything, staying offsite and staying onsite in both nice and EXTREMELY nice hotels. I've limited my visits to the parks to NO MORE THAN 1 PARK PER TRIP and still, that seems to be too much.

Last trip, we only went to MNSSHP while we were there. DH had told me that he doesn't like theme parks but especially not in the heat with a gazillion people with long waits before getting back to your hotel. So I thought fine, we'll go to MNSSHP in late October and avoid large crowds and the heat. We also stayed at the WL to avoid long drives back to our hotel. Heck, we FLEW there from Miami when we only live 3.5 hours away so precious DH wouldn't even have to drive, was that enough? NOOOOO! Apparently, 4 days in the lap of luxury at the WL with 1 miserable night at a theme park is just too much Disney for him.

What am I doing wrong? I feel like I married outside of my species here. I can't help it, I like theme parks, I like planning, and I like spending so where else can I do what I do best but at WDW? Now granted, in his defense, when he met me I wasn't a Disney junkie at the moment, I was kind of on hiatus due to money constraints but "I've seen the light" and like the prodigal son (daughter in this case) I've returned! I love Disney but I love DH more and I want him to be happy when we travel and spend an exorbitant amount of money so, what else can I do? Is anybody else here in the same boat? If so, what have you done about it? (Short of shooting him in the legs and wheeling him around so he has NO CHOICE but to go, lol!

Any tips would be greatly appreciated. And by the way, for those of you that think he just doesn't "like" Disney, he assures me (he's sitting next to me as I type) that it's worse than that. Our next trip is in December and last year's December trip was a NIGHTMARE due to my sister's unruly children and the constant rain so I REALLY want to make this trip special and either get him to change his mind or brainwash him with enough liquor that he thinks he's having a good time.

Come on guys, I need help here!


Well-Known Member
I refuse to marry a man if he destests theme parks, espeically Disney. He must at the BARE MINIMUM tolerate them without lip. And if he just tolerates them, he better have some other DAMN GOOD redeeming qualities... :lol:

Doesn't like Disney??

Not helpful but my first thought was dump the chump! :lol:

More seriously, your not going to make him like it if he doesnt. If you go in with a bad attitude, it'll be a bad experience no matter what.

Best I can think of is arranging a trade-off. You do a vacation he wants if he'll do Disney and alternate the vacations.

If he loves you (which I assume he does) he'll be happy to do this for you, and again I assume you love him enough to skip WDW on alternate times to allow him to have a good time.

As to making him happy on this trip, I wish I could help but I can't see it happening.


Compromise. Join him (or at least be supportive) in any activities and hobbies that he's passionate about but you really don't care for.


New Member
You can't put it any better than JenniH has.......well done :)

If all else fails, then maybe try looking for a male who has the same issue with his wife and you both can swap spouses.

Did I just say that!! :lol: :lol:

Sorry, you know what I mean. :lookaroun


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Original Poster

DH speaking here. Of the 6 replies so far no one has asked......why? (And divorce is not an option, as my wife likes to put it ...."Divorce is very expensive."

I am a grown man. It's not theme parks I hate...Its spending $600 to go to a park, eat chicken fingers and sweat, while carrying my 2yr old around, aching back and all, and suffering for it for the next week.

For me, waiting in line for a ride that I have been on and hasn't changed in 10 years is just silly. Sorry I just dont get it. I'm a Cop, so every time I go I can't help but do things like "Observe the crowd", "watch for unusual behavior", "Look for weapons". Crowds do that to me and considering that on the way up to Disney, on two seperate occasions, we have run into other officers at the REST STOPS on the way there, I have reason to be concerned.

I wonder, how many people have I arrested that might be at the park and recognize me, that I dont see, or can't recognize? (My wife says you guys are gonna suggest therapy or drugs.)

I just dont see it as the "HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH", most of the people I see (especially the DADS), look like they would rather be getting poked with a stick then be where they are.

Well my wife or is that DW, says she has to edit this so she doesnt get flamed off the board, so lets see what happens now. (Content edited by Blackerbys17 to make it "readable" to all us Disney fans, lol :lol: )

BLACKERBYS17 would like to apologize for the content of this message.

I hope nobody was offended by it :eek: but now you see what I have to deal with and believe me, the above message was indeed toned down. But in all honesty, I think you guys have given me some good suggestions (except for the divorce because yes, he does have "some" redeaming qualities so I'll "keep the chump"!:lol: )

But seriously, as far as the ole trump card, I sure use that one A LOT! So why not do what works best? I like the idea of having him pick where to go on alternate vacations and since we live rather close, I might just go by myself with the kids for a day afterall! Why not, plenty of you guys are always going so maybe I'll tag along with one of you. I just have to come back the same day, DH and I have never slept 1 night apart from eachother and I'd like to keep it that way.

I guess we'll have to see, this trip will be very low key as the last one was and much to DH's happiness, cheaper too since we'll be staying offsite :hurl: . Oh, the things we do for love. He did say that MNSSHP was better than a regular day at WDW since the crowds were very light so I'm hoping that will be the case again at MVMCP. Send some pixie dust my way and we'll hope for the best. For you Seinfeld fans out there, maybe I can get him to "change teams"?:lol:


Well-Known Member
I say to the Dad to just stay at home and hang by the pool to relax. If you like golf, Disney has an awsome golf course you could try. Leave it to the wife to do the park thing with the kids, seems like she enjoys it more anyways.


Well-Known Member
1. Try to do some low-crowd things. Try Pleasure Island in the earlier evening or DisneyQuest in the middle of the day. Arrange for parasailing ($$) or renting a mouse-boat ($30).

2. Make sure you are going when crowds are least busy and least warm. That means always avoiding the park with extra magic hour that day and never going to Magic Kingdom on a Saturday (or usually a Monday). My favorite time of year is late January (avoid MLK weekend mini-rush though).

3. Enjoy some of the amentities at the hotel and take frequent breaks back at the hotel to get rid of the "too many people feeling."

4. MY TOPIC SUGGESTION: Since you live close, arrange a trip WITHOUT the kids. Then he'll be able to notice all the details in the parks and to have a romantic get-away.

5. Dine at the best. Have you tried Boma (African buffet) at the Animal Kingdom Lodge? What about Japan's teppankyi grill? Or the California Grill in the Contemporary which overlooks Magic Kindgom (perfect for fireworks)?

6. Pick something every trip that is unusual. Hotel hop (can you find the 5-legged goat on the mural at the Contemporary?). Go on a garden tour at Epcot. Go on the Segway tour in the World Showcase ($60) (you actually get to drive one around the park before the park opens!!!).

Of course, Husband has great qualities---it's why you picked him! Disney can be overwhelming but there is truly something for everyone! Make sure he gets involved in the planning so that EVERY vacation you go on is something that is fun for everyone! :)


Well-Known Member
My dad is a retired cop of 30+ years and we went as a family for the first time in a long time this past September. He seemed more excited about it than my mom! After we went on Splash he wanted to get right back in line and do it again... and he was actually the one who said "Let's go see It's a Small World!" It was really sweet to see him enjoy himself!

My dad's a pretty laid back guy though... :)


Dumboflyer stole part of my thunder.

You know your husband best, find somethings he likes and do them with the Disney flair.

Golf was mentioned, or Richard Petty car racing, segway, behind the scenes tours, Adventures Club or Comedy Club, eating and drinking your way around the World Showcase, etc.

I really would take the suggestion to go once without the kids, he may really think your crazy but then you can do somethings and go places you couldn't with the kids. (there is a great book Disney for Couples, get it!) And I would suggest an off season time for sure. (Like September- although its Hurricane season, Ive been several Septembers and you get so spoiled never waiting in line)

I'm lucky my significant other is a Disney fan also but we also try different things all the time.

Believe me I know some people who look at us like we are crazy that we always go to Disney (with no Kids!) and we have asked them many times to go and in a nice way they always have something else going on. Finally we surprised them with a stay at Boardwalk on our DVC points during the Wine & Food Festival (They are wine & food snobs - I can say that here because they would never be on this site!:lol:

And they were floored at how great all the food parings were and the wine and food demonstrations and the Party for the Senses. Again we found something up their alley and showed them how Disney does it. I don't think they will every think of WDW the same. Next year when they beg to go, I will have to find a nice way to have something else going on.!:lol:

I'm surprising my parents (both in their early 70's) this year with their first Xmas visit to WDW the same time you will be down there (12/15-12/19). My Mom is a huge fan. my Dad so-so, but believe me I will have some things tailored just to his liking and it will all turn out great.

We'll bring our pixie dust and be looking for you, Grumpy and the kids and spread a little on you.

Good luck, enjoy the trip and I hope this year you get your Christmas Wish! :xmas: Phil <><


New Member
My man has never been to Walt Disney World. We have performed together on stage at Tokyo DisneySea once this summer, but that is all the Disney he has ever experienced. I'm taking him there this summer, and honestly, I'm nervous. I love it so much, and I can just hope that he loves it as much as I do.:p


New Member
To be honest, I'd hate the parks if they were packed to capacity and I had to drag a child around them.

I go off-peak when the crowds are smaller.


New Member
I Know how you feel, my other half feels roughly the same!!

We have even taken the route of going to Disneyland Paris for two days, to try and limt the damage, an dthat was worse!! I mean, yeah she hates it, but if she loves me then whats TWO DAYS!!!

Once we were there, the cynical attitude started, which made me mad, and set me off too. The underlying anger was borne out of my frustration that it was only two days I was asking for!

However...... I think we have cracked it! The next vacation we went on was non Disney, and we both enjoyed it, well it was a break, but no vacation for me! he he.

As a result the next vactionwas to WDW in September of this year. We did the same stuff that we did on our non Disney vaction, but in Disney World. We took it slowly at the parks, with a morning here and an afternoon here, interspersed with the non park activities. during the first few days, a gentle reminder of our last vaction every now and then ensured best behaviour!!

By the end of our time we both were having the time of our lives, honestly.

Im not saying it wasnt hard work, not what you associate with a vacation, but to get to do Disney, and share it with the people you love, it seemed worth it in the end!

Oh and that was my killer line "That I wanted to share Disney and my passion for it, with the person that I love"!

Good luck:sohappy:

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
Most of the things I read are fabulous suggestions (especially going without the kids). The DH mentioned being a "cop" (observe the crowds, etc.). Compromise has to come from both sides... can he suspend "being a cop" (I know its a hard thing to do when you like what you do) and can you do something he enjoys? You can't please everyone and in some cases you may have to go on your own. Just keep in mind the qualities that drew you two together!:wave:


New Member
Definately compromise on your vacations, go places that he wants to go and maybe that will help you get a more enjoyable hubby at Disney.

I can understand your husband's feelings about why. It is pricey to go to Disney for even a few days. Our last trip was December 2001 (we got married at WL, my parents paid for the whole trip for us and my husband's first trip ever to FL) and will now be going for Christmas (only reason we are really going then is it was cheaper airfare and we also are heading for a Misisons Conference in Cocoa a few days later) We added a day to the trip because where we are staying in Cocoa has company staying until the 28th so we can't go down on the 27th like originally planned) We got a 5 day no expiration pass but only plan to use 2 or 3 days of it. I myself am not a roller coaster or drop type ride person so hubby will be doing rides like that himself. We are going with the dining plan so that we can have nicer meals than if we had to pay for them outright. We are staying at the Pop to save some money although we would love to stay at WL again as a 4th anniversary present, but can't afford that this time around. (Hubby says for our 10th we will stay there) As far as rides we will hit some that were not opened last time we were there, that got redone or that we just didn't hit the first time around. To hubby I would say just try to relax and enjoy yourself, you can only have as much fun as you allow yourself. For just a few days forget about the money, forget about your career and just try to make the most of spending the time with your family. Your kids will only be little for a little while and once they grow up you can't get that back. Make happy memories for not just your kids but your wife as well. Plan a relaxing romantic dinner for just the 2 of you, make sure to hit the resorts to see all the decorations.

I can't wait for the day I can take my children to Disney to see their faces the first time they see Mickey in person, that will be my main reason for going to Disney. Having family that lives in FL (only 1 hour from Disney) they had never taken their twins to Disney (they are now 16) until I took them when they were 3 yrs old and we went to MGM. My cousin went to Disney way back before they had children, lots of rides were not wheelchair accessible back then so they had been given 2 passes to go to the park for free for a day. After the twins they just really had no desire to go to Disney and the kids were pushing for it either.

blackerbys17 said:

DH speaking here. Of the 6 replies so far no one has asked......why? (And divorce is not an option, as my wife likes to put it ...."Divorce is very expensive."

I am a grown man. It's not theme parks I hate...Its spending $600 to go to a park, eat chicken fingers and sweat, while carrying my 2yr old around, aching back and all, and suffering for it for the next week.

For me, waiting in line for a ride that I have been on and hasn't changed in 10 years is just silly. Sorry I just dont get it. I'm a Cop, so every time I go I can't help but do things like "Observe the crowd", "watch for unusual behavior", "Look for weapons". Crowds do that to me and considering that on the way up to Disney, on two seperate occasions, we have run into other officers at the REST STOPS on the way there, I have reason to be concerned.

I wonder, how many people have I arrested that might be at the park and recognize me, that I dont see, or can't recognize? (My wife says you guys are gonna suggest therapy or drugs.)

I just dont see it as the "HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH", most of the people I see (especially the DADS), look like they would rather be getting poked with a stick then be where they are.

Well my wife or is that DW, says she has to edit this so she doesnt get flamed off the board, so lets see what happens now. (Content edited by Blackerbys17 to make it "readable" to all us Disney fans, lol :lol: )

BLACKERBYS17 would like to apologize for the content of this message.

I hope nobody was offended by it :eek: but now you see what I have to deal with and believe me, the above message was indeed toned down. But in all honesty, I think you guys have given me some good suggestions (except for the divorce because yes, he does have "some" redeaming qualities so I'll "keep the chump"!:lol: )

But seriously, as far as the ole trump card, I sure use that one A LOT! So why not do what works best? I like the idea of having him pick where to go on alternate vacations and since we live rather close, I might just go by myself with the kids for a day afterall! Why not, plenty of you guys are always going so maybe I'll tag along with one of you. I just have to come back the same day, DH and I have never slept 1 night apart from eachother and I'd like to keep it that way.

I guess we'll have to see, this trip will be very low key as the last one was and much to DH's happiness, cheaper too since we'll be staying offsite :hurl: . Oh, the things we do for love. He did say that MNSSHP was better than a regular day at WDW since the crowds were very light so I'm hoping that will be the case again at MVMCP. Send some pixie dust my way and we'll hope for the best. For you Seinfeld fans out there, maybe I can get him to "change teams"?:lol:

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