What to do about a husband that doesn't like Disney!


New Member
This is in no way ment to be a flame, or otherwise negative comment to DH but.....

Dude, GROW UP!! Being a dad IS doing things you do not want to do. Trust me I know. Do I really like going to birthday parties and being forced into a corner with all the other menfolk while the children eat fatal amounts of sugar, and the wives (don't get mad) talk about the moms that didn't make it to the party....answer, no I hate it! But I do it anyway, because my little one wants me there.

You know what else I hate???? The Beach. Yes the Beach. $1300 to spend 4 days on a pile of sand. Sand everywhere, 500 year old hotel rooms, expensive food, crap souviners. Again, I do it because my little one wants me there.

Philadelphia Flower Show :fork: PAINFULL!!! STUPID!!! WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY!!!

Although I went because my wife wanted me to. And I got TRUMPED a lot for it!:kiss:

So suck it up, put on smile, and watch your kids have a great time!


New Member
Rogue71371 said:
This is in no way ment to be a flame, or otherwise negative comment to DH but.....

Dude, GROW UP!! Being a dad IS doing things you do not want to do. Trust me I know. Do I really like going to birthday parties and being forced into a corner with all the other menfolk while the children eat fatal amounts of sugar, and the wives (don't get mad) talk about the moms that didn't make it to the party....answer, no I hate it! But I do it anyway, because my little one wants me there.

You know what else I hate???? The Beach. Yes the Beach. $1300 to spend 4 days on a pile of sand. Sand everywhere, 500 year old hotel rooms, expensive food, crap souviners. Again, I do it because my little one wants me there.

Philadelphia Flower Show :fork: PAINFULL!!! STUPID!!! WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY!!!

Although I went because my wife wanted me to. And I got TRUMPED a lot for it!:kiss:

So suck it up, put on smile, and watch your kids have a great time!
You sound like one of the most wholesome men around. What you have said is dead on honesty and truth. And I bet your wife is more than willing to do the things you enjoy as well (as you mentioned ;) ) Some men don't realize these things. The whole point of a family (relationship, marriage) is to compromise... do things for others, even if you don't like them/want to, to make the other happy.

And PS... I'm sure in the smallest way, the smile your wife had on her face as she looked at her flowers made it tolerable a little more!


New Member
crazygirley said:
And PS... I'm sure in the smallest way, the smile your wife had on her face as she looked at her flowers made it tolerable a little more!

You're right I did like the faces she made when she would say "OMG look how beautiful that bird of paradise is!!!"

But mostly it was because I was thinking about the Trumping!!! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
What to do about a husband that doesn't like Disney?

Buy all of his Christmas presents at Disney and make sure they have to do with the parks. He'll get the point. :lol:


New Member
Rogue71371 said:
You're right I did like the faces she made when she would say "OMG look how beautiful that bird of paradise is!!!"

But mostly it was because I was thinking about the Trumping!!! :sohappy:
I guess you're still a typical male! Good for you!


Well-Known Member
People ask my DH often, "So, do you love Disney as much as Nicole does?" And his honest answer is "I love Nicole." So yeah, he'd probably much rather spend the money on a Harley or NASCAR tickets or whatever, but he has also learned to find happiness by making ME happy. I hope that I am able to do the same for him.

So, to the original poster, I would suggest a compromise. Maybe don't go to Disney quite as often. Don't expect your DH to have a great time, but be thankful he will go to a place he dislikes to be with people he loves. And for Pete's sake, rent a stroller for your 2 year old!!


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
SO's not liking Disney

One word........DIVORCE :D j/k.

My ex-boyfriend HATES Disney, and that was the main reason we broke up when I decided to do the College Program....BEST decision I ever made :lol:


blackerbys17 said:
OK everybody, I know this is going to sound IMPOSSIBLE, but I assure you, it's all too true, my DH doesn't like Disney!!! (Sacrilage, I know) I've tried just about everything, staying offsite and staying onsite in both nice and EXTREMELY nice hotels. I've limited my visits to the parks to NO MORE THAN 1 PARK PER TRIP and still, that seems to be too much.

Last trip, we only went to MNSSHP while we were there. DH had told me that he doesn't like theme parks but especially not in the heat with a gazillion people with long waits before getting back to your hotel. So I thought fine, we'll go to MNSSHP in late October and avoid large crowds and the heat. We also stayed at the WL to avoid long drives back to our hotel. Heck, we FLEW there from Miami when we only live 3.5 hours away so precious DH wouldn't even have to drive, was that enough? NOOOOO! Apparently, 4 days in the lap of luxury at the WL with 1 miserable night at a theme park is just too much Disney for him.

What am I doing wrong? I feel like I married outside of my species here. I can't help it, I like theme parks, I like planning, and I like spending so where else can I do what I do best but at WDW? Now granted, in his defense, when he met me I wasn't a Disney junkie at the moment, I was kind of on hiatus due to money constraints but "I've seen the light" and like the prodigal son (daughter in this case) I've returned! I love Disney but I love DH more and I want him to be happy when we travel and spend an exorbitant amount of money so, what else can I do? Is anybody else here in the same boat? If so, what have you done about it? (Short of shooting him in the legs and wheeling him around so he has NO CHOICE but to go, lol!

Any tips would be greatly appreciated. And by the way, for those of you that think he just doesn't "like" Disney, he assures me (he's sitting next to me as I type) that it's worse than that. Our next trip is in December and last year's December trip was a NIGHTMARE due to my sister's unruly children and the constant rain so I REALLY want to make this trip special and either get him to change his mind or brainwash him with enough liquor that he thinks he's having a good time.

Come on guys, I need help here!


Well-Known Member
In the Parks

My dad was a cop for 30 years....he LOVES Disney and has never "observed the crowd"....YOU ARE ON VACATION.....DROP IT!!!!!! Relax, have fun, the terrorists are NOT gonna get you!! Also, why does running into other officers at rest stops concern you?? Granted we don't live in a bubble and there are "bad people" out there...but don't let that ruin your vactaion...it'll only make you paranoid.


blackerbys17 said:
For me, waiting in line for a ride that I have been on and hasn't changed in 10 years is just silly. Sorry I just dont get it. I'm a Cop, so every time I go I can't help but do things like "Observe the crowd", "watch for unusual behavior", "Look for weapons". Crowds do that to me and considering that on the way up to Disney, on two seperate occasions, we have run into other officers at the REST STOPS on the way there, I have reason to be concerned.



Active Member
Do you have any couple friends that you could travel with? The wives and kids can do the parks while the dads hang out at the hotel, by the pool, on the boat, etc. Maybe leave the dads back home and have them do something they enjoy doing together while the rest of the families go to Disney? Sounds like he tries his best but just isn't into it and you're going to be worried about him the whole time. Maybe put off going to Disney as a family for awhile til your 2 year old grows a bit older. Otherwise, it sounds like he's a great guy, I can't believe some of the comments some of the others are making. Disney is not something to divorce over. I do agree that marriage and parenting are sometimes about compromise, what's better than watching your family doing something they really enjoy? But better to enjoy yourself without him than spend the time at the park worrying about how he's not enjoying himself the whole time.


Account Suspended
I think the cop thing is just being used as an excuse - maybe more reason for a peaceful vacation.

My Dad has been a cop longer than I've been alive. I do get the "pleasure" of going places and having folks saying "Hey! It's Off-fizz-suh P!" (My last name) and him occasionally asking random people "You're not still selling crack to kids are ya?" His patrol is what is essentially the projects/ghetto, he has been shot a few times, had his cruiser rammed off the road and rolled, he used to work undercover in narcotics, and even did a stint in violent crimes as a detective. Oh, he was also in the movie Kindergarten Cop.

Anyways, he likes Disney. Not his dream vacation (he likes traveling around in an RV and camping) but he really enjoys it. I think sometimes you gotta realize the job is what is supposed to stay at home for a vacation.


New Member
Original Poster
DH speaking here: Look guys, to those that were rude," Its cool I'm used to it." To those of you that were supportive of my wife's attempt to find some kind of middle ground, "thank you".

To help those of you that might need further explanation so that you may have mercy on others that might not have your "affliction" let me elaborate on a few points.

I will not be as rude as some chose to be, but I will defend myself. I have "grown up", enough so that I know better than to deliberatly offend people in a manner that I would never even consider speaking in in real life. I appreciate constructive critisism, but I am entitled to my opinion and some people hate oranges and love bananas, my wife is an orange type of gal and I just don't get it. Get over yourself (Kellydisney). Your negative opinions of me are utterly ignored by my fantastic wife anyway so there is no point in uttering them. Honestly they annoy her and amuse me.

The cop thing was way overemphasized, perhaps that was my fault. I just explained to my wife, that is just a small....repeat.....small part of the pie of my dislike. However, for those of you who had so little sympathy or understanding for this (minor) concern: until you see the things that I have seen, or have been to the horrible places I have been.............I won't elaborate further......you have no right to judge. I have reason to be concerned or I wouldn't have mentioned it.

The selfishness described by many...well, its my vacation too. Should I not have a good time? Do I have to work 12 hour days, working bad hours, not seeing my wife or son but for a short time per day,then go looking for bad guys with my K-9 partner (whom I miss terribly when we are gone), and then on my vacation have an "okay" time?

And allow me to clarify. I do not have an awful time, I just don't get anything out of "The Disney Experience".

But you see this is good, my wife and I (she's sitting next to me as I write) have started to stamp some things out, with some of your (those that were actually constructive) suggestions.

From now on, we will:

Limit my exposure to the parks to no more than 1 day per 3 day trip.
Stay in a cabin that will allow my K-9 partner to join us.
Drive up so that I have a little more freedom to travel around to other places off site, and do some of my things (Old Town, go-carts, giving my girl massages).
Alternate vacation locales...i.e. not Disney every time (not that we did that now).

I love my wife and family more than anyone can possibly understand, they are my life, reason for being, ...I cannot explain, some people may feel what I feel but they are few, trust me in this, very few.

As for my kids, I do it for them. I actually feel .....weird ...when my 2 yr old isn't with me when we go on the rides. He is mine to take care of and I do so very much love it when I see his eyes light up, but he's only 2, and as of now he really doesn't get much more out of it than I do. On the very rare occasion that my wife cares for him on a ride I really don't know what to do with myself.

We will work this out. I will let her end it.

OK, Blackerbys17 here. Don't worry Kelly, my husband stopped beating me long enough so that I could write this. :rolleyes:

Well, by the looks of it, it seems we have already worked it out. I did ask DH for another "compromise". When we are home, I handle the finances so I'd rather keep it that way when we are on vacation. If I decide I want all 4 pictures from our breakfast at Chef Mickey's, I don't want to hear one peep out of him or see him roll his eyes, or clear his throat, or anything else that lets me know he is displeased. He doesn't gripe about my shopping at home so he needs to apply that philosophy when we are on vacation. I don't over spend anyways, just on the things that matter most, like pictures of our lovely family even if it is WAY overpriced.

So, in closing, thank you for (most of) your suggestions and for the time you took to help us. We really do appreciate it and all is well that ends well. I guess we'll see how the Xmas trip goes, keep your fingers crossed!

Thanks guys!


New Member
blackerbys17 said:
Drive up so that I have a little more freedom to travel around to other places off site, and do some of my things (Old Town, go-carts, giving my girl massages).
You give Massages in the back of your car? Interesting venue :lol:

May I give you kudos for a great reply to a lot of unwarranted crap directed at you in this thread. I think it demonstrates who is the more "grown up". (Maybe that's one of the reasons you do not "get Disney" to the degree many of us do :D )

Enjoy your next break.


Well-Known Member
Could Hooky be the odd one out here ?

You are the exception!!

You are not odd, I think my bro-in-law is. :lol:

The crowds and the heat made him insanely grumpy (and he is a smoker and didn't appreciate having to hunt smoking areas while outside). We left at 4pm and drove back to our hotel on the beach. YES - he was that bad.


Well-Known Member
You guys sound like you got it all together! You guys know one of the biggest secrets to a good marriage! Respect for each other's opinions! It is fine to disagree as long as you realize your opinion isn't the only one that counts! Congrats on working on this problem together!


Well-Known Member
Great response you two! I'm glad to see that you were able to ignore some of the less-than-mature responses here. Sounds like you have a strong marriage because you are mature enough and love each other enough to work at it. One of our best friends is married to a cop, and I know what a strain this profession can put on a marriage. So kudos to you both for keeping it all in perspective.
Have a wonderful vacation, and let us know how it all works out when you come back! :wave:


Active Member
blackerbys17 said:
From now on, we will:

Limit my exposure to the parks to no more than 1 day per 3 day trip.
Stay in a cabin that will allow my K-9 partner to join us.
Drive up so that I have a little more freedom to travel around to other places off site, and do some of my things (Old Town, go-carts, giving my girl massages).
Alternate vacation locales...i.e. not Disney every time (not that we did that now).

Sounds like some good compromises. There are plenty of beaches near Disney and since you guys are only going to be doing 1 park day for each 3 day vacation, maybe consider pairing up the beach with Disney. Also, have you thought about the Disney Vacation Club? Might make some of your vacations a bit less expensive but continue to stay at very nice hotels. And as far as the massages go, I'm not sure if any of the spas at WDW do this, but maybe find one that does a couples massage, that way both of you can enjoy getting a massage at the same time. Sounds like you guys made great progress, hope all goes well for your family on your upcoming vacation!


barnum42 said:
May I give you kudos for a great reply to a lot of unwarranted crap directed at you in this thread. I think it demonstrates who is the more "grown up". (Maybe that's one of the reasons you do not "get Disney" to the degree many of us do :D )


Scott M

New Member
I'm a husband and a dad myself. As a husband and a dad, I realize that life is not about myself anymore, it's about my family.

This being said, there are many things that I would chose not to do, but because there are other people to consider, I do not feel that I can be selfish to the point of dissapointing my family.

Not to pass judgement, but I feel that those husbands and dads that refuse to accompany their families to WDW are not only selfish, but I feel that they are letting their loved ones down. This also applies to the men who actually do accompany their families to WDW, only to wind up golfing all week while mom takes the children to the parks.



OK everybody, I know this is going to sound IMPOSSIBLE, but I assure you, it's all too true, my DH doesn't like Disney!!! (Sacrilage, I know) I've tried just about everything, staying offsite and staying onsite in both nice and EXTREMELY nice hotels. I've limited my visits to the parks to NO MORE THAN 1 PARK PER TRIP and still, that seems to be too much.

Last trip, we only went to MNSSHP while we were there. DH had told me that he doesn't like theme parks but especially not in the heat with a gazillion people with long waits before getting back to your hotel. So I thought fine, we'll go to MNSSHP in late October and avoid large crowds and the heat. We also stayed at the WL to avoid long drives back to our hotel. Heck, we FLEW there from Miami when we only live 3.5 hours away so precious DH wouldn't even have to drive, was that enough? NOOOOO! Apparently, 4 days in the lap of luxury at the WL with 1 miserable night at a theme park is just too much Disney for him.

What am I doing wrong? I feel like I married outside of my species here. I can't help it, I like theme parks, I like planning, and I like spending so where else can I do what I do best but at WDW? Now granted, in his defense, when he met me I wasn't a Disney junkie at the moment, I was kind of on hiatus due to money constraints but "I've seen the light" and like the prodigal son (daughter in this case) I've returned! I love Disney but I love DH more and I want him to be happy when we travel and spend an exorbitant amount of money so, what else can I do? Is anybody else here in the same boat? If so, what have you done about it? (Short of shooting him in the legs and wheeling him around so he has NO CHOICE but to go, lol!

Any tips would be greatly appreciated. And by the way, for those of you that think he just doesn't "like" Disney, he assures me (he's sitting next to me as I type) that it's worse than that. Our next trip is in December and last year's December trip was a NIGHTMARE due to my sister's unruly children and the constant rain so I REALLY want to make this trip special and either get him to change his mind or brainwash him with enough liquor that he thinks he's having a good time.

Come on guys, I need help here!
My husband will not go to WDW with me. We have been married 8 years and I am getting ready to go to WDW again this year. This will make the 4th trip without him. I have been taking my daughter since she was 3. She is 15 now and this is a tradition for us to go by ourselves. Who wants a stick in the mud at WDW? Not me. When I go, he stays at home or goes on a mini-vacation to the mountains. We miss each other, but at least I'm not forcing him to do something he doesn't want to. Try going without him once. You might like it or it might just get him to see what he is missing when he's grumpy.

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