What to do about a husband that doesn't like Disney!


Well-Known Member
My EX-HUSBAND didn't like Disney that much either (that is not why we split, but I can add it to the list now :lol: ). So I left him at home :0)

Actually he would work infield security during the Nascar race at AMS while I went to WDW so it worked out great.

If your sweetie is into something else, say like deep sea fishing then send him on a trip w/ this buds while you go to WDW. Then you will both be happy.

Oh, and my bro-in-law is a cop. He does not enjoy WDW at all - better to go without him as well!

Good Luck!!:wave:


Well-Known Member
My wife enjoyed our honeymoon to WDW (her first time), but I wouldn't say she was blown away by it. I can't stop talking about the place (I salivate whenever WDW is mentioned anywhere), but WDW doesn't have the same pull to her.

That all changed once we had our baby girl. On our last trip (wife's second, my fifth), I was overjoyed to see how into it my wife was, especially while watching our daughter experience Disney for the very first time. Having a child has really changed things. Now that we're back from vacation and settled into real life, it makes me happy when I catch my wife sneaking a peek at the Disney catalog that just came in the mail.

Oh, BTW, one thing I've learned is that non-WDW-fans absolutely HATE IT when people refer to them as deprived, grumpy, or "no fun". While I can't help but feel slighted or disappointed when I hear that a friend or family member didn't have a good time there, what good is it really to try to convince them otherwise? Different people find joy in different things.


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Thanks you guys, it helps A LOT when I know that I'm not alone. I was starting to feel like I was married to the Anti-Mickey :lol: !

But, you all make excellent suggestions. As for going without the kids, I would LOVE to. I can go without my oldest son because his dad can watch him but DH and I have no one to watch our baby boy, especially overnight so we are kind of "stuck" with him I guess, though we do love being with our baby. He just turned 2 so I'm really looking forward to him turning 4 so that we can take him to one of the kid care centers like the Neverland Club or the Cub's Den so DH and I can get a little alone time. There are so many romantic things you can do at Disney like taking a stroll on the beach at the Poly and watching fireworks from a hammock or dancing the night away at PI. For now, some of those things will have to wait.

Luckily, on our last trip DH noticed something he was interested in. We stayed at the WL and took a ferry over to the Contemporary to go to Chef Mickey's and he noticed that at their marina, they have jet skis. (We didn't see any at our marina.) Well, DH has a jet ski at home and he loves them so I figured, next time, when the kids and I want to do something he doesn't, he can go rent a jet ski and enjoy!

Disney really does have something for everybody so sooner or later, we'll find our "rythym" at Disney and he'll really start enjoying himself. Though I must admit, last trip should have turned him. FANTASTIC weather (not even mildly hot), NO driving, AMAZING hotel (WL), practically NO lines at MNSSP, VERY small crowds, and MNSSHP was our only visit to the parks all 4 days we were there. Maybe it was the $250 or so we paid for each night we stayed at WL. He did complain about that.

The funny thing is the previous trip he complained about having to take a tram back to the car and folding a stroller and then fighting traffic to get back to your hotel. (We had stayed at the Gaylord Palms.) So this trip, I asked him, I said, well, we could stay at one of the monorail resorts and have immediate access to transportation but it will cost us. He said fine, whatever. Then I told him how much it was going to cost us and he practically choked on his food :lol: so I opted for the WL which is still in the MK area (the only park we usually visit with the kids) which still has easy transportation to MK through the ferries.

So in closing, I eliminated the heat, the massive crowds, the trams, and fighting traffic. Now I just need to eliminate the expense and I'm golden.

Anybody know where I can get a monorail resort for cheap or free? :rolleyes:

:lol: On a positive note, I got selected as an extra for the Xmas parade taping on Saturday, December 3rd!!! :sohappy: Since DH isn't into parades (or as you can see, Disney) I think I'll just take the kids for the day and come back that night. He has to work Saturday anyways so it all works out and everybody is happy! Hey, you can't beat free admission into MK can you?

So if anybody sees a screaming idiot decked in Holiday Cheer with 2 kids at the parade taping, you may just have found me! :xmas:
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Well-Known Member
It does sound like he has issues with the cost of the trip. Have you considered a value resort? I'd recommend you try PopCentury (check it out first). The bus service isn't that bad, and you don't get all the pampering that you get in the higher priced resorts, but he might like it as well as the others if it means spending less.
The other possibility is to travel with a trusted friend or relative who could help you out with the kids and give you some time to yourselves. I know that my DH gets a little grouchy when he doesn't get "attention" :lol:

tink rules

New Member
First of all.... DH has to stop being a cop for a few days... if he wants to people watch... let him do it at home. & don't worry about commenting... I am related to LOTS of cops and a brother who is an FBI agent and being a cop has nothing to do with not enjoying Disney.

You need to do some things just for you two....

Disney is much more than the parks (yeah, I know... duh....)

Let him find things to do there that HE would enjoy... ie golf, boating, sitting by the poll sans kids and doing nothing but drinking an extremely overpriced beer (& no complaining, either....) (and leave a nice big tip also...it will make you feel better...)

Plan some time for the two of you... go to one of the Spas and get a couple's massage... I know...he'll be too macho to do it, but I think they teach massage also, and that could lead to much better things (and another baby to tote around MK...)

USE THE CHILD CARE SERVICES!!!! I know it's more money... maybe you could compromise on something so you could fit it in... A few hours anywhere without the kids in tow is still a nice thing. Have dinner, do the massage, do nothing!!!! Whatever!!!

Next time let him do the planning. Let him pick out the hotel...research it and find something he would like. & if it ends up being the cheap one...so be it!!!

Most important, is that your husband needs to find out which part of him is afraid to let that little kid in him out. EVERYONE has one.... It's the side of you that likes to play or watch sports, or laugh at a silly commercial. It's the side that I'm sure he has that does special little things for you and your kids that even he wouldn't admit to doing!!!!

And about the money... yeah it can be alot, but if you look on the positive side instead of how much money everything costs... and let go a bit... He might find that life is more than money. It's time spent with family. It's those smiles that come in between all the lines and bags of souvineers. It's the memories and the laughter.

I promise you... years from now he won't be complaining about all the money when he's looking at the pictures of his kids with Pooh or Tigger. He's just going to remember that the kids had a special experience and that their parents thought that they were special enough to do it for them.

Either that or he will be thinking about money when he's taking his grandchildren there too....

I used to date an anti-Disney person. I kept telling him that we didn't need his type there... But now he's got kids of his own and if he hasn't made it there with them, then he's missing out on all those smiles and he'll never find the dusty old pair of ears that the kids got on one of their trips... and long after they find out that the autographs in the book aren't what they thought when they were 4...the memories and the thrills of meeting the characters will stay with them long after.

It's family. That's all. It's capturing something that you will treasure long after the bills are paid.

Tell him that Walt Disney wanted a place where parents and kids could play together.... that's what it's all about.

Now, why do I feel like Linus after he gives his speach about Christmas to Charlie Brown?


New Member
omigosh!!! :eek: Doesn't like Disney?? :eek: :eek:

Actually, we went last year - it was my and our daughter's first time, but my husband had been there a couple of times when he was younger. My daughter and I fantasize about our next Disney trip but my DH has no desire to go back.

Our solution? My daughter and I are going without him next year!! :sohappy: (honestly, we'll have more fun without him...his negativity would just bring us down!!) He can go do whatever he wants wherever he wants, so long as he makes no negative comments whatsoever about my obsession with WDW!! He knows better than to even try to bug me about Disney. He'd never win that argument...and he knows he would be sleeping on the couch for a long time...... :lol: :lol:


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Michelle, that's beautiful! I actually got teary eyed! That is a wonderful way of explaining it, a place where we can all play together. I'll definately try that approach, thanks!

As for the planning, I've tried to get DH involved sooo many times. I'm one of those people that really does think about everybody when I plan a trip. I try to make sure I plan at least 1 thing special to everybody. He doesn't gold and thinks that is silly too (though I agree, lol), I've suggested the Richard Petty thing since he loves cars and spped but he thinks that is too expensive too (I agree but wouldn't have said a word if he wanted to), and as far as eating, he tends to complain about how expensive the food and beer is.

Funny thing is, DH is not stingy with anything else. Whenever I want something, he says whatever you want honey and actually means it. Heck, he bought me a Mustang convertible last Valentine's day! He was complaining about how lunch at the Concourse Steakhouse at the Contemporary came out to like $50+ dollars for 3 (since the baby had his own food). I was like hello! How MANY times did we go out to dinner before we had our son, just the 2 of us, and pay $80+ for just 2 people? Like once or twice a month that is how much so sometimes I don't get it. I guess since he sees no value in Disney that is why he complains about the expense.

It's OK, I know how to do Disney on the cheap. It's not as fun to eat at the counter service places or stay at cheaper hotels but I don't mind if that is what it takes for him to have fun. I just wish for once I could hear him say that he had a really good time. He said that about our previous stay at the Gaylord Palms but he said that because the hotel is amazing and he quite literally fell in love with the aged beef they serve at one of their restaurants. :lol:

Maybe I'll have to do like they do at the zoos, entice him with a great big steak hanging off a long stick and a few darts filled with beer to keep him calm and happy!:lol:

I've also noticed he does better when the kids have their room and we have ours. He definately gets grumpy if he doesn't get "attention" too. ;)
I can relate. I'll tell you how my husband has come to enjoy Disney in his own way. He only spends one or 2 days in the parks, and then it is only parks he enjoys (Epcot, and on occassion AK). We go as a family on those days. The remainder of the trip he takes the rental car and sight sees the area, plays golf, rents a boat, rents a bike, goes to Espn to watch a little sports, etc...we meet for lunch, dinner or whatever. We don't have to spend every moment together in the parks to enjoy Disney. My daughter and I have a much needed wonderful Disney experience, and my husband has a different type of experince, but he is content and relaxed. Making another successful Disney vacation. I am a Disney fanatic, he's not, but we make it work and you can too. :animwink:


New Member
blackerbys17 said:
I've also noticed he does better when the kids have their room and we have ours. He definately gets grumpy if he doesn't get "attention" too. ;)
Well, you could bring a whole new meaning to "Fantasyland" ;) :lol:


Well-Known Member
If you were to meet my fiances' father you would think he was Grumpy himself...yet for the past 20 something years he's been going to WDW with his family. I've seen him smile and have fun in WDW with my own eyes. The paranoid, tough cop facade is BS. Be a real man, let go of the machismo and enjoy time well spent with your family.


I mean do you have to bring him with you to Disney each time? My husband likes Disney, but not nearly as much as I do. He comes along to make me happy, and he does enjoy himself, but once we get home he sure doesn't jump on trying to plan another trip.

So we compromise. I take him about once a year or so, and the rest of the times I go without him. He's happy and I'm happy. He thinks going 4 times a year is pointless - I think its heaven LOL. So I'll go with my parents or other random people and leave him home. Works out good.


New Member
I never went to Disney World till June 2002, then I was 23 years old.

When we were kids we got ripped off because my mother hated theme parks! She never wanted to go to them & a trip to DIsney was out of the question, so my brother & I spent our whole child hood away from theme parks!

WHen I did go to Disney for the first time I feel in love. I love THeme parks! I think my mother & any one who hates them is crazy!

I would not marry any one who was a "party pooper", I think that your husband is denying your child a good trip to Disney World or Disneyland because he hates theme parks.

I'm not tring to be mean it just makes me mad that he would not want to go, or complain the whole time.


New Member
You have two options....dump him and find someone that likes Disney or go without him. He doesn't enjoy the trips and he's making your time miserable.


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Original Poster
Well, in all honesty, he really doesn't complain while we're on vacation, at least not verbally. He may make a facial expression that lets me know he's not having a good time, but for the most part, he tries not to complain, which I appreciate. Problem is that I know DH so well, that he can fake having a good time all he wants and I can still "perceive" he's not having fun.

This last trip was still so much though. I was able to focus on getting into our costumes and trick or treating with the kids rather than is he having a good time. And even when he was just smiling his "polite little smile" I was grinning from ear to ear so he really didn't dampen my mood much. It was more when we got home and I started asking "So, did you have a good time?" and I got his courtesy response "Yeah, it was nice." I was like, nice? Nice? NICE? R u kidding me? Everything couldn't have gone any smoother and it was nice? Not that nice is bad, it's just that it was so great for me. I kind of felt like the lawyer lady in the movie Liar, Liar when Jim Carey says, "I've had better." :lol: :brick: I guess I'll take what I can get.

This next 1 day trip of mine for the parade taping without DH will be a great indicator to me if I do want to consider visiting the parks without him while he stays back home or at the hotel. Let's see how it goes!


New Member
Maybe I'm mean, but with all of your posts, this guy sounds selfish, self absorbed, and possibly abusive, at least mentally. I mean, you are bending over backwards to plan a trip for everyone and he gets "grumpy" if he doesn't have attention? Grow up. A vacation is also for the kids and I'm willing to bet that they like Disney. So Daddy doesn't like Disney. I think Daddy needs to grow up and realize that he's not the only one in the family. I'd go without him. But truthfully, I wouldn't waste my time with someone so selfish and obnoxious.


New Member
kellydisney said:
Maybe I'm mean, but with all of your posts, this guy sounds selfish, self absorbed, and possibly abusive, at least mentally. I mean, you are bending over backwards to plan a trip for everyone and he gets "grumpy" if he doesn't have attention? Grow up. A vacation is also for the kids and I'm willing to bet that they like Disney. So Daddy doesn't like Disney. I think Daddy needs to grow up and realize that he's not the only one in the family. I'd go without him. But truthfully, I wouldn't waste my time with someone so selfish and obnoxious.
Some people just don't like hot crowded theme parks. It's not really a sign that they are selfish.

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