What Time Do You Wake Up At WDW??


im going to wdw with my girlfriend and are 2 year old in August for 8days.
I was wondering what time do most people get up in the morning after a long day at the parks??? What time do you leave the parks to go home and sleep?????
im staying at the pop century resort so im not to far???? but we wanted to go eat breakfast and still beet the crowds??


Well-Known Member
When I was little and went with my parents I would always get them up by 7 so we could eat breakfast and head out to the parks for opening! We would most of the time miss the rope drop cause they take there prescious time. But now when my fiance and I go I wake him up before 7am and we are at Magic kingdom and Animal kingdom at 8:30 am but EPCOT and DHS a little later. Now when we go with my parents I tell them I will just meet them at the Parks cause I LOVE Rope drop!!:sohappy:
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Active Member
If you're going to eat at the food court at POP, get there before 7:30 in the morning. Its peaceful and quiet then. we take our time with breakfast, then get on the bus and be at the park for rope drop. We love those at all parks.........With a 2 yr. old you should go by their schedule, however. Have a magical vacation......
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Well-Known Member
The first two hours the parks are open are the least busy of the day.

So if you want to get the most done, you want to get there at the rope drop.
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Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
The first two hours the parks are open are the least busy of the day.

So if you want to get the most done, you want to get there at the rope drop.
And this thread should show why. This forum is made up of some pretty big Disney zealots and even in a survey made up the most fanatical of Disney park guests less than 25% get to the parks by rope drop. I'll venture to guess that the percentage drops even lower with normal once every year or two type guests.
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Well-Known Member
I am there with my husband and a 3yr old, I had the same schedule when I was single and childless. Up about 5:30am-6am - leave hotel by 7am for breakfast and at park for rope drop.
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Well-Known Member
We usually wake up around 5-6 am. Head down to the gym, breakfast, and then parks. We come back around 12-1 for a nap an then return to the parks or pool around 2-3pm.

We are very early risers on our normal sched it is hard to sleep in, even on vacation.
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New Member
I have been forced into being one of those people who miss rope drop. I usually wake up at 6 or so. (Just like the kid in that commercial, I'm too excited to sleep!) My boyfriend sleeps in until about 9.

At first, this was torture for me. But I got used to it. Now, while he sleeps, I head down to the hotel lobby, have a coffee and read for an hour or so. It's actually a nice way to start the day.
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Well-Known Member
I am not a morning person even in Disney. But the alarm goes of around 7:30 and the wife gets up and gets ready first. I then wait until she is done and work my way to the shower.
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Well-Known Member
When I go to disney, I am normally up around 5:30am. I go for a run, get the blood pumping. Stop by the food court for some coffee and breakfast. Then wake the wife up, shower, and off to the parks!!! We dont have any children, so we are at the parks till closing, and then we repeat the cycle the next day.

I know vacations are suppose to be relaxing, but we can always sleep in other days, and as far as running and so on, I have to do that so I can burn all the calories I consume :p
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New Member
It depends on where we are going

MK- there for rope drop or EMH
Epcot- when we get there we get there, these are usually our sleep in days because we tend to stay all day.
AK- Rope Drop, love the opening of this park
DHS- use to be we would get there a little later now with TSM we will be there at rope drop.
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Well-Known Member
We are ealry risers, so we make it to rope drop or park opening. Do the parks for 4-5 hours and head back for a swim or nap. Later on we head back to the parks for dinner
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:wave: My DH doesn't love Disney the way I love Disney but DH loves me and DS!!:lol: That said I have learned to tone down my obsession and relax! After all he goes willingly with us year after year and never complains. He is ssssssssssssssssslow in the morning so DS and I go for breakfast and go to the pool for a quick dip, we are usually out the door by 11 or so. We do however stay until the bitter end and don't go back for a rest or to swim. This year he deseves a medal because we are going twice! So this trip in Sept. will be a little different, we will take time to visit the waterparks and Disney Quest maybe play some mini golf, hit all the parks , enjoy our meals and just have the best time possible!
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Well-Known Member
:wave: My DH doesn't love Disney the way I love Disney but DH loves me and DS!!:lol: That said I have learned to tone down my obsession and relax! After all he goes willingly with us year after year and never complains. He is ssssssssssssssssslow in the morning so DS and I go for breakfast and go to the pool for a quick dip, we are usually out the door by 11 or so. We do however stay until the bitter end and don't go back for a rest or to swim. This year he deseves a medal because we are going twice! So this trip in Sept. will be a little different, we will take time to visit the waterparks and Disney Quest maybe play some mini golf, hit all the parks , enjoy our meals and just have the best time possible!

That does deserve a medal....And congrats for convincing him to go twice!
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Well-Known Member
When I'm there, I wake up at 7:00 am. Gives me plenty of time to hit Everything Pop for breakfast, and get to the parks in time for rope drop.
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Active Member
since you have a two year old...look into each park has a place to take a child to rest...change diapers..toys to play with...and watch tv...just in case you do not want to go back to your room...just ask a cast member where they are!
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Active Member
We usually stay in the parks until 10 or 11pm (also depends on the time of year we go, the parks close earlier in the "slow" season). We get up early approx 6 am for me and the kids approx 6:30am, now hubby is a different story he gets up at 5am. A few times he has woken me up saying "Barb, hurry up it's late, you have to get up!" So I open my eyes in a panic thinking we have over slept and the parks are already open (we are always there at the rope drop). I see my hubby showered, fully dressed and he even has his shoes on, so I jump up and race to grab my stuff and then I realize it is COMPLETELY DARK in the room. When I look outside it's dark and then I look at the clock and notice it isn't even 6am yet. I swear he is just like a little kid when we are in Disney! My daughter is 12 years old now and my son just turned 8 so we don't really have to worry about keeping a schedule but, when they were little they were early risers by nature (usually up by 6:30 , 7 am was very rare). I always tried to keep their meal schedules the same as at home and they napped in the carriage without any problem however, I brought my own carriage until they were 3 years old. I just found it easier for them to nap in their own carriage and I made sure I always has a beach towel with me to cover the front of the carriage while they slept (it helped to block the light and slightly muffle the noise). We have always been the type that does Disney commando style, there is no sleeping in for us while at Disney.
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New Member
This past trip I woke up around 6:45am every day and the results were fabulous! We ordered groceries from Garden Grocer and had them delivered the first day, so I was able to eat breakfast in my room, shower, dress, head out, and be at the EMH park right on time (or a different park for rope drop at 9am, depending on the plans). We were staying at GF on the monorail, so if you're not you may want to budget a little more time; you may also want to consider what time you want to leave the parks if you're going to wake up at that time. It was no problem for me to stay out until midnight or 1am (I tried to be at whatever park closed the latest for the second part of the day), but the rest of my family couldn't do it after one day and ended up waking up at around 10am. If you're energetic this shouldn't be a problem for you.

I strongly reccomend being at the parks at opening, especially on EMH days. I sprinted every day and was able to get a Fastpass for and then immediately ride an E-ticket every time (Splash at MK, Soarin' at Epcot, Midway Mania at HS, and Everest at AK). After that there were still short wait times (and even walkons) for a while in the mornings. I don't know if any other rides do this (I imagine they do) and I'm not going to reveal what it is, but it's worth your while to be on the first boat of the day on Splash.

If it's not your style to wake up early then no, you don't really need to be at the parks at opening every day. But it will maximize your pleasure and minimize your wait times and I very, very highly reccomend it.
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