I'm not in to theatre that much myself, but I don't see what that has to do with being able to enjoy DHS. While ToT is based on the Twilight Zone series, that doesn't mean it's not enjoyable to someone like myself who has never seen the show. And RnR isn't based on theatre at all, just music; but even if the average guest weren't in to Aerosmith, would that stop them from riding a rollercoaster? Personally, as a casual fan of music and movies I find RnR and GMR to be really good. I understand that not everybody shares those opinions, and that's fine.
I understand your point that LOTR might have a more limited audience than other movies might. But I don't know that it's right to choose movies for GMR based on how universally popular they are. A shockingly large number of people my age have never seen Casablanca; does that mean it's a bad movie and thus shouldn't be included? I don't think you're ever going to be able to get every guest who rides to think all the movies included are amazing. If you limit yourself to movies that are significant in other senses, the attraction, I think, is stronger. Again, just my thoughts, and you're certainly entitled to yours. :wave: