What Ride Is The Most Disappointing...

Badger Brent

Active Member
I'll pick one from each park that I was disappointed with.

MK- Monster's was a big let down for me. I tried it twice and the most amusing thing I got of it was the teenager flipping off the camera when it panned in on him for the random shots of the audience. Yes, he was escorted out of the show after it was done.

Epcot- The Three Cabellero's remake in the Mexican Pavilion. Not an improvement in MY opinion.

MGM- Sounds Dangerous should be emptied, heck another pin shop would get more traffic than it's current attraction.

AK- You said attraction, then I still say the whole Dino-rama area should be taken out. I think the games make it looks cheesy carnival like. My kids wanted to spend money and win stuffed animals, I asked who was going to carry them after Kali and they were soaking wet. That ended that. If you do like the dino area, have fun for me. This is just another area where I cut through to get to another area. Brent


Active Member
Country Bear Jamboree.

It needs to be completely overhauled or trashed.
I imagine it was fun to watch when Audio-Animatronics were new and exciting.

Now it's just rapping Hillbilly bears attempting to Lip Sync and doing it poorly I might add.
It's out dated and politically incorrect now.
If I was from the south, I would boycott this attraction as it's an insult to all Southerners.

It is a good place to nap though. On the two occasions I went on this attraction there were only a handfull of people in the audiance.

I think you're totally wrong.

Long live Country Bear Jamboree!


Active Member
Let's see...
Train to Conservation Station - I want those minutes of my life back and seriously considered legal action against Disney for taking it away. I don't know what I expected, but I got absolutely nothing for my effort.

So looking at a few billboards and a baby elephant through a 2 foot x 2 foot glass window isn't enough for you?? hmmmmm?


Journey to Imagination. An "imagination" themed ride at Disney (EPCOT) should be absolutely incredible. They took a horrible ride, changed it with "improvements" that made the ride worse than the first! Can't the Disney Imagineers come up with something worthy????? Huge disappointment!!!


Well-Known Member
I guess I don't see the distinction you are making. If someone doesn't like a ride, usually they are disappointed they didn't like it. If someone feels a ride is outdated, then they would be disappointed it has not yet been updated.

The whole point of going on an attraction is the expection that you will like it, otherwise why go on it. So if it happens that you don't like the ride, the most logical reaction would be disappointment, unless you rode it for no other reason thean to quench your curiosity. Now, if someone rode Dinosaur, and didn't like it because they don't like dinosaurs, than that shouldn't count as diappointment.

I don't think anyone thought Nemo would be the best dark ride ever, but this is not nessisary to be disappointed by it. I thought is was going to be a short dark ride with an immersive theme utilizing advanced technology to allow the animated fish to swim with the real ones. Now, I haven't ridden it myself just yet, but I've seen the video and it looks great IMO. And who's to say everyone who rode it and were disappointed by it had the same information going in.

So you aren't disappointed that COP and SSE wasted your time? Why would you ride them in the first place if you didn't think you would like them? If you rode them expecting one thing and getting something else, is that not disappointing?

So if you can't be disappointed by an attraction you don't like, can you like an attraction that you are disappointed by? Does that mean you like Dinosaur?

If someone has never been on a ride, how do they now what they are getting into, especially with a title like Small World which does not fully explain the contents of the ride. Why would Disney even build a ride people would be bored by? Although not everyone is bored by it, i like it.

So can someone be disappointed by a ride they don't, I think so.

As for rides I am disappointed by:

Tiki Room: I was disappointed by the frivilous use of characters and the all to common pop culture bandaid

Winnie The Pooh: Disappointed it was nothing like TDL's version and had less character than the previous inhabitants IMO

Buzz: Liked it ok, was disappointed by the feeling that I was on a themepark ride unlike other Disney attractions which make you feel like part of the environment

Test track: Only disappointed that it broke down two of the three times I tried to ride it.

Imagination: Disappointed that it was so boring, every time the car stopped I wanted to break loose screaming and crying. Disappointed in the lack of immersive environment and fantasy aspect the first one was know for

Maestrom: Disappointed it is so short, the queue area is so bland, you move too quickly by many scenes to actually enjoy them, and the the unload area looks better than the rest of the ride.

Rock N' Roller Coaster: Disappointed it's a looping rollercoaster in the dark with aerosmith music (just kidding) :p
Words do have meaning.

Main Entry: dis·ap·point
Pronunciation: "dis-&-'point
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English disapointen to dispossess, from Middle French desapointer, from des- dis- + appointer to arrange -- more at [SIZE=-1]APPOINT[/SIZE]
transitive verb : to fail to meet the expectation or hope of : [SIZE=-1]FRUSTRATE[/SIZE] <the team disappointed its fans>
intransitive verb : to cause disappointment <where the show disappoints most is in the work of the younger generation -- John Ashbery>

You can't just make up meanings for words, no matter how much you want to. Expecting something to be better than it is knowing full well it wouldn't be???? Sounds like some kind of Fuzzy Logic.


Let's see...
Heimlich's Chew-chew Train (DCA) - The time it takes to load a train, strap your seatbelt and lock your doors, the train that left 2 seconds ago has returned to the station. It's 30 seconds of absolutely nothing. My mall has a better train setup for Christmas. The one at Marketplace near the pin shop is equally interesting.

Awwww Merf, really?!?! I actually thought that Heimlich's Chew-chew train was pretty funny and kind of cute. Maybe I was tired. I suppose that they really could have done a lot more with the ride. I guess I was also kind of enthralled with the whole Bug's Land concept. I was happy to have more than It's Tough to be a Bug (even though I love that movie). I was so happy to get my picture with Hopper even if he was a plastic.

Anyway. Indy Speedway still my vote for most disappointing.

I'm amazed by the wide variety of rides that have disappointed. I guess it really is to each his own. More people who think that a ride I like is boring the easier it is for me to get on and ride.:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Another ride I found disappointing was Star Tours. I expected so much more. The oustide of the building and inside are themed very well, however the ride is soooo dated. It was such a let down and I found it to be unrealistic that a transport would end up in the Death Star trench with X-wings and Tie Fighters. I really wanted it to be so much more.


1. - Stitch - just seems a bit out of place and kinda corny
2. - Splash mountain - Love the ride and the themeing is great but how many times do I have to look at the bears butt?


Well-Known Member
I guess I don't see the distinction you are making. If someone doesn't like a ride, usually they are disappointed they didn't like it. If someone feels a ride is outdated, then they would be disappointed it has not yet been updated.

The whole point of going on an attraction is the expection that you will like it, otherwise why go on it. So if it happens that you don't like the ride, the most logical reaction would be disappointment, unless you rode it for no other reason thean to quench your curiosity. Now, if someone rode Dinosaur, and didn't like it because they don't like dinosaurs, than that shouldn't count as diappointment.

There is a big distinction between not liking an attraction and one not living up to your expectation of it. Thus we have 2 seperate areas, not liking something, or being disappointed by something.

I had very low expectations for SGE, it delivered perfectly... Therefore I was not disappointed with it, though I do not like it.

M:S on the other hand had huge expectations and hype surrounding it, it failed to live up to those expectations and was therefore a major disappointment to me. I still like the ride, it was just nowhere as good as I thought it could/should be and therefore it is disappointing.

Even though M:S was disappointing to me and SGE escape was not, I still like M:S much more than I like SGE.


Well-Known Member
There is a big distinction between not liking an attraction and one not living up to your expectation of it. Thus we have 2 seperate areas, not liking something, or being disappointed by something.

I had very low expectations for SGE, it delivered perfectly... Therefore I was not disappointed with it, though I do not like it.

M:S on the other hand had huge expectations and hype surrounding it, it failed to live up to those expectations and was therefore a major disappointment to me. I still like the ride, it was just nowhere as good as I thought it could/should be and therefore it is disappointing.

Even though M:S was disappointing to me and SGE escape was not, I still like M:S much more than I like SGE.
OH NO -- Sounds like you are against the
National-Association-for the Advancement-of Simplifying-English.

Who needs more than 100 words anyways???
Disappoint = Didn't like = Bored = Angered = "Ugh"

SO now the new word for any kind of negative emotion is "Ugh". No further distinction is necessary. Quit puting meaning behind words like disappoint. It only complicates our fragile existance.


New Member
In my point of view, Pirates of the Carribean with Jack Sparrow is the most dissappointing ride because me and the rest of my family were expecting a whole knew ride, not just one new character.


New Member
In my point of view, Pirates of the Carribean with Jack Sparrow is the most dissappointing ride because me and the rest of my family were expecting a whole knew ride, not just one new character.

I was disappointed they changed the plotline from general looting and plundering to "let's get Jack" (most of the talking characters are now focused on Jack). I'll be happy if this "plus" ever goes away. I figured they would actually just place him and other characters from the movies in the scenes without detracting from the classic attraction. Boy, was I wrong.


I was disappointed they changed the plotline from general looting and plundering to "let's get Jack" (most of the talking characters are now focused on Jack). I'll be happy if this "plus" ever goes away. I figured they would actually just place him and other characters from the movies in the scenes without detracting from the classic attraction. Boy, was I wrong.

Eh, I enjoyed the updates, especially the Davy Jones mist at the beginning. I'm just glad they didn't build an Orlando Bloom AA in the ride somewhere. Though, to be fair, they could put the real Orlando Bloom in there and I'd just assume he was some kind of robot.


I was probably most disappointed by Buzz Lightyear's Space Spin, or whatever it's called.

I wasn't expecting huge things from it, but it was still a let-down, especially after having ridden the vastly superior Men in Black ride at Universal the day before.


Well-Known Member
OH NO -- Sounds like you are against the
National-Association-for the Advancement-of Simplifying-English.

Who needs more than 100 words anyways???
Disappoint = Didn't like = Bored = Angered = "Ugh"

SO now the new word for any kind of negative emotion is "Ugh". No further distinction is necessary. Quit puting meaning behind words like disappoint. It only complicates our fragile existance.


I see said the blind man.


Active Member
Stitch's great escape for me was disappointing, even my son who loves stitch didn't want to ride it more than once....

I still smell the chilli dogs.... yuck.


New Member
OK - a bit west of WDW

Most disappointing ride (for me)....

Nemo Subs in Disneyland.

After all the hype, and the HUGE queue lines (3 hours - you gotta be kidding), it didn't live up.

Fortunately (for me) I got there at an EE park opening, so it ONLY took 30 minutes to get into the "sub".

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