What Ride Is The Most Disappointing...


First off, I can't believe I read all 19 pages of this thread.:hammer:

When I first saw the title, one attraction immediately came to mind. Dinosaur is the clear winner for me for the biggest disappointment. I had high hopes for this attraction. I had been on Indiana Jones at DL and absolutely loved the ride. The ride system was awesome. The theming was great. Heck, I even loved standing in line for that ride. Completely awesome and unique experience. I like dinosaurs, so naturally I was excited by just about everything the ride had to offer.

Then I go to Dinosaur. The queue is interesting enough (gotta love Bill Nye) and seems themed well. Pre-ride movie... entertaining enough. And then the ride is just... weird and dark. It's as if the Indiana Jones ride and UoE had a ride-child and then they forgot to turn any of the lights on. It just didn't make any sense. It could've been so awesome, but it becomes merely an okay ride. I mean, people complain of whiplash and the like on that ride because no one know where the heck they are going. There's no way to prepare, no point of reference, you're just hanging on in the dark.

To contrast, I had basically no expectations when it came to SGE, and it delivered perfectly on that lack of expectations, so I really wasn't disappointed at all.

And for a change of pace, there are a few attractions that exceeded expectations during my time at WDW. Cranium Command (R.I.P.) was much better than I had anticipated it being... I genuinely laughed out loud at some parts of that show. Turtle Talk with Crush completely caught me off guard, especially considering the teeny little theater they started it in. That show is hilarious. The Lion King show at AK also far exceeded my expectations. I expected it to be some kind of movie or something, and it was really nice to be wrong. Looking back on my list, I must have very low expectations for shows...:shrug:


New Member
Wow, I can't believe I read all of them either... :p

Anyway, I'm shocked at all of the hatred towards SGE! I agree with CThaddeus. My entire family loved the ride, and all we saw were happy people on it. Although no one in my family is under 18 , we wrote it multiple times. :D I was especially glad that they changed the old Alien encounter into this ride; granted, I probably have a skewed view of that one because the only time I rode it, it broke down and some guys started touching my friend inappropriately in the darkness, but still, how can you not love Stitch?
I understand everyone who hated the "chili dog" smell though. That was pretty nasty!

All in all, I have to say that only two attractions truly disappionted me. The biggest disappointment was Narnia. How could Disney even think that sticking an advertisment like that in the middle of the park was ok? The wardrobe you enter through didn't look like or open like the one in the movie, the line was 30 mins long, and the video was just a behind-the-scenes look at Narnia that I had already seen on the DVD. Even the teaser for the next movie wasn't original... I saw that online months before I went to Disney World. Since I was a big fan of the Narnia movie and had put this as one of my top priorities, I was about ready to cry when it was over. I truly thought that someone was going to jump out and yell "Just kidding! That wasn't it! The real attraction's just through this door."

My only other true disappointment was Journey into Imagination. After my mom and I rode it, we both agreed that only someone who was very high could actually enjoy such a ride. I just saw the video of the old 80s version on youtube, and I can't believe they would change that into this! Where were the imagineers? Clearly, imagination was not on their minds when they came up with the current one.

Barring than these "attractions", WDW truly is the most magical, happiest place on Earth. All of us were huge fans of Mission:Space (rode it 5 times), Fantasmic!, and pretty much everything else in all four parks and both water parks.


Well-Known Member
I've never been all that interested in Stitch's great escape so I can't say for that, but I personally was never disappointed in an actual ride. Some I decided I wouldn't be rushing to ride again such as HISTH and though I don't dislike Space Mountain, I found myself enjoying the queue of the ride more than the ride itself XD

Pete C

Active Member
Kali River Rapids - This is the most boring river rapids ride of all time...where is the action? After going on the superb Grizzly River Run at DCA you'd figure they knew what they were doing. I don't like the drab scenery, though I know it is trying to make a point. I'd prefer a lush jungle scene with AAs hosing you down. At least then you'd have something to look at. As it stands...F-


New Member
Kali River Rapids - This is the most boring river rapids ride of all time...where is the action? After going on the superb Grizzly River Run at DCA you'd figure they knew what they were doing. I don't like the drab scenery, though I know it is trying to make a point. I'd prefer a lush jungle scene with AAs hosing you down. At least then you'd have something to look at. As it stands...F-

I feel almost exactly the opposite in regards to Kali vs. Grizzly. Neither is a good attraction, but at least Kali has nice theming and an attempt (lame as it is) at a story. Grizzly is about as dull as it gets - NOTHING to look at, one drop at the end, and geysers that turn off long before you get to them. I go to DCA weekly and it's one of the few attractions there I've only been on a couple of times (contrast that with Muppet-Vision which I've seen way too many times to count!). Animatronics could seriously help Kali/Grizzly, but they'd still just be huge space wasters unless they gave them Splash Mountain style stories.

Pete C

Active Member

Thunder Mountain was a disappointment for a few reasons. Visually, when you're in Frontierland, the Mountain is amazing. But, after waiting about 45 minutes of waiting, and a short ride, I felt underwhelmed. We have a ride at Hershey Park almost identical to BTMRR that I loved as a kid, but its a little faster (maybe I'm losing it, but BTMRR seems to be getting slower?!?):confused:

Short ride?!? Are you kidding me? It's one of the longest coasters in the entire world! 3:30 minutes is longer than all but the very longest coasters like the insanely long Beast at Kings Island. And Trailblazer is not on any sort of level with BTMRR...aside from both being mine trains they are not even in the same ballpark.


Well, I'm the opposite of most of you, I don't really care for Buzz, but enjoy Stitch for the animatronics..Except they've REALLY ruined it lately with light timing being very off...PRESERVE THE MAGIC!!!


Well-Known Member
I probably won't make any friends with this, but Big Thunder Mountain Railroad is always a huge buzzkill for me. I swear, every time I ride that thing it gets slower and slower. It was my favorite growing up and now it's just a big bummer.

Ask for the back car, this makes a world of difference (more so than on most coasters due to the fact that after BTM lift hills there are turns, not big drops.)

If you are in the middle or front you have to wait on every hill for the tail of the train to crest, then the speed picks up.

If you are in the back you start going fast the second you crest a hill, while the front of the train is already mostly through the turn and still going slow.

You will be amazed at the difference.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
The all time winner for me: 'The Living Seas'.

I still remember when it opened in 1986. It was the only new attraction in the whole of WDW in ages. It think - correct me if I'm wrong - the first new ride in three years.

Anticipition was high. The Living Seas abounded in superlatives. 'Largest man-made underwater environment!' 'Most expensive attraction ever!' 'Take a suspenseful rife first, end up in an underwater Sea Base of the Future!'

Well, this ride consisted of waiting twenty minutes to travel some 60 feet that you could've walked in twenty seconds. The view consisted of an...aqaurium. Then you arrived at Seabase Alpha, which was, erm...the same aquarium but with window frames coloured in eighties pastels.

Oh, and let's not forget the thrill that was the simulated elevator ride, the Hydrolator. Enter on one side, feel the floor wobble a bit as bubbles float up behind the glass walls, and exit one inch lower on the other side.


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