What Ride Is The Most Disappointing...


New Member
Grizzly River Run (I expected another Kali.)

Funny, I'd say exactly the opposite. I think both are the kind of junk you'd get from Knott's Berry Farm or Six Flags, but at least Kali River Rapids has some great theming and an enjoyable queue. Grizzly is about as sparse as it gets, with practically no Disney feeling to it at all...and even worse, this is supposedly the centerpiece attraction.
And I still think Stitch is a fun attraction...

As for what Tower of Terror is missing at California Adventure - the whole 5th dimension area where the car moves forward. The attraction is lame enough at Disney-MGM, but in hacking out the only sort-of "wow" part about the whole attraction (ie. how does it move forward when it's supposed to be an elevator?), they've made it little more than an overly-controlled freefall.


Active Member
As for what Tower of Terror is missing at California Adventure - the whole 5th dimension area where the car moves forward. The attraction is lame enough at Disney-MGM, but in hacking out the only sort-of "wow" part about the whole attraction (ie. how does it move forward when it's supposed to be an elevator?), they've made it little more than an overly-controlled freefall.
Interesting, I never heard this. I have to wonder...if your going to build the thing, why not do it right? Is it just about money, it can't be that when they charge me $8.00 for a 12 oz bottle of Bud!

Mansion Butler

Active Member
Interesting, I never heard this. I have to wonder...if your going to build the thing, why not do it right? Is it just about money, it can't be that when they charge me $8.00 for a 12 oz bottle of Bud!

I can understand them cutting down on the queue detail, but the rest was simply them thinking, "the rest isn't important, we can save money just by cutting to the chase."

So what you've got is less immersion, and the inexplicable transition of elevator doors opening up to access. . . a hallway?
Narnia is my worst when it starts out really great with going into the wardrobe the great set, then the actors get everyone all hyped up, but then after all that hype they put a preview on a projection for what seems to be a lifetime lol :mad::lol:


Well-Known Member
Most disappointing ride for me is M:S, still not a bad ride - just wasn't what it was hyped up to be.

Worst ride/attracion I would say is SGE.


Well-Known Member
Most disappointing ride for me is M:S, still not a bad ride - just wasn't what it was hyped up to be.

Worst ride/attracion I would say is SGE.

I'm glad someone made the distinction because they aren't the same thing. I'm sure there were only a handfull of "us" that expected SGE to be worthwhile in the first place, so it's kind of hard for it to be a disappointment. If you expect coal in your stocking and you get it, you can't be disappointed :)


Well-Known Member
I would say that the most disappointing ones would be SGE definitely. That one was pure disappointment, in both execution and planning.

The only other ride I have a big nitpick with? Dinosaur, believe it or not. I don't know, it just feels unoriginal at times, and sure, it's still a fun ride, but it had limitless possibilities, both in execution, and to take advntage of the EMV system they have, buuut, they went down the cheap route and used the same layout and track design from Indy in DL. That, and what feels like a dumbed down script doesn't help either. I guess that's what happens when a certain CEO decided to build an attraction for the sole purpose of advertising a movie that turned out to be a big flop, haha.

That, and has anyone else noticed how it's already outdated?? I mean, really...Bill Nye is still in the the room with the Carnotarus skeleton...how LONG has that guy been on the air and doesn't anyone even remember him?? :shrug: I do, but sheesh...haven't seen that guy in YEARS...


Well-Known Member
First of all -- this is supposed to be about ride disappointment.
Not rides you don't like.
Not rides you think need to be updated.
Or especially rides you think you wouldn't like so you refuse to ride.

Disappointment would be if you have higher expectations for an attraction and are let down by what you experience.

If you thought Nemo was going to be the best dark ride every... yes you might be disappointed. But who thought it was going to be much more than cartoons in a fish tank?

I have never been on Sorin'. I believe I "may" be disappointed because it's just the same 10 minute movie over and over. But I can't say for sure -- CAUSE I'VE NEVER BEEN ON. I can say I'm not super interested though.

I don't like COP/SSE because they are HUGE time wasters. But that's not a disappointment. I know what's going to happen in each. And I won't make the mistake of going again. Please SSE rehab add SOMETHING interesting to this attraction.

I was very disappointed on Dinosaur. I was totally expecting the emersive experience of Indy and I didn't get it. Maybe Dinosaurs are to fantasy. Maybe it wasn't life like enough. I don't know. But for being the EXACT same, it really fell flat.

My expectations weren't high for Tiki Room Under New Management. But it was so bad that it was below my lowest of expectations. So it is also a disappointment to me.

The worst was Disney Studios. I was so EXCITED as a kid to see THE MOVIES COME TO LIFE. I expected there to be sets and filming and have the Hollywood buzz throughout the place. But it was a series of 7 shows and 2 rides. I know it wasn't finished at the time. We went the first winter. But there were no sets running at the time (just missed seeing Mickey Mouse Club for the season). And the Backlot tour was 2 hours long. But they didn't really show you anything. Just the same preproduced shows that everybody saw. There was no real highlight to the Studios when it began. It's getting there now, but an overhaul is still much needed.

One attraction that I've been on that can be disappointing is the Jungle Cruise. A skipper can make or break it. This is one attraction that can literally be a totally different experience each time. I could see a few others being this way, but how can somebody say that the ride on IASW is disappointing??? What did you think you were going to get??? It may be boring, but not disappointing.

Crazy Harry

Active Member
First of all -- this is supposed to be about ride disappointment.
Not rides you don't like.
Not rides you think need to be updated.
Or especially rides you think you wouldn't like so you refuse to ride.

Disappointment would be if you have higher expectations for an attraction and are let down by what you experience.

If you thought Nemo was going to be the best dark ride every... yes you might be disappointed. But who thought it was going to be much more than cartoons in a fish tank?

I have never been on Sorin'. I believe I "may" be disappointed because it's just the same 10 minute movie over and over. But I can't say for sure -- CAUSE I'VE NEVER BEEN ON. I can say I'm not super interested though.

I don't like COP/SSE because they are HUGE time wasters. But that's not a disappointment. I know what's going to happen in each. And I won't make the mistake of going again. Please SSE rehab add SOMETHING interesting to this attraction.

I was very disappointed on Dinosaur. I was totally expecting the emersive experience of Indy and I didn't get it. Maybe Dinosaurs are to fantasy. Maybe it wasn't life like enough. I don't know. But for being the EXACT same, it really fell flat.

My expectations weren't high for Tiki Room Under New Management. But it was so bad that it was below my lowest of expectations. So it is also a disappointment to me.

The worst was Disney Studios. I was so EXCITED as a kid to see THE MOVIES COME TO LIFE. I expected there to be sets and filming and have the Hollywood buzz throughout the place. But it was a series of 7 shows and 2 rides. I know it wasn't finished at the time. We went the first winter. But there were no sets running at the time (just missed seeing Mickey Mouse Club for the season). And the Backlot tour was 2 hours long. But they didn't really show you anything. Just the same preproduced shows that everybody saw. There was no real highlight to the Studios when it began. It's getting there now, but an overhaul is still much needed.

One attraction that I've been on that can be disappointing is the Jungle Cruise. A skipper can make or break it. This is one attraction that can literally be a totally different experience each time. I could see a few others being this way, but how can somebody say that the ride on IASW is disappointing??? What did you think you were going to get??? It may be boring, but not disappointing.

I guess I don't see the distinction you are making. If someone doesn't like a ride, usually they are disappointed they didn't like it. If someone feels a ride is outdated, then they would be disappointed it has not yet been updated.

The whole point of going on an attraction is the expection that you will like it, otherwise why go on it. So if it happens that you don't like the ride, the most logical reaction would be disappointment, unless you rode it for no other reason thean to quench your curiosity. Now, if someone rode Dinosaur, and didn't like it because they don't like dinosaurs, than that shouldn't count as diappointment.

I don't think anyone thought Nemo would be the best dark ride ever, but this is not nessisary to be disappointed by it. I thought is was going to be a short dark ride with an immersive theme utilizing advanced technology to allow the animated fish to swim with the real ones. Now, I haven't ridden it myself just yet, but I've seen the video and it looks great IMO. And who's to say everyone who rode it and were disappointed by it had the same information going in.

So you aren't disappointed that COP and SSE wasted your time? Why would you ride them in the first place if you didn't think you would like them? If you rode them expecting one thing and getting something else, is that not disappointing?

So if you can't be disappointed by an attraction you don't like, can you like an attraction that you are disappointed by? Does that mean you like Dinosaur?

If someone has never been on a ride, how do they now what they are getting into, especially with a title like Small World which does not fully explain the contents of the ride. Why would Disney even build a ride people would be bored by? Although not everyone is bored by it, i like it.

So can someone be disappointed by a ride they don't, I think so.

As for rides I am disappointed by:

Tiki Room: I was disappointed by the frivilous use of characters and the all to common pop culture bandaid

Winnie The Pooh: Disappointed it was nothing like TDL's version and had less character than the previous inhabitants IMO

Buzz: Liked it ok, was disappointed by the feeling that I was on a themepark ride unlike other Disney attractions which make you feel like part of the environment

Test track: Only disappointed that it broke down two of the three times I tried to ride it.

Imagination: Disappointed that it was so boring, every time the car stopped I wanted to break loose screaming and crying. Disappointed in the lack of immersive environment and fantasy aspect the first one was know for

Maestrom: Disappointed it is so short, the queue area is so bland, you move too quickly by many scenes to actually enjoy them, and the the unload area looks better than the rest of the ride.

Rock N' Roller Coaster: Disappointed it's a looping rollercoaster in the dark with aerosmith music (just kidding) :p


Well-Known Member
In no particular order...

1. Stitch's Great Escape
2. Kali River Rapids (too short)
3. Soarin' (I think people overhyped it)
4. Backlot Tour
5. Star Tours
6. Anything in Dino-Rama
7. Grand Fiesta Tour
8. Imagination with Figment
9. Universe of Energy
10. Winnie the Pooh
11. Fantasmic
12. Illuminations
13. Tiki Room Under New Management
14. Indiana Jones (change it already)
15. Maelstrom (too short)

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
With all this dissapointment perhaps Disney should reconsider the Happiest Place on Earth tag.

The Most Mildly Dissapointing Place on Earth dosent have the same ring though.

Crazy Harry

Active Member
With all this dissapointment perhaps Disney should reconsider the Happiest Place on Earth tag.

The Most Mildly Dissapointing Place on Earth dosent have the same ring though.

I suppose it depends on what perspective you look at it in. I can be disappoionted by an attraction knowing that 1) not everyone will be disappointed by it and might have a place in the park regardless of what I think of it and 2) does not affect my over all expereince with the disney parks. Everyone who is disappointed by certain rides have obviously been there and are more than likely fans since they belong to a disney fan site, so it's not that they are disappointed by their disney experience persay, but are individuals with individual tastes and are not subject to like everything. I think it's interesting to see why someone is disappointed by a ride because it's interesting how different people can be.

The one thing we can all agree on is that WDW is awesome!


Account Suspended
Let's see...

Stitch's Great Escape - It might of just been "meh" if i hadn't known Alien Encounter. Seeing what they did to the preshow made me want to smack someone. Oiled himself? Ugh.. tasteless.

Indy Speedway - That's it? Nothing to look at and it goes really slow. I don't even like fast rides at all, but I found myself thinking "jeeze this is slow and boring." I expected more. Oh, same thing goes for Autopia - i was somehow convinced i'd get a car with a "personality" like i'd been promised by DL's guidemaps, website, and such. No, it's Indy with some scenery.

Train to Conservation Station - I want those minutes of my life back and seriously considered legal action against Disney for taking it away. I don't know what I expected, but I got absolutely nothing for my effort.

Francis' Lady Bug Boogie (at DCA) - Amazingly cool looking concept, but a totally boring ride. Go ride Flik's Flyer 3 times instead of waiting in line for this.

Heimlich's Chew-chew Train (DCA) - The time it takes to load a train, strap your seatbelt and lock your doors, the train that left 2 seconds ago has returned to the station. It's 30 seconds of absolutely nothing. My mall has a better train setup for Christmas. The one at Marketplace near the pin shop is equally interesting.

Great Movie Ride - I used to like it, but it has gone so far downhill lately that I always get off saddened that it has fallen so much from grace.

Backlot Tour - I was never a big fan, but recently they found a way to make it worse. Far more itneresting and worth it to fork out the cash for Backstage Magic tour and wander the shops on foot.

LMAX - Looked interesting, found the actual show to be dull. Gave it another try, found my cuticles to be more interesting.

Journey w/Figgy - My first ride on the latest version was with an Imagineer upfront taking notes. Nothing worked properly. Show doors didn't close, audio was out of synch, whole scenes stopped and restarted, Fig animatronics never popped up or were stone-like. The final scene was pre-exploded and made no sense. I just randomly got blasted with air and blinded with a flash - at first I thought one of the Figgy animatronics had blown up.

General DLR Food - Not a ride/show, but the food at the resort is nearly inedible and they have no good produce. Shocking contrast to WDW's large selection and fresh produce.

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