What Resort Not To Stay At.!

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Hi Folks. You know there's always plenty of members,new & old,asking for advice on what resorts are our favourites.However very few ask where would you not stay. So here's my question today.Is there a resort at WDW that you don't fancy for a particular reason? For example,if I could,which I can't.Afford to stay our 14 days,at a deluxe,( unless the wind of fortune changes ) I would not pick AKL for one particular reason,it's in the middle of nowhere land,on the edge of the magic bubble,yes it's got some of the best restaurants on Disney property,but due to its location,it gets the No Vote from me.And the only other deluxe that I wouldn't like to stay at ( Heres where the heat gets turned up ) is GF. Now before all you GF fans reach for your bow & arrows,let me explain why it's not for me. I'am not the bow tie & afternoon tea kinda guy,I would feel out of place.Theres a Disney brochure here in the UK that shows a picture of mummy with her little angel having petit fours at lunch.( Yeh,like Thats gonna happen ) The La de da scene just isn't my cup of Kona,trust me,I wouldn't feel relaxed...Example..True story time..Many years ago,an up and coming Scottish comedian called Billy Connelly was at a Golf charity event when he bumped into a old school buddy ( who was now a big time lawyer ) He said to Billy " Are you still trying to be a stand up comic? " to which Billy quietly nodded his head.He then went on to say,in his best posh accent,which he never had at school." You know Billy,we bought our villa three years ago for $350.000 and its now worth $700.000, double the price we paid for it,what would you get if you sold your house?" Billy just looked at him and said," Oh about six years.". The moral behind that story is I'am yer working man,the GF isn't for me.:)


Well-Known Member
I am all about the middle of the road! I don't want to be surrounded with children and far away from the parks! I, also, want to be able to drink beer out of the bottle and not be afraid of receiving sideways glances! POFQ is for me! I agree hatter should our salaries change, Animal Kingdom would be for me!
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No values or CBR. I need a queen bed while on vacation. My kids also put in their request of having a water slide.
Everybody has me scared now about staying at the all star sports resort. Is it because of too many kids, too noisy, themes, ect? My son is 9years old and loves playing rec league baseball and basketball as well as backyard football and I thought this would be an excellent choice to stay at.
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Well-Known Member
I hesitate to say "never" since there is always something that could change things (like if someone was hosting us on a trip, and that's the hotel they picked, or if one of the kids fell in love with the place and really wanted to stay there, etc), but one hotel that I can't see us ever staying in, barring such a scenario would be the Contemporary. We just don't like the theme at all. Too tacky and plain. Not to mention that it is my understanding that a standard view room is in one of those hideous "wing" buildings. So unless we wanted to pay the extra money, not only would we be staying in a tacky resort, but we would be staying in those tacky wings of the tacky resort. So basically, the tackiest of the tacky. ;)
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Well-Known Member
Also, All Star Sports and All Star Music. I don't know if we will ever stay in a Value, but if we did, my choices would be Art of Animation, Pop Century and All Star Movies. Since I'm not sure we will ever stay at a Value, and those are the ones I would want if we did, I just can't see us ever staying at the other two.

Again, I won't go so far as to say "never". Like I said, if one of the kids puts in a plea to stay in one of those resorts, that could change things. As could discounts. If money was an issue and the bigger discount was at Sports or Music (like, say, 20% off at Sports, but only 5% off at the ones of my choice), then it is conceivable that I would opt for the better discount, even though I may ultimately stay at the one I like better for the higher price.
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Well-Known Member
I would stay at ANY hotel/resort at WDW. Im not picky as long as it's clean, I have a bed to stretch out in, and a shower with good water pressure, I can deal with any hotel. And any WDW hotel seems to meet those standards (not sure about water pressure though).

So my "never" stay at....would just be hotels/resorts off disney property ;) LOL
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Well-Known Member
Grand Floridian. Too fancy for me. Also Wilderness Lodge. While I like the lobby, restaurants and outdoor area, I think the rooms are kind of plain. I'm also not into all of the outdoorsy type stuff. If I wanted that I'd head a few hours north. Same thing with Fort Wilderness. While I enjoy camping occasionally, I would NEVER want to stay in a cabin or my camper at Disney. Camping and Disney just don't mix for me. One more, any place with a stove. I don't want to see an over or stove (aside from restaurants) while I'm on vacation. Call me crazy, but that just screams reality to me.

Am I too picky?? ;)
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For me, Saratoga Springs and Caribbean Beach. Saratoga only because that is my home town, its just odd to go there. Ive had two bad experiences staying at Caribbean beach, both on separate occasions. Im definitely done with that place.
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real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Everybody has me scared now about staying at the all star sports resort. Is it because of too many kids, too noisy, themes, ect? My son is 9years old and loves playing rec league baseball and basketball as well as backyard football and I thought this would be an excellent choice to stay at.
Don't be a silly billy.You'll have a magical time.Your staying at WDW,what more do you want? Magic! You got it.;)
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real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Grand Floridian. Too fancy for me. Also Wilderness Lodge. While I like the lobby, restaurants and outdoor area, I think the rooms are kind of plain. I'm also not into all of the outdoorsy type stuff. If I wanted that I'd head a few hours north. Same thing with Fort Wilderness. While I enjoy camping occasionally, I would NEVER want to stay in a cabin or my camper at Disney. Camping and Disney just don't mix for me. One more, any place with a stove. I don't want to see an over or stove (aside from restaurants) while I'm on vacation. Call me crazy, but that just screams reality to me.

Am I too picky?? ;)
. Aye..;)
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Well-Known Member
Before I read the rest I LOVE the GF. We save up for a long time to stay there, GF tends to be a big debate point. However DH and I have agreed we would rather put off a trip for a year than stay at any of the All Stars. We like our little bit of luxery when we stay at WDW. It's funny because my sister loves All Stars.
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Active Member
I'd rather not stay at the All Stars-It's just too huge of a complex. The bus lines are insanely long & the theming of the rooms isn't very attractive.We had a bad experience with a soggy carpet at CS years ago, and when strolling though the monorail resorts, Contemporary doesn't have the warmth & magic of most other WDW resorts. But...staying at any place on property is a welcome respite from the rest of the dreary non- Disney world!
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Well-Known Member
We stayed at GF two years ago, and it was amazing. Room size and views, CMs were terrific, did not feel stuffy at all, and I was worried about that, as I am a blue collar worker, a chef, and my wife is a server. we dont do fancy, just put our shorts on and go. But GF did a really good job in making us feel right at home, as well as the other guests. As for a resort I would not stay at, none, because I am at WDW. Now I would rather not stay at the values anymore for they just dont have the amenities we like, such as a good bar and TS restaurant. And we will not go back to CBR until they update the rooms, just disgusting and always dirty.
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Well-Known Member
Grand Floridian. Too fancy for me. Also Wilderness Lodge. While I like the lobby, restaurants and outdoor area, I think the rooms are kind of plain. I'm also not into all of the outdoorsy type stuff. If I wanted that I'd head a few hours north. Same thing with Fort Wilderness. While I enjoy camping occasionally, I would NEVER want to stay in a cabin or my camper at Disney. Camping and Disney just don't mix for me. One more, any place with a stove. I don't want to see an over or stove (aside from restaurants) while I'm on vacation. Call me crazy, but that just screams reality to me.

Am I too picky?? ;)
LOL!!! ;)
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Well-Known Member
For me, Saratoga Springs and Caribbean Beach. Saratoga only because that is my home town, its just odd to go there. Ive had two bad experiences staying at Caribbean beach, both on separate occasions. Im definitely done with that place.

Welcome to the boards neighbor! After growing up near Saratoga I still like the Saratoga Springs Resort and bought points for the resort. We have stayed there many times and it is a beautiful resort. There is not all that much that reminds me of Saratoga, NY besides the horse theme and the names used throughout the resort.

There are no resorts that I would say that I would never stay at. I would however say that we have had a really bad experience @ OKW an would not stay there unless I had no other choice.

My preference of resorts would be DVC & Deluxe. When I am on vacation @ WDW I really enjoy have a cocktail on the balcony after a long day of play, while in the mornings I sit and have a light breakfast and coffee out there. I would honestly be happy on a balcony @ a moderate or value, but that sitting, relaxing and breathing in that pixie dust is key to me.
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Carey Poppins - Nanny and Disney Enthusiest
Hi Folks. You know there's always plenty of members,new & old,asking for advice on what resorts are our favourites.However very few ask where would you not stay. So here's my question today.Is there a resort at WDW that you don't fancy for a particular reason? For example,if I could,which I can't.Afford to stay our 14 days,at a deluxe,( unless the wind of fortune changes ) I would not pick AKL for one particular reason,it's in the middle of nowhere land,on the edge of the magic bubble,yes it's got some of the best restaurants on Disney property,but due to its location,it gets the No Vote from me.And the only other deluxe that I wouldn't like to stay at ( Heres where the heat gets turned up ) is GF. Now before all you GF fans reach for your bow & arrows,let me explain why it's not for me. I'am not the bow tie & afternoon tea kinda guy,I would feel out of place.Theres a Disney brochure here in the UK that shows a picture of mummy with her little angel having petit fours at lunch.( Yeh,like Thats gonna happen ) The La de da scene just isn't my cup of Kona,trust me,I wouldn't feel relaxed...Example..True story time..Many years ago,an up and coming Scottish comedian called Billy Connelly was at a Golf charity event when he bumped into a old school buddy ( who was now a big time lawyer ) He said to Billy " Are you still trying to be a stand up comic? " to which Billy quietly nodded his head.He then went on to say,in his best posh accent,which he never had at school." You know Billy,we bought our villa three years ago for $350.000 and its now worth $700.000, double the price we paid for it,what would you get if you sold your house?" Billy just looked at him and said," Oh about six years.". The moral behind that story is I'am yer working man,the GF isn't for me.:)

I would not stay at Pop. I did once for a night and didn't like it at all. I also would not stay at Saratoga Springs, the All Star Resorts, and Old Key West. I can't say I have really sound reasoning why, but I just don't care for the resorts. Coranado and Caribbean are also not my fave themes but I would probably stay there, just not my first choice.
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Active Member
The only resort I would never stay at would be Fort Wilderness. I do not camp, EVER. Just not my thing. I think I would rather sleep in my car than a tent.

I also would not be overly thrilled staying at any of the value resorts either, but if that was the only place I could afford to stay then I am sure it would be just fine and dandy.
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