What Resort Not To Stay At.!

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Hi Folks. You know there's always plenty of members,new & old,asking for advice on what resorts are our favourites.However very few ask where would you not stay. So here's my question today.Is there a resort at WDW that you don't fancy for a particular reason? For example,if I could,which I can't.Afford to stay our 14 days,at a deluxe,( unless the wind of fortune changes ) I would not pick AKL for one particular reason,it's in the middle of nowhere land,on the edge of the magic bubble,yes it's got some of the best restaurants on Disney property,but due to its location,it gets the No Vote from me.And the only other deluxe that I wouldn't like to stay at ( Heres where the heat gets turned up ) is GF. Now before all you GF fans reach for your bow & arrows,let me explain why it's not for me. I'am not the bow tie & afternoon tea kinda guy,I would feel out of place.Theres a Disney brochure here in the UK that shows a picture of mummy with her little angel having petit fours at lunch.( Yeh,like Thats gonna happen ) The La de da scene just isn't my cup of Kona,trust me,I wouldn't feel relaxed...Example..True story time..Many years ago,an up and coming Scottish comedian called Billy Connelly was at a Golf charity event when he bumped into a old school buddy ( who was now a big time lawyer ) He said to Billy " Are you still trying to be a stand up comic? " to which Billy quietly nodded his head.He then went on to say,in his best posh accent,which he never had at school." You know Billy,we bought our villa three years ago for $350.000 and its now worth $700.000, double the price we paid for it,what would you get if you sold your house?" Billy just looked at him and said," Oh about six years.". The moral behind that story is I'am yer working man,the GF isn't for me.:)


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't stay at any of the All-Stars (only because if that's my price point, I'd prefer the theming at AoA and/or Pop). If I'm going to pay for a moderate, I would want a queen bed, so that rules out the Caribbean Beach resort. Finally, as a general rule, I wouldn't stay ANYwhere that is going to cost us more than $175 or so per night, because I feel like that is just spending way too much on a place where we primarily sleep and shower, so that rules out the deluxe resorts (at rack rates, anyway - we can swing it with a DVC point rental for a studio), and the moderates (during higher-priced seasons and/or in the absence of a discount).

I suppose I should also include the Fort Wilderness Campground. Ironically, it's not because I dislike camping -- we love it! It's due to the high cost if you don't own a camper already. For the cost-per-day of renting a camper or RV plus the campsite fee, we could have a moderate or even a deluxe room!
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Active Member
I've been fortunate to stay at all the resorts over my 40 years and have never had a bad experience at any of them. I think Disney has done a nice job of covering the spectrum so everyone can find what best fits them for their specific vacation. Based on that...If I'm money conscious or just looking for a place to rest my head, I typically stay at Pop. If I want to pamper myself and looking for quick accessibility to the parks, I stay at the Contemporary. If I want quite and seclusion, I tend to go moderate or deluxe of the rail. I really can't say I would never stay anywhere though. Those are just preferences.

Just booked the Pop last night for a last minute getaway Feb2-8!
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Active Member
I'd have to agree with not staying at the values. Sometimes we arrive very late at night so we don't want to start our "real" vacation until the next morning and will stay at a value for the first night and then check into our real resort in the morning. It saves a lot of money since we mainly stay deluxe. My point being that I've tried the values and while I found them clean and everyone friendly the rooms are small and I just don't feel comfortable with other guests walking by my window. They are also noisier. I enjoy the Deluxe resorts with the private balcony. Since we like to spend some time at our resort we feel like spending the extra money is worth it for us. I enjoy sitting out on the balcony and reading and taking in the view while my daughter and husband use the pool. We also like having the option of a table service mail which isn't an option at the values. I guess if there every came a time where we just couldn't afford to do anything but a value I would still go but it's just not the same to me.
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real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Not a fan of any of the Disney value resorts. The over the top theming does nothing for me. It just looks to cheap and tacky. I would rather spend the money for an offsite resort then stay at one of them.
Sorta agree about the over the top tacky feeling,I remember our bus letting people off at All Stars when we were heading to CBR on our first visit and I was thinking oh my god,but if I had one and only one chance of a dream Disney holiday then it wouldn't bother me staying anywhere on site.Id still feel the magic.;)
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Well-Known Member
Oh Hatter... Its got to be the All Star Sports. I have to stay there about 10 nights a year with my daughters sports teams. Between the kids throwing the football half the night, the very loud cafeteria food court, and the CM that seem to be so frustrated with the entire thing... I am at the point where I do not like it at all. Last year due to an overbooking we where allowed to stay at Music and the difference was not even close it was great. I also have had no problems the couple times we have stayed at Movies...
My other NOT is the Cabins. And It is strictly because I think the transportation is horrible.. 2 busses or a bus and a boat to get anywhere :( But I loved the cabin... I remember one time we left the parks at 10:00, and got back to the room at 2:00 A.M. pushing a double stroller and carrying a sleeping 6 year old. Its been 10 years and have not back :(.
On a positive Note.... Love Beach, Love Pop, Love AOA, LOVE Poly, Love BW, Love PORS :)
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Well-Known Member
I would not stay at the Contemporary . It is in my opinion very dry and reminds me of every other hotel I stay at around the country. That being said I love the Grand, but the prices are getting ridiculously high. Higher quality room can be had off property for less money. (Ritz, Waldorf)
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Active Member
I won't stay at any resort that costs more than $150 a night. I applaud those who like to spend more than that (yay for you) but I don't want to buy the place. My family and I prefer POP Century because we're only in the room long enough to shower and sleep. I don't go to Disney to spend time in a room and go swimming, I can do that here at home. :)
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Active Member
Everybody has me scared now about staying at the all star sports resort. Is it because of too many kids, too noisy, themes, ect? My son is 9years old and loves playing rec league baseball and basketball as well as backyard football and I thought this would be an excellent choice to stay at.

my kids loved staying at Sports. They played football every morning while we were getting them breakfast in the QS restaurant. Would definitely stay there again with the kids. For My DH and I, We will stay at the poly next time.
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Well-Known Member
Grand Floridian. There is a reason the ceilings are higher at the resort. It allows them to raise the lights above the peoples noses. (joking) In all seriousness though, the GF is just far too stuffy for me and symbolizes everything that is wrong in this country.
"Symbolizes everything that is wrong in this country"??? Why, because some people have more resources than others and can afford to stay at a resort that might be out of someone elses price range? Should we just have the same standardized hotels for everyone, priced the same, looking the same? Should there be a law that everyone's bank account should be capped at a certain number and if one earns more than the capped number, the overflow be re-distributed to someone else? Come on....that comment is so juvenile and simplistic. What is "wrong" with this country is the entitled attitudes that prevail in the country today. Jealous that you can't stay at the GF? Then do something about it..work hard to better your lot in life instead of complaining about another person's success..
Disclaimer--- I have four kids, make less than 70k a yr. I am not rich by anyone's standards but I don't disparage anyone who happens to have greater resources than me. When I got to Disney, I can barely afford to stay at the All-Star. I believe that there are far greater problems with this country that whether or not there exists a three class economic system....
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Well-Known Member
I liked POP but I could not stay at a value agian. I need a fridge and a microwave. We like to eat breakfast in the room. Not easy at a value resort.
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