What Resort Not To Stay At.!

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Hi Folks. You know there's always plenty of members,new & old,asking for advice on what resorts are our favourites.However very few ask where would you not stay. So here's my question today.Is there a resort at WDW that you don't fancy for a particular reason? For example,if I could,which I can't.Afford to stay our 14 days,at a deluxe,( unless the wind of fortune changes ) I would not pick AKL for one particular reason,it's in the middle of nowhere land,on the edge of the magic bubble,yes it's got some of the best restaurants on Disney property,but due to its location,it gets the No Vote from me.And the only other deluxe that I wouldn't like to stay at ( Heres where the heat gets turned up ) is GF. Now before all you GF fans reach for your bow & arrows,let me explain why it's not for me. I'am not the bow tie & afternoon tea kinda guy,I would feel out of place.Theres a Disney brochure here in the UK that shows a picture of mummy with her little angel having petit fours at lunch.( Yeh,like Thats gonna happen ) The La de da scene just isn't my cup of Kona,trust me,I wouldn't feel relaxed...Example..True story time..Many years ago,an up and coming Scottish comedian called Billy Connelly was at a Golf charity event when he bumped into a old school buddy ( who was now a big time lawyer ) He said to Billy " Are you still trying to be a stand up comic? " to which Billy quietly nodded his head.He then went on to say,in his best posh accent,which he never had at school." You know Billy,we bought our villa three years ago for $350.000 and its now worth $700.000, double the price we paid for it,what would you get if you sold your house?" Billy just looked at him and said," Oh about six years.". The moral behind that story is I'am yer working man,the GF isn't for me.:)


Well-Known Member
I prefer the Values and AOA appears to be the most interesting of them currently
My Wife and I picked the Cars suite, not only because we love the film(didnt see the 2nd one yet), but because we wanted a little more room. Its a bit more expensive but we only go there once a year so we figured what the hell.
Gotta stay somewhere until the Haunted Mansion resort opens!!!!!!
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Can't name a specific resort... but I CAN tell you what I look for:

While at MK? Which bus stops are clearly overloaded? We're talking "bus full, wait for the next one...." - and LOTS of crying children :)....

Don't stay at those places :).

You just described Pop which is why it gets my vote. Noisiest, most little kids, crowded and overpacked buses.
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Well-Known Member
You just described Pop which is why it gets my vote. Noisiest, most little kids, crowded and overpacked buses.
I am hoping that even though AOA is considered a value resort it wont have those problems for two reasons. 1) We are going in Sept.....and 2) 5,760 rooms at the All Stars vs AOA at around 2000. I think POP may have around 2,880.
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Are there places I absoulety will not stay? - no. However there are places that given the option I prefer not to stay at.

I really do not want to stay at any of the Values again. Been there done that. As someone else said, I have moved past it. Cramped rooms, industrial furnishings and OTT decor and what amounts to a shopping mall food court - not for me.

ALK - especially Kidani Village. It is just too far from everything (except AK) in Kidani you can have quite the long walk to the lobby if you get a room down the end.

I would not stay at kidani. I love my mugs and refills and that is one long walk to get a coke. I actually saw someone get on the bus to refill there mugs.
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Well-Known Member
You just described Pop which is why it gets my vote. Noisiest, most little kids, crowded and overpacked buses.
Yea I remember waiting for over 2hrs for a bus at Mk to Pop at closing the line was before the bus sign up front that is not a joke either. I loved pop but the buses where horrible. That is why I don't mind AKL being away from everything bc I still got home quicker then at pop.
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We stayed at All Star Music once and I won't stay there again. The food court was a total mess, ketchup smeared all over the place, napkins in big piles, the floor was so sticky from spilled Pop. I am not uptight, but I can't stand it when there is a whole group of people smoking right outside a doorway. And every time we went to the food court we had to pass through that. This was about 7 years ago and that may have changed with the new smoking rules. I also really missed having my own balcony no matter how small. So I have not given any of the other values a chance after this experience.

We ended buying DVC by resale and have been staying at the BC and AKL every since. AKL is far removed, but it is so amazing to sit and drink my morning coffee while I watch giraffes and zebras graze, the pool at Kidani Village is so much fun. I am staying at SSR next month I booked last minute for the Princess Half Marathon, so I took what I could get. I am keeping an open mind, but that resort has a ton of negative commentary surrounding it...But I am still so excited to be at Disney!
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Yea I remember waiting for over 2hrs for a bus at Mk to Pop at closing the line was before the bus sign up front that is not a joke either. I loved pop but the buses where horrible. That is why I don't mind AKL being away from everything bc I still got home quicker then at pop.

Same thing happened to me. Huge lines and extremely long waits for buses at park closing. A woman actually passed out by the time she got to the front of the line for the bus and an ambulance was called. Right after that, miraculously 3 buses pull up and everyone broke out cheering. None of the other resorts had lines nearly as long as Pop so it wasn't just because it was closing time.
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Grand Floridian. My skin crawls every time I look at it.
I always said I would never stay at Boardwalk, and we actually enjoyed it a lot (seems strange visiting old new jersey shore style, when I come from NJ!)
Same thing happened with Bay Lake, and garden wing at contemporary- never thought I would like them, but I did!
I'd have to say I could never go back to values unless I had to (that or no disney? I would deal!)..but that is because I have too much damage on this getting older body to sleep on the beds there anymore. I need some cushioning on these joints these days!
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I would never stay at any deluxe resorts as they are waaay too expensive for what they offer plus you only really use the room to sleep in, take an hours break and wash in. Why spend over $1000 on something which you can do at a value resort for a fraction of the price.

I have stayed at a few moderates and Pop Century and my favourite is Pop Century and we now always stay there. We will probably try AoA next though just for a change as it is new.

Plus all the money you save by staying at a value resort can be used for something else like fine dining, special merchandise/experience purchases and so on.
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Well-Known Member
I would never stay at any deluxe resorts as they are waaay too expensive for what they offer plus you only really use the room to sleep in, take an hours break and wash in. Why spend over $1000 on something which you can do at a value resort for a fraction of the price.

I have stayed at a few moderates and Pop Century and my favourite is Pop Century and we now always stay there. We will probably try AoA next though just for a change as it is new.

Plus all the money you save by staying at a value resort can be used for something else like fine dining, special merchandise/experience purchases and so on.

Not to be too facetious, but if that is the case, why not rent a car and part it in a tent campsite at FW? You can sleep in the car, and wash in the communal showers.

You don't do that because there is a level of accomidations that you find acceptable. Your level is a value resort. My level is preferrably deluxe, but I'll take a moderate if I have to.

As for special merchandise, for my tastes Disncy can take just about every item of merchandise they have and keep it. There have been some things that have interested me, but not many. AS of late, even less.

So, it all boils down to what is important to each individual person. Me, once the DVC wing opens at the GF, I'll be hitting the website to book a room.

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Are you insinuating that I am poor? :eek: lol A WDW vacation costs me about $8000 so a deluxe resort is out of the question unfortunately but values are just fine. :)

Not at all.

It's just that I hear that line "all you do is sleep in a room and take a shower" all too often. Seeing as there are loads of moderate and deluxe resorts available, and booked, that axiom clearly does not apply to many people.

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POP ..... Checked in .. waited for room .. they lost our luggage ( I know, how do you loose luggage from front desk to our room?)... room smelled like a can of lysol was left on for a hour .. had to prop the door open just to breathe....6 yr old daughter found a perscription pill on the floor (imagine if she would have been younger!) Kids in the play pool outside our window in regular diapers ..uggh ! Went to Chef Mickeys for dinner and went to front desk to see if they had any rooms .. they did ..(BEST Cast member EVER worked there, bought her a bottle of wine to thank her for all she did to help us)... checked out of POP same day .. moved to Contemp .. never looked back and never will ... Will be headihg back for our 4th stay at Contemp in 2014 !!
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Well-Known Member
POP ..... Checked in .. waited for room .. they lost our luggage ( I know, how do you loose luggage from front desk to our room?)... room smelled like a can of lysol was left on for a hour .. had to prop the door open just to breathe....6 yr old daughter found a perscription pill on the floor (imagine if she would have been younger!) Kids in the play pool outside our window in regular diapers ..uggh ! Went to Chef Mickeys for dinner and went to front desk to see if they had any rooms .. they did ..(BEST Cast member EVER worked there, bought her a bottle of wine to thank her for all she did to help us)... checked out of POP same day .. moved to Contemp .. never looked back and never will ... Will be headihg back for our 4th stay at Contemp in 2014 !!

Stayed at Pop several times and nothing like that has ever happened to us.
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Well-Known Member
I would NOT (again) stay at any resort where when you open the door, you're outside instead of the hallway of the resort building. Have done that ONE time and will not do that again. The same applies to the resorts where you have to sit on an interminably long bus ride from one stop to the next (at the same resort) which drags out the bus ride to the parks or wherever else you're going. In both of these instances, it was at the same resort.....Caribbean Beach. So that discounts all of the Value resorts (although the suites at AoAR are inside) and basically the moderates as well. I'm not crazy about the thought of staying at AKL where you have to take a bus to another section of the resort just to get to the restaurant area either, but WOULD try it at least once.

I also have absolutely no desire to stay at the Grand Floridian. Sure, it's on the monorail line, close to MK, and looks pretty.....but there's simply no appeal there to me with its particular theming.
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