What new World Showcase Countries Would You Like to See


Lauriebar said:
I would assume the poster is considering Morocco a middle eastern country even though it is in Northeastern Africa.

Actually Northwestern.

I'd like to see:

1. Russia
2. Israel
3. Brazil
4. Greece
5. Australia/New Zealand

in that order.


Active Member
Time to throw in my two pennys....

Brazil would be cool but anything Rain Forest related I see being implemented at AK only because its an easier tie in with the whole Tree of Life and various animals.

Switzerland would be cool too but with Forbidden Mountain opening at AK it could be too close of a tie in even though FM is based in the Asian Himilayas ....

EGYPT! That would be cool, especially if it were done in the old Palace/Pyramid kind of way, it would really stick out and should be complete with Mickey Sphinx! Lol.


Active Member
Greece would be an excellent addition, especially from a food standpoint and the Hercules tie in's.

Brazil would be good too, especially the food options, but the amazon river ride, well that's what the Jungle Cruise in MK is based on.

Australia I'd like to see because it is so far away that most people in the US will never ever get to visit there, but then again, maybe it would encourage some to visit. I can see the possibility of the Joey's meet and greet now.

Egypt with pyramids, well FL is certainly hot enough that you'd feel like you were there and the archet would be great. Camel Carousel ride anyone.

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
:) HMMMM, this would seem difficult if you really think about it for a moment, basically there are no countries from South America Brazil, Venazuela (?) Chile , would probably be the front runners, Australia, then one of the Northern Atlantic countries, Greenland, Iceland, they would I believe have alot to offer. And perhaps another central American country, Panama comes to mind, the ride they could have would resemble the canal, going thru a dock to give you the idea of what it would be like. I think they would be good choices.:cool:


Well-Known Member
What new World Showcase Countries Would You Like to See ?

Let's look at what others have posted:

Brazil - Ever been to WDW in September when there are thousands of rude teenagers from Brazil taking over the park, pushing, singing and throwing trash everywhere? If I were a CM I would be against that one!

Australia - Simple. Australia is a continent, not a country.

Swizerland - Been there, tried that eons ago. Scrapped.

Antarctica - For real? :hammer:

And African country - Guests would be bored due to Africa in AK already.

Middle-Eastern country - Nope, not gonna happen. Funding needs to come from these countries. DO you think they would do that? Nope.

That only leave one alternative for a country: Tanzania. :lookaroun For no reason. :animwink:


New Member
tazhughes said:
My personal opinion is that any country represented needs to have 2 things:
1. Distinctive Architectural styles, &
2. Distinctive food options.

With that in mind the 4 pavilions that I would like to see next are:

1. Greece- this provides for wonderful architure, great ride possibility with a tie in (Hercules ascent to Mt. Olympus- a dark boat ride through the highlights of the movie), and a really good and popular food option for either counter service (Gyro stand with outdoor seating) or sit down.
2. Egypt- I envision a Sphynx pavilion that you would enter into and there are great ride options with this (a cruise down the nile or a thrill ride themed around archaeology-this would have to be different then the Mummy ride in Universal, but I'm sure they can come up with something), the food is not that different from Morrocco (to the average person please don't attack em to explain the differences), but the atmosphere could be excellent.
3. India- this could provide very different architecture and the food would be distinctive. For this I'm not sure what the ride options should be, but they pay Imagineers for that. Plus with Disney attempting to get into India to build a park this could be very easily accomplished for negotiating the contract, because they could have theri tourism office helping to book trips to Disney-New Delhi.
4. Russia- beautiful architecture and some interesting ride possibilities (Trans Siberian express anyone?)

I just wish they'd build something soon.

I would have to agree. Greece or Eygpt with the imagineers having an open budget would be incridible. Would an Indy type ride fit in the theme of Eygpt?


Park History nut
Premium Member
jrriddle said:
Speaking of...
Check out Marni's great article about World Showcase at D-Troops:

Thanks Jrriddle!

As it stands, there are 8 plots left for countries, removing all temporary structures and the Millenium Village (radical I know...)

The International Gateway would seriously curtail the plot south of the UK, plus this plot and the one between the UK and Canada would have serious issues with the view from the DVC`s next to the Y/B Club (name escapes me :lol:) - although it would look a damn sight prettier than Soarin`!


raven said:
Let's look at what others have posted:

Australia - Simple. Australia is a continent, not a country.


Hate to have to point out your ignorance but......Australia is a continent AND a country.


Well-Known Member
raven said:
Let's look at what others have posted:

Brazil - Ever been to WDW in September when there are thousands of rude teenagers from Brazil taking over the park, pushing, singing and throwing trash everywhere? If I were a CM I would be against that one!

Australia - Simple. Australia is a continent, not a country.

And African country - Guests would be bored due to Africa in AK already.

Middle-Eastern country - Nope, not gonna happen. Funding needs to come from these countries. DO you think they would do that? Nope.

Raven, I got to disagree with you on a few things as I see some of your comments to be on the borderline of racism. Thought I am sure you really did not mean to be. :dazzle:

As a cast member, I would welcome a Brazil as a country. Your generalization of the young Brazilians was rather rude in my opinion. Also not all of the groups are even just from brazil.

I am confused on what you mean by austraila being a country and not a continent when it is both.

As for Africa, I don't see how guest would be board with Africa already in AK when there is already one African nation in WS. There are 2 Asian countries in WS and one in AK and I don't see people complaining. Not to mention there are 3 North American countres shown and 4 European.

As for a Middle East country not supporting a spot in WS, well some people would say the same thing about Africa, and look at what country out of africa is in WS.



New Member
Greece sounds like a good idea simply because of all the history the country has. Not only is it stunningly beautiful, it has tons of mythology which Disney could incorrporate into their works somehow.


New Member
India- the culture is so different from that of any other country that has been mentioned. Greece- Would be good also with the myth.
I would love to see Russia, Greece, India, Switzerland, Ireland, Egypt, Australia, Kenya, Peru, and South Korea added. The most likely would be Switzerland, India, Greece, and Egypt.

However I agree that the nations missing an attraction also need to be addressed. Japan, UK, Germany, Italy, and Morocco all need something to give a more complete feeling after leaving the pavillion. Whether a ride through like Mexico and Norway or a 360 like China and Canada, something needs to be done to these otherwise wonderful pavillions. Of couse Italy's attraction is most obvious with a gondola ride through the beauty of Italy from Venice to Tuscanny to the Alps to Rome to Sicily and Naples. The other's I would have to think a little more about what would be right.


Well-Known Member
Russia- Great architecture, could perform a ballet show, and perhaps a nice ride.

Egypt - So many possibilities with all of that history

Greece - [see egypt]

One question: Would it be overkill to have a country represented at both Epcot and at DAK?

Austrailia.....lots could be done at Epcot, and completely different attractions at DAK, but, would guests feel like they have had too much of a similar theme. India...same thing.....or Brazil (if DAK were to add a rainforect area)


Well-Known Member
DAK MUST add a rainforest area...

The Sydney Opera house would look mighty pretty in the WS Lagoon

I really want to see the 2 WS mountains to rise up


Active Member
I would like to see Russia or Greece added. More than anything, I would like to see United Kingdom revamped. It seems so small and limited compared to the others and what they offer. To me it does not even touch on what the United Kingdom is really like. They leave out so much.

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