Well-Known Member
I left my camera in the pocket on BTMR and didnt realize it until we were in Fantasyland.. I almost cried!! My cousin and I ran all the way back to the ride during a parade and went through the exit.. I asked a CM if anyone turned in a camera and sure enough they knew exactly what I was talking about. I was so happy that someone turned it in.. There are still good people out there.
Husband did the same thing with our camera on Dinosaur back in early 2007. It had all the pictures from that morning's early fishing excursion that the hubby & our sons had been on. Amazing pics. Unfortunately, we didn't have a happy ending. We went back but to no avail. We checked lost & found at the park after closing as we were instructed to do. Nothing. Central Lost & Found 3 times daily while we were there then daily via phone for at least a month after we left. Never saw our camera again. Whoever ended up with it deserves every bit of bad karma they get. I could care less about the camera, it's the pics of my boys I'll forever be heartbroken over.