What is the strangest thing another guest has asked you in the parks?


Well-Known Member
Scene: The last night the Pleasure Island was open, in a long switchback line for the Adventurer's Club at like 1pm. The entire line was being barraged by this question all day by people passing by (until management noticed and positioned a greeter)...

: Hey what's everyone waiting for?

Me: Oh we're here for a proctology convention.

Guest: Ah. Okay...


Well-Known Member
This isn't exactly weird like funny, but it definitely was a little strange like in an "...uhmm no" kind of way. My friend and I were headed towards Pleasure Island back on our Spring Break of 04 and at the time I was like 20 and my friend was 22. We are just about to approach the entrance gates to where the clubs are when this boy who had to be no older than 15 stops us and was like, "Could you please pretend that you guys are with me, so I can get in?" I guess because if I remember correctly you had to be 18 or older to enter on your own, but if you were with an adult over 18 you were allowed in. We were both kind of taken back by this and very politely told him no. We'd had no idea where this kid came from, who or where his parents were, and did not want to have to be responsible for his actions. Otherwise all my other guest to guest interactions (at least the verbal ones) were pretty normal.

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
"Can you take our picture?"

I know, doesn't sound strange. However, this often asked question lead to a strange experience for me.
My wife was using the restroom so I parked myself at the closest bench. A young couple asked me if I could take their picture. "Absolutely" was my response. They stood there and I told them to say, "Mickey Mouse." SNAP. They thanked me. However, another couple was standing right next to me and asked me the same question. "Sure." I had nothing better to do. This one took a bit longer as they had some trouble with their older camera. After a couple of takes, we got it. I turned around and to my horror, a line of about 8 people had formed waiting for me to take their pictures:lookaroun. I said, "Sorry folks, I have other things to do." A woman looked at me all disgusted and said, "Don't you work here?" Uh....no. Does Disney uniform their photographers in "Three Stooges t-shirts, khaki shorts and sandals? It was just a very "odd" situation.
LMAO..I would have stayed and charged them $5 each :lookaroun


Active Member
"Can you take our picture?"

I know, doesn't sound strange. However, this often asked question lead to a strange experience for me.
My wife was using the restroom so I parked myself at the closest bench. A young couple asked me if I could take their picture. "Absolutely" was my response. They stood there and I told them to say, "Mickey Mouse." SNAP. They thanked me. However, another couple was standing right next to me and asked me the same question. "Sure." I had nothing better to do. This one took a bit longer as they had some trouble with their older camera. After a couple of takes, we got it. I turned around and to my horror, a line of about 8 people had formed waiting for me to take their pictures:lookaroun. I said, "Sorry folks, I have other things to do." A woman looked at me all disgusted and said, "Don't you work here?" Uh....no. Does Disney uniform their photographers in "Three Stooges t-shirts, khaki shorts and sandals? It was just a very "odd" situation.

Oh my God! That story sounds like it came out of a hilarious sitcom. :ROFLOL:


Active Member
At approximately 0945 one morning my wife and were approached by a young couple with 2 children in the queue for the monorail at the Contemporary. The father stated they had arrived last night and had awoken early so they would have plenty of time in all the parks that day-it was a one day visit and they were just getting started. He then proceeded to ask me which monorail went to the Animal Kingdom. I tried to help him as much as I could in a short amount of time-his mouth dropped when I told him we'd been there for a week already and hadn't yet done everything we wanted to.


Not old, just vintage.
"Where'd you get that Pete's Dragon shirt?"

(Here's the shirt I had on... :brick: :hammer: )

I have that shirt and whenever I wear it to work my students ask me if it is Spyro. :shrug:

Aside from the normal "can you tell me how to get to..." or "what's this ride like" type questions, I got a really strange question 2 years ago. I was at the parks solo and I was heading for RnRC. I was just about to the entrance and I got a phone call from the teacher subbing in my class while I was on vacation. I talked for a few minutes and then headed for the single rider line. As I was walking a woman and her son intercepted me. The woman asked me if I would take her 8 year old son on the ride with me since she was afraid of coasters and he really wanted to go on the ride. She claimed that since she overheard me talking about being a teacher that I was "safe." :shrug:

I wonder how long she sat near the entrance stalking random guests and trying to find a "safe" stranger to take her kid on the ride. :lol: I politely declined by saying that I was going on the SRL and that we would get split up into different cars anyways. She seemed annoyed by this but I told her that she could always get in line with her kid, put him on the ride, take the chicken exit, and then wait for him right at the exit. I don't know what she ended up doing, but I was quite perplexed by the entire situation. :confused:

Just for the record, just because someone is a teacher and goes through extensive background checks and fingerprinting doesn't mean they are "safe." Teachers also aren't the world's babysitters of last resort. I have friends who assume all the time that I would love to watch their kids with virtually no notice just because I am a teacher and I "love kids." I don't call up my accountant friend on a Saturday night and ask him to help me balance my checkbook because he "loves numbers." :lol:
ok so a little off topic, but a disney question non the less... :
i work in an afterschool program and one day I put on a cd with Disney characters singing traditional children's' songs... instead of singing B-I-N-G-O, the cd began singing P-O-N-G-O which I assume most people would know as the dog from 101 dalmatians... my co-worker asks "whats a Pongo?" as seriously as humanly possibly... i looked at her like she had 3 heads and explained that it was the dog from 101 dalmatians. She replied "O. I've never seen that movie. I haven't seen any Disney movies. They are dumb"...

i still don't know what to say to that lol


Well-Known Member
I get variations of the "Do you work here" almost every time I am in one of the parks, with the frequency increasing if I have a collared shirt on. It does not matter if I am alone, or my hair is currently long; I see no rhyme or reason. The worst was at the Germany Pavilion on the 25th Anniversary. There was a bit of a line at the register and some lady asked me to open another register.

I have also had a few Cast Members ask "Don't you work over at [x]?". Apparently I look like quite a few Cast Members.

The one time I experienced the ExtraTERRORestrial Alien Encounter, I was about 13 or 14, the middle-aged woman next to me started squeezed by hand during the whole thing. Very awkward.


Not old, just vintage.
I get variations of the "Do you work here" almost every time I am in one of the parks, with the frequency increasing if I have a collared shirt on. It does not matter if I am alone, or my hair is currently long; I see no rhyme or reason. The worst was at the Germany Pavilion on the 25th Anniversary. There was a bit of a line at the register and some lady asked me to open another register.

I have also had a few Cast Members ask "Don't you work over at [x]?". Apparently I look like quite a few Cast Members.

The one time I experienced the ExtraTERRORestrial Alien Encounter, I was about 13 or 14, the middle-aged woman next to me started squeezed by hand during the whole thing. Very awkward.

Your last story just reminded me of a time when I rode Soarin'. There was a dad with his two kids next to me and my sister. The guy was absolutely terrified of heights and was so anxious about the ride. We tried to tell him about everything before it started and he calmed down a little. Well, as soon as the seats moved up he grabbed my wrist and didn't let go the entire ride. I don't think he realized he was holding me and not a handle. It didn't creep me out though because the guy squealed like a 4 yr old girl every time the seats shifted. The experience provided my sister and I with entertainment for the rest of the day. :lol:


New Member
On the monorail heading from MK back to TTC:

There were four..yes FOUR announcements made en route to the TTC stating that the Magic Kingdom had closed for the evening and any guests who were staying on property that wished to return to their resort would have to get off at the TTC and transfer to Epcot. There they could take the bus to their hotel.
Not that difficult? Right?

After the FOUR announcements and while unloading at the TTC, a lady asked me how to get back to All Star Movies. I just looked at her for a second.
Though I politely told her, I was just so shocked that she ignored all the previous announcements.


Well-Known Member
I was visiting the Wilderness Lodge to see the geyser, thanks to a tip from one of the Samantha Brown specials. As I was waiting a couple saw me standing there and quickly started to come towards me. I thought they were going to ask me when the geyser was going to erupt or something along those lines. Nope. They had a Magic Kingdom park map open and looked confused. They told me they were lost and was wondering if I could show them on the map where we were. I said, "what?" They said again that they were lost and if I could show them on the map where they were. I said, "Well, that is a Magic Kingdom map." They said that they knew and they knew that they had just gotton off the Jungle Cruise and now they can't figure out where they were. I then had to explain that they were actually at the Wilderness Lodge and that they would have to take the boat back to the Magic Kingdom. Turns out that they thought the boat ride to Wilderness Lodge was actually the Jungle Cruise. The girl just burst out laughing and hit her boyfriend/husband with the map and they walked off. It was obviously their first trip to WDW and I am sure they were amazed once they actually made it to the park.


Wow... just... wow.


New Member
Can you please hold my hand dude? It was Tom (WDWFigment).

I havent really been asked anything odd but I have heard some WEIRD ish from people around me. It is mainly people just going on and on about knowing it all and they are WAY off.

There was a guy I punked on Jungle Cruise though. He kept narrating the ride before the guide was...Well it was Colleens first time on the ride and I was getting VERY mad. So finally I turned to him and said if you recite one more line Im going to sucker punch you in your chest and you won't talk for the rest of your trip. Half the boat applauded me. Im not ever a violent person. I play hockey and get abused on a nightly basis with hockey sticks and such. But this guy REALLY REALLY got to me. I guess it was his snickering after he would recite the lines...Like he KNEW he was ruining the ride for people. He did stop though :animwink:

Should have thrown him of the boat. :lol::):):)


New Member
I have a good story:

I boarded the Monorail at the MK, sitting behind me was a middle-aged couple. After the doors closed, and a few moments of silence, the lady yells out to me “where is the next stop”? I was the only other person with them and turned around and told her the next stop was the Contemporary. That was not what she wanted to hear, and started a mini rampage. She said “Where is the Magic Kindgom”? I told her it was this stop, and she stood up and tried to open the doors. After a few attempts at knocking the doors open, and several rounds of nobody told us this was the stop, I just thought to myself there are several different announcements giving everyone plenty of notice. I told her to just say on the Monorail and ride around the loop, but she told me they had already went around 2 times. Right before the stop at the Contemporary, she was berating her husband and screaming on about “We’re getting off and I’m getting to the bottom of this”!


Active Member
In the GF on the ground floor, I had an older lady ask me "where do these stairs go to?" and I just couldn't resist and told her "up"!:ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
We were about finished with our breakfast and just received the check at Cape May Cafe (perfect timing to make rope drop at Epcot) when a father and his 5 year old daughter were seated beside us. He told us a sob story about forgetting his camera and asked if we'd stick around and take pictures of his daughter with all the characters and then email them to him.

I pointed him in the direction of the Beach Club gift shop for a throwaway camera. I figured if he was willing to put someone else out by asking them to stick around for what could have been 20-30+ minutes to take pictures, he'd surely be willing to buy an overpriced throwaway camera. He was.

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