What is Next for Disney for 2013-2019?


Well-Known Member
First, Paul Pressler never ran Walt Disney Imagineering. He started off at The Disney Store where he became Eisner's golden boy for his massive growth of the chain (the very growth that would lead to oversaturation and the removal of more sophisticated merchandise). This success was rewarded with the job of President of Disneyland (the job now held by Michael Colglazier) and then a second promotion to chairman of Walt Disney Parks & Resorts (the position held by Tom Staggs) with his ever-present number two Cynthia Harris then taking over at Disneyland. Pressler came in with an aggressive retail model focused on expansion of profit centers (high volume retail, ie. plush, and dining)and the elimination of lower performing areas. He finalized the implementation of the change in business model from looking at the Resorts as a whole entity, to look at the profitability of every square inch. It was the epitome of squeezing everything for the last penny, a strategy that ultimately cost two guests their lives due to the degraded maintenance situation at Disneyland. In the early 2000s Pressler and Harris left to "spend more time with their families" and were replaced by Jay Rasulo and Matt Ouimet. The pair, Pressler and Harris, moved on to the top positions at The Gap, where they also wreaked havoc and were agin fired.
That too


Liker of Things
Premium Member
I think that the rich, elderly, oil sheik I've befriended who also loves WDW will give me $15 billion upon the day of his unfortunate demise and I'll have 15 years to spend the money on improvements around the world. My salary will be a comfortable, but not extremely lavish, $345,271 a year and will be indexed to inflation. I'll get to strong arm various Disney bigwigs into doing my bidding or the funds will be withdrawn...Don't worry fans, Horizons II will be built. Plus, you will find that all the monorail rumors of the past decades have been lavishly understated. Wait until you see the new weather pavilion that EPCOT is getting and the dinosaur zoo going into DAK and so forth and so on (of course, they'll be SW in DHS and WRE in MK, and don't even get me started on the improvements that will be made to the sports complex). No price hikes for the first 6 years of my largesse and food prices will be cut by 20% across the board.

(whoops, I just realized this was the dream I had last night. Sorry.)


Well-Known Member
At this point, I think 2013-2019 is going to be spent doing damage control for Next Gen. I suppose they could fast track a bunch of new attractions in hopes of taking the focus off of everything else going on.

We know the Seven Dwarf's Mine Train is next on the list (early 2014).

I would expect by 2019 that DHS will have several new rides, I would hope something new appears on the Camp Minnie Mickey plot, and I would hope that Epcot would get an addition or major refurbishment on one or more Future World pavilions.


Well-Known Member
At this point, I think 2013-2019 is going to be spent doing damage control for Next Gen. I suppose they could fast track a bunch of new attractions in hopes of taking the focus off of everything else going on.

We know the Seven Dwarf's Mine Train is next on the list (early 2014).

I would expect by 2019 that DHS will have several new rides, I would hope something new appears on the Camp Minnie Mickey plot, and I would hope that Epcot would get an addition or major refurbishment on one or more Future World pavilions.

An EPCOT transformation could be inspired by the LucasFilm acquisition and the Death Star...

- Death Station Earth (formerly Spaceship Earth)

- Mission Space will become Millennium Falcon's Great Death Star Tractor Beam Escape. In this re-imagined attraction, the space shuttle is replaced by the Millenium Falcon, which is parked at a hanger in Mos Eisley, Tatooine. The que will be rethemed to resemble the hanger, complete with an AA Chewbacca making a ruckus under under the Falcon's engine, tools in hand, racing to get the ship fixed on time for launch. The centrifuge of the old ride system will be reused in order to simulate the launch out of Mos Eisley Space Port and the incredible view of Tatooine at high altitude and in orbit. Once in space, the calm is short lived upon Captain Solo discovering that a tractor beam of a nearby Death Station is pulling the ship in!

- Dark Power (formerly Universe of Energy) is the energy source that gives Death Station Earth the power it needs to destroy planets whole! You think it's easy to destroy planets? Think again! Your host Grand Moff Tarkin will explain what it takes for the Empire to extract the incredible amount of energy required to destroy planets! Guests will be sucked through a simulated Black Hole in order to demonstrate the power of the Empire's #1 energy source - the Black Hole Turbine Electric Generator.

- Health Pavilion will remain closed and used as target practice

- No changes will be made to Test Track (due to GM legal threat over its sponsorship)

- Imagination will be gutted and a new dark ride called Dark will replace it. Dark will be a very long slow-moving dark ride in the dark. Imagineers working on the project say it will be the scariest ride Disney has ever designed. "Imagine dark," said Imagineer Tony Gravy, "Just dark. Nothing but darkness... No light... For hours... No noise... Except maybe the people in the vehicle next to you screaming obsenities saying things like they want to get off this thing... But they can't! Unlike any other ride we've built, guests who ride Dark will be strapped in!" Genius.

- Ground Zero (formerly The Land) will be desolate radioactive simulation of a planet almost destroyed by the Death Star's weaker Nuke Force. The Nuke Force is a feature recently added as a Death Star upgrade. Instead of vaporizing planets, the new feature allows the planet to survive, while destroying everything else! See, the Empereor does have compassion!

Undead Seas (formerly Living Seas) - Sponsored by BP, this redo will simulate a deep ocean oil rig leak...


Well-Known Member
Nothing confirmed and it seems like I read in another thread the other day that they were getting new costumes for the show or something like that, if thats the case its not going anywhere for awhile. Where did I read that now? hmm.
hahaha don't worry ;)
And yes, they need new costumes for the show and new muppets... :)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Disney hasn't done anything major to AK or Epcot since 2006....that is a long time! A Looong time!!!!
Refurbs are nessessities for older rides and I don't count them as new.

The last new ride in DHS was toy story mania in 2008....way to long for something new.

Magic kingdom....I do think when the mine train is completed ,the new fantasyland will be visually stunning and the entertainment value for families with kids 10 and under will get high marks.
This was a perfect fit for what MK needed in regards to younger families...it's what fantasyland is all about.

Having said that...they have taken way to long with this project and opening it up without its major attraction finished took much of it Luster away from this new land. It feels like you are on a construction site everywhere you go.

It still has a loooong time before its finished. Mid 2014 is the opening. Unbelievable!

Universal is still Fresh off its opening of Harry Potter in 2010...and it's already expanding the land with another e ticket attraction! Gringotts mine train is on the way and I believe a Hogworts train attraction.

Transformers is opening. Those to attractions alone will make it very hard not to check out Universal...they have such an incredible buzz right now. I'm very excited to check out these new rides...I haven't even seen the old Harry potter land. Can't believe I'm calling it old, was just completed in 2010! That's progress!

The new ride at sea world with the trackless system looks amazing.

Can't believe I don't see anything Amazing on the horizon with Disney.

They have all these heavy hitters just sitting on the bench and they have been playing their b squad for what seems like an eternity. Time to sub in your starters again Disney...build excitement...build it quick.

Take a page from universal...they are now the pace setters of park entertainment.


Well-Known Member
It's funny, I feel like we've been hearing the same exhortation by fans for a number of years now. "Quick Disney, Universal is catching up." "Still nothing from Disney?" "The ball is in your court, Mick." The response? No change in strategy, and no foreseeable one. Just more and more of the WDWMAGIC dictionary word of the year (decade?): 'stagnation'. What if it's too late for change? Mickey had the ball in his court, and he double dribbled. I think we need to overcome the fantasy that Scrooge is gonna wake up one morning after seeing his tombstone, and accept that the only ones who will undergo any changing around here is ourselves.

And we have. Honestly, I find it a brighter state of affairs now than, say, three or four years ago. How is this possible? If anything SQ is worse. More BOS BS. Georgie isn't the messiah (don't finish that sentence), albeit I won't be one to judge prematurely. But what we do have is an evolving grassroots change in the public appreciation of Disney Magic, @WDW1974 -ian 'spirited' or what have you. More people acting with their minds instead of their wallets. We can continue being thick about it and dismiss it as the 99% (talking about the fan community here) yelling at the wall. Or we can consider our frustration important. All I see are flat sales and lots and lots of concern.

This will grow. And that, I think, will define what is truly next for Disney in 2013-19.


Well-Known Member
It's funny, I feel like we've been hearing the same exhortation by fans for a number of years now. "Quick Disney, Universal is catching up." "Still nothing from Disney?" "The ball is in your court, Mick." The response? No change in strategy, and no foreseeable one. Just more and more of the WDWMAGIC dictionary word of the year (decade?): 'stagnation'. What if it's too late for change? Mickey had the ball in his court, and he double dribbled. I think we need to overcome the fantasy that Scrooge is gonna wake up one morning after seeing his tombstone, and accept that the only ones who will undergo any changing around here is ourselves.

And we have. Honestly, I find it a brighter state of affairs now than, say, three or four years ago. How is this possible? If anything SQ is worse. More BOS BS. Georgie isn't the messiah (don't finish that sentence), albeit I won't be one to judge prematurely. But what we do have is an evolving grassroots change in the public appreciation of Disney Magic, @WDW1974 -ian 'spirited' or what have you. More people acting with their minds instead of their wallets. We can continue being thick about it and dismiss it as the 99% (talking about the fan community here) yelling at the wall. Or we can consider our frustration important. All I see are flat sales and lots and lots of concern.

This will grow. And that, I think, will define what is truly next for Disney in 2013-19.

Things are getting worse for Disney, not better. And I don't think the upcoming 'Disney Springs' misdirection is going to fool anyone, but my pal Frank in New Mexico. Comcast recently (and quietly) added another $600 million to UNI's capex funds. Think about that figure because Disney has built three parks (DAK, DCA, DSP) for around that sum. What you have at WDW is simply ridiculous now and getting worse.

Friends of my Spirited mother recently took their grandson on his first WDW visit and booked a suite at AoA for themselves and the child's parents to share ... it was $395 a night! Take that in because I wouldn't stay at any WDW lodging for that. I haven't spent that to stay at various Ritz Carltons and Four Seasons.

It really is amazing what type of scam WDW has been able to pull off until recently between addicts, noobs, folks who never visited before the last decade or so ... but that is coming to an end. And if gas goes above $4 again, which is where it is heading, watch how that affects trips.


Well-Known Member
I wish I was more positive than I am, but I don't see much coming by 2019. I certainly hope I'm wrong.

We know we'll get some new shows here and there. Avatar may happen but it won't get green lit until/if the sequels are a success. I'd be shocked of anything was complete by 2019.

I would hope CarsLand will happen at DHS, but I'm not holding my breath. Maybe we'll get lucky and get a new attraction or two (MI Coaster?) in Pixar Place.

Regardless of what some of the insiders say, I have no doubt something Star Wars will be coming to DHS (but I doubt it would happen by 2019 – more than likely 2020-22). There's absolutely no way the Imagineers aren't working on SOMETHING Star Wars related. If they do decide to go the SW route, it would be more than likely a huge expansion and would probably take a couple years of imagineering and 3-4 years of construction.

My most likely candidates would probably be something to replace Tom Sawyer's Island by 2019 and more than likely a new Imagination.


Well-Known Member
Friends of my Spirited mother recently took their grandson on his first WDW visit and booked a suite at AoA for themselves and the child's parents to share ... it was $395 a night! Take that in because I wouldn't stay at any WDW lodging for that. I haven't spent that to stay at various Ritz Carltons and Four Seasons.

Wow. I think I paid a similar rate to that at the Ritz Carlton Battery Park, with a view of the statue of liberty, Ellis Island, Battery park, etc. I don't mind the rate if the product is good, but I want to have the views in NY Harbor at that price instead of Simba staring me down.


Well-Known Member
It really is amazing what type of scam WDW has been able to pull off until recently between addicts, noobs, folks who never visited before the last decade or so ... but that is coming to an end. And if gas goes above $4 again, which is where it is heading, watch how that affects trips.

Yep. Gas prices is Disney's nemesis. That, and if the sequestration hits (as expected), the consumer is going to reign in spending big-time. They're already starting to do that because their pay checks are 2% less than they were in December of 2012 (Because tax cuts expiring when you are a candidate is a tax hike, but when you're the President, they are not. :rolleyes: But I digress.) The good news? If you're a Florida resident, remember a few years ago when CSR was going in the low $80's/night, and WL was under $100 in the busy seasons? Yea, more of that!


Well-Known Member
Yep. Gas prices is Disney's nemesis. That, and if the sequestration hits (as expected), the consumer is going to reign in spending big-time. They're already starting to do that because their pay checks are 2% less than they were in December of 2012 (Because tax cuts expiring when you are a candidate is a tax hike, but when you're the President, they are not. :rolleyes: But I digress.) The good news? If you're a Florida resident, remember a few years ago when CSR was going in the low $80's/night, and WL was under $100 in the busy seasons? Yea, more of that!
gas prices more than anything else...trying not to get too political on a disney board here..... as far as whats next for disney tangled restrooms and new stores at DTD yeah!


Well-Known Member
gas prices more than anything else...trying not to get too political on a disney board here..... as far as whats next for disney tangled restrooms and new stores at DTD yeah!

I agree, it was a quick jab and I am moving on from it. Truth is, we wont really know the effect of the the payroll tax increase until the next quarter's reports. Although, we did get some commentary about it from Wal Mart this morning. They are usually one of the first companies to see changes in consumer spending habits.


Well-Known Member
I agree, it was a quick jab and I am moving on from it. Truth is, we wont really know the effect of the the payroll tax increase until the next quarter's reports. Although, we did get some commentary about it from Wal Mart this morning. They are usually one of the first companies to see changes in consumer spending habits.
personally speaking the payroll tax increase hurt me....plus higher gas means less spending..what did walmart say? curious

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