What I am Thankful for..:D


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Late to answer as always!:lol:

I am thankful for Dan, my husband, I don't know what I would do without him. He lets me smother him all the time and acts as if I don't! When I am sad he makes me happy and I couldn't ask for a better husband!

My three wonderful children. They are the greatest accomplishment God has granted me. This is going to be a hard year for me because Paul graduates High School and Ashley graduates Middle School. Where has the time gone and how am I supposed to let go? At least my little Michele still wants to be with mommy at times!

Dan and I both have our jobs, our health, the kids health and a roof over our head, blessings I don't take for granted.

Lastly, my friends both ones here and ones around me. I don't know what I would do without you guys.

Dana, as always, thank you (you are such a blessing to us!) for starting such a wonderful thread and thank you also for (in another thread) getting me totally addicted to Michael Buble! If you ever head north, you better stop by!:wave:

Thank you!...:kiss:

Isn't Michael Buble AMAZING!?

I would love too..and same goes for you if you ever head down my way!:kiss:


Well-Known Member
My husband - evern after 30 years my heart still beats a little faster when he's in the room....
My daughter - she is so pretty and smart, and has such a loving & generous spirit and loves the Lord and is willing to follow where He leads...
God and His AMAZING grace - nuff said....
My family - they're weird, but they love me and I love them....
My home, my own little piece of Heaven on Earth....
Our jobs, which enable us to put a roof over our heads and food on the table and pay those college tuition bills (and let me go to Disney the last 4 years in a row!)
This country we live in and a special thanks to those who are willing to defend it.....

And, in no particular order.....
My pets, especially my crabby cat
Satellite TV
Good friends - life would be so dull without them
Smutty romance novels
Red meat
My own bathroom
Fluffy pillows
Flannel PJ's
(Did I mention chocolate?)
Sean Connery
John Deere
Sweet tea

and, last but not least.....CHOCOLATE!


Active Member
Loaves and Fishes.

I'm not a terribly religious guy but in a year when there are countless stories of horrible luck with people loosing their jobs, homes, and even lives (Ft. Hood), God has somehow provided for my family and me. Like many others, I went for several months without a paycheck. Whenever it seemed we were teetering on the edge of missing a mortgage payment, missing a car payment, or not having money for essentials like groceries, there always seemed to be another "piece of fish" to break off. I often had no explanation for this other than devine intervention.

There was no Disney trip this year or other luxuries, and we're in more debt than when we started, but we've kept our home, our heat and our health.
Now that things are improving, I'm more thankful for what we DO have and I'm making more of an effort to help those that are in trouble.

Happy Thanksgiving to one and all.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Loaves and Fishes.

I'm not a terribly religious guy but in a year when there are countless stories of horrible luck with people loosing their jobs, homes, and even lives (Ft. Hood), God has somehow provided for my family and me. Like many others, I went for several months without a paycheck. Whenever it seemed we were teetering on the edge of missing a mortgage payment, missing a car payment, or not having money for essentials like groceries, there always seemed to be another "piece of fish" to break off. I often had no explanation for this other than devine intervention.

There was no Disney trip this year or other luxuries, and we're in more debt than when we started, but we've kept our home, our heat and our health.
Now that things are improving, I'm more thankful for what we DO have and I'm making more of an effort to help those that are in trouble.

Happy Thanksgiving to one and all.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!..:)


Well-Known Member
Forgot one!

I'm thankful for my friend's family. They quickly became a second family to me since moving out here to Colorado. It's nice when my family is 5,000 miles away. They have done so much for me. I pray that God will help them through this rough time they're going through.


Well-Known Member
What a lovely thread.... It is so nice to see that everyone has so much to be thankful for this year.

I couldn't possibly list everything that I am thankful for, but here are just a few:

My friends and more importantly, my family.

My better half. He keeps me grounded and helps me figure myself out.

My dog. She makes me smile every single day and I am so blessed to have her as my pup.

My job. I thank God every day that I am still employed when I know so many people are struggling to find work.

The roof over my head.

My relatively good health.

and of course, my upcoming trip to Disney. Just me and my mom this time. :)

Many blessings to you all this holiday seasons. :wave:


Well-Known Member
Daily sustaining grace

Amen to that.

I have a lot to be thankful for, and I know that I take a lot for granted.

I give thanks to God for helping me when I need it, and for listening when I don't know what to do.

I thank Him this year especially for:

The kids in the youth group I lead
Patience with those very kids
Dedicated youth leaders
My family (my mother especially -- who is the eternal optimist)
My job
Patient bosses
Acousitic music and WSM online
Walt Disney World
... and a whole lot more that I tend to forget too easily.

May the Lord bless you and keep you all, and may His face shine upon you during this season, especially as we conclude a hard year for so many.


Well-Known Member
I'm thankful for the strength God has given me especially the last few years.
I'm thankful for my two young men and for the opportunity to watch and guide them on their journey
I'm thankful for the great support system I have in my friends.
I'm thankful for my renewed relationship with my mom
And last, I'm thankful for my roommate-my rock-who's the Will to my Grace (only he's straight). My boys love and respect him, and he's been my rock to lean on thru this very rough year.


Well-Known Member
What I am thankful for ?

Well, there are dozens of individual items, but what it boils down to is - I am happy.

I have never been depressed or sad, but over the last year or so of my life I have been able to wake up everyday and no matter what happens. I am able to say "I have a freaking great life, and I am happy". Just constantly happy. No matter what happens throughout the day, I am happy (maybe someone is spiking my food)

As a result I get more and more involved - in my kids school, in charity, in community service, in recreational activites, and in social outlets. All that involvement makes me even more happy. It's a vicious circle :)



That my husband got called back to work after a nine month layoff.
That my son got accepted to his first choice of college.
That we are healthy.
That life continues to send challenges to keep me growing as a person.
That my children are intelligent, talented and have their heads on straight.
For new friends, old friends and the promise of what might someday be.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I ma Thankful for..
Theraflu warming sore throat and flu medicine
Starbucks Caramel BRULEE farruchino's with extra caramel..SOOO YUMMY!
Drew having to only work 3 days this week
That we will be going to get our Christmas tree this weekend and it will be a real big one since we moved and have space for it now..:D

Saints being 10-0..:D

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