Aww..Late to answer as always!:lol:
I am thankful for Dan, my husband, I don't know what I would do without him. He lets me smother him all the time and acts as if I don't! When I am sad he makes me happy and I couldn't ask for a better husband!
My three wonderful children. They are the greatest accomplishment God has granted me. This is going to be a hard year for me because Paul graduates High School and Ashley graduates Middle School. Where has the time gone and how am I supposed to let go? At least my little Michele still wants to be with mommy at times!
Dan and I both have our jobs, our health, the kids health and a roof over our head, blessings I don't take for granted.
Lastly, my friends both ones here and ones around me. I don't know what I would do without you guys.
Dana, as always, thank you (you are such a blessing to us!) for starting such a wonderful thread and thank you also for (in another thread) getting me totally addicted to Michael Buble! If you ever head north, you better stop by!:wave:

Thank you!...:kiss:
Isn't Michael Buble AMAZING!?
I would love too..and same goes for you if you ever head down my way!:kiss: