Trip Report What Happens After the Girls Cruise…

I’m finally writing part 2!! Woo hoo!! It’s taken me forever to get to this part! So sorry for those that have waited patiently. :) Life, holidays and a few other trips slowed me down. This is part 2 of my girls’ cruise trip report. And while there is no actual cruising in this part, there are several girls’ cruisers, and a few other WDWMagic members, who make appearances!

Who: Me! And some other members! Like I said. :) Here I am with my roomie for the week @DisneyHeather:

When: September 13-18, 2013

What: 6 Nights at the Contemporary

Why: Well because it’s Disney of course. But also because of a work trip. The work trip followed the girls’ cruise by just a few days, so it seemed silly to go all the way home. Am I right?


Well-Known Member
Still loving the report! You got pretty good pics of Wishes even without a tripod! I am thoroughly impressed! :D

That chocolate dessert at Cali Grill looks DELISH! Oh Mylanta, I would love to have that right now!


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Wasn't that chocolate dessert at CG awesome??? I love the AoA pics. That bathroom shot is my favorite. Still following..just not doing too good on the posting. LOL!

Oh it was! I had to have it after I saw you guys with it the week before!

I've heard it before! I certainly don't say it often(haha), but it exists! Lol.

Who knew? :)

Tammy, fabulous rainbow shot. Disney magic at it's best. Loved all the rooftop shots. What a great view.

Thank you, Kris! It was kind of magical. :)


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Day 6 – The Craziest Camera Malfunction in the History of the World

Today we were up early! We had work stuff. Fun work stuff, but lots of work stuff!

We finished after lunch and were off to the Magic Kingdom for – what else? – this little beauty:

We monorailed over to Epcot shortly thereafter.

Time for Soarin! Soarin toes for the toes blog!

After our ride, we sat outside Soarin for a little while and charged our phones.

We tried some fun pictures!

Well we tried. :D!i=3121445786&k=3Bnxrrf&lb=1&s=A


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We walked some more and arrived at our dinner destination. We had a dinner date with …


I can’t even tell you how excited I was to finally see Remy. So so excited! I am now equally sad when I think about him being gone by the way. :cry:

We ordered and watched Remy start to make his way around the restaurant. I started with French Onion Soup:

And a whole loaf of bread because Heather had her own gluten free! Score!

I was full already!

The anticipation was building. We were about to bust when he finally made it to us. He was here!!

Remy’s human friend was amazing. Perfect and Hilarious.

When he lifted that lid, we went crazy. Our cameras were in full high speed burst mode and we both took probably 50 pictures and one video in those 3 minutes while Remy’s human friend mocked us and our excitement.

Seriously, he was so funny.:)

And Remy was beyond adorable. Beyond.

The meet and greet ended way too quickly and that incredibly sarcastic man and the friendly rat moved on. I started flipping through my pictures.



I literally started sweating. Full out heart palpitations and sweat. What on earth was wrong with my camera? Did I seriously miss my one shot at Remy? :cry: What on earth was wrong with my camera? Oh yeah, and what on earth was wrong with my camera?

I knew the shutter was releasing. I heard it as I snapped. I watched the video Heather took later and I could hear it releasing on the video.

And yet there was not a single picture of Remy on my card. What the what?!!!!

I took a couple of pictures right then and there and they showed right up. I did not understand. I still don’t.

See? Working!

Skip ahead if you have no idea how a camera works and/or could care less.

The only possible explanation I have come up with is this. My camera has two memory cards. It automatically switches to the second card when one is full. I was right at that point where it was switching between the two. I wonder if it’s possible that something happened in the switch? Like I was filling the buffer too quickly and it didn’t write to the cards? But why wasn’t I getting an error message? Why was the shutter still releasing? Why did not a single one make it to the card or show up later when I uploaded the pictures?

Seriously, I have no explanation. If anyone does, I’d be your best friend for life. No exaggeration. For life.


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Resident Redhead
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I can just imagine how you felt when you discovered your Remy photos missing. :jawdrop: I broke out into a sympathetic cold sweat just reading about it.

Hooray for Heather!! I've seen Remy in person, and his Armand, and agree that both are adorable and silly.

Gorgeous, gorgeous pictures of SSE and around Epcot, and the MNSSHP parade, and my mind is officially blown with those last fireworks at DHS shots. :geek: :inlove:

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