Well-Known Member
monothingie said:Your most likely right about the MK right now. But keep in mind two very important factors.
First: We are comming off a travel/tourist lull caused by the 911 attacks. Attendence is up and rising, but the past two years numbers probably weren't that spectacular. Also these numbers are probably no where near the peak numbers in the 90's. As time progresses, I think WDW is going to see a major spike in attendence and the only way they can ensure this is to constantly add more attractions. Particullary E-Tckts. Unfortunatly (depending on how you look at it), the real attention getting attractions are thrill rides, MS and TT at Epcot for example. A show or some type of low-budget/"imagination" attraction like SGE simply will not do that area of the MK justice.
Second: It takes years to develop, design, and implement high caliber attractions. Splash Mountain, which I think is the best designed/themed/built flume rides ever, took years to develop. From the ride system, to the AAs, to the muscial score, it was a complicated and long process from design to construction. This process must be continuous and not be subject to constraints as "do the parks need additional attractions at this point in time?". A planning horizon of close to a decade is needed to constantly forecast and implment changes at WDW.
Even during the post 9/11 and recession years, the attendance at the MK was not as effected as it was at the other parks. While all parks were down, Epcot saw falling attendance even during the great years in the 90's, as did MGM. DAK has never really had any substantial attendance growth since the first full year of operation.
Most people that visit WDW go to the MK and 2 other parks........most don't visit all 4 in one visit.....the average LOS for visitors in this market supports that point, but not too many skip the MK.
While E-tickets are important for marketing purposes, anything can be marketed. The best year every attendance-wise for the MK was 1997......no e-ticket was added that year, actually, nothing had been added for 2 years (since the redo of Tomorrowland) except for the Cinderella Castle Cake thing. Actually, NOTHING was really added of any value at WDW that year.....so why the record attendance?