What do you look forward to when going..?

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
The favorite rides& attractions that make me feel like a kid again, the ones I never tire of...and I'm sure most of you don't tire of most of them either...

Space/Splash/Big Thunder Mtns.
Haunted Mansion

The new rides that get added on to the favorites list pretty darn fast
The Pirates Ride @ DQ

The stuff I'm looking forward to for the first time, stuff I've onlyseen under construction or heard of
Slush N Gusher

All the fireworks displays
Having a laugh at the Adventurer's Club
Singing along at Jellyroll's

And the food!
The popcorn (I don't know why Disney popcorn tastes better;it just does)
Boma (my GF's favorite, & one of the "must always go back" restaurants)
Sci-Fi for burgers & ice cream (more for the ambience than the food)
50's for fried chicken (see above)
The view (and food) at Cali Grill
Character meals where, despite the fact that I don't have kids and don't collect autographs, I'm always happy when they stop over to say Hi.
Mickey's Premium Ice Cream
Rice Krispy Treats
Did I mention the popcorn?
Fudge from Main Street

And the ambience in general. Seeing the signs that let me know I'm there. Seeing the sights I didn't realize I missed so much until I see them again, like reuniting with old friends you haven't seen since high school.

The excitement of checking out your hotel room, and exploring the grounds.

Oh...AND the popcorn.


Pippa said:
Where do I start????

the bump as the plane hits the tarmac at MCO
knowing work and stress are way back at home
my first Kungaloosh
a cookie from Goofys Candy Store

knowing I'm "home" for 2 wonderful weeks

only 6 and a half months to go!!!

Hi, could you tell me what a kugaloosh is? I';ve never heard of that before


Premium Member
I look forward to seeing the castle, and just being in the happiest place on earth! And right now I'm really looking forward to OHANA!!!


Well-Known Member
jsfra209 said:
Hi, could you tell me what a kugaloosh is? I';ve never heard of that before

It's the signature drink at the Adventurer's Club in Pleasure Island.

AC is on my list of things to do on my honeymoon. I can't wait! :D


Well-Known Member
I am honeymooning at WDW too this year!!

A Kungaloosh involves crushed ice, blackberry brandy, Captain Morgans, strawberry and orange juice. Think of it as a lethal slush puppy!!!


Well-Known Member
since we're usually driving we like to watch the signs that tell us how far we are from orlando. then since we usually stay at a different hotel everytime we love trying to read the signs to find our hotel. the best part is when you walk into the hotel and say "checking in" :) i can't wait to go back!!!!


Well-Known Member
as another honeymooner at WDW this year...i look foward to the following.....
- getting on the plane at IAD heading to MCO
- pulling up to POFQ and saying my new married name along with "and we're checking in"
- heading to the bus stop right after we get our stuff situated
- seeing the castle down Main St.
- seeing the spot where he proposed ("partners" statue)
- the smell of the Haunted Mansion
- the queue of Space Mtn.
- riding IASW again after 5 years
- crossing the bridge from the hub to Tomorrowland
- riding BTMR at night
- watching "wishes" from our spot on Main St.
- seeing SSE from the monorail as we head into Epcot
- the blend of music around WS
- seeing Illuminations again after 5 years
- riding RnRC again (and again)
- watching Fantasmic
- taking time to enjoy AK this time around
- taking the boat ride from our resort to and from DTD
- spending 8 fabulous days with my new hubby!!!


New Member
The purple road signs that tell me I am on property. The sight of Cinderella's castle as I approach the Magic Kingdom. The joy and FREEDOM I feel from worry and responsibilities and deadlines. The sights and sounds of mainstreet. The Spectromagic parade and Fireworks. I could truly be satisfied wandering the park and seeing the parade and fireworks.... soaking up the atmosphere to tide me through my next "temporary exile" to reality. The feeling that 99.9% of the cast members will do everything they can to make my trip magical because they believe in Walt's dream and pixie dust.... and even if they are behind the scenes. And most of all, the feeling that the "real" world would be a better place if people just made the same effort for spreading joy, courtesy, and helpfullness (guests and CM alike!) off property as most people do ON property.

Just returned home last night and I miss the place dreadfully!

Sniff sniff.


Well-Known Member
Melerella said:
This is going to sound completely crazy...but once we get to MK I look forward to the water rides...lolol...I LOVE the smell....it's insane..but I do..lol..= )

I completely agree with this!!! The water may not taste so hot but it does have a unique smell (i even have a bottle of Disney water from a fountain in EPCOT lol).

But the one thing I really look forward to is seeing the countless billboards of disney attractions and it builds up to my favorite sign of them all - the welcome sign!!!!! :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


New Member
xodisneybelleox said:
I completely agree with this!!! The water may not taste so hot but it does have a unique smell

Hahahaha! That's so funny. I love the smell of Splash Mountain. I'll stand in front of the vents in line just so I get a whif of the water. I tell people this and they think I'm crazy... but I just love the smell of water, chlorine, etc.


Well-Known Member
Walking down Main Street and seeing the balloon people and the castle.....


Anticipating that first drop of ToT on my trip!


New Member
Im looking forward to checking in to the hotel.........walking along the poolside to my room.....UNpacking......turning on the tv (day planning guide).....changing into my swimsuit.....and hanging out at the pool.....Walking to the food court to fill up my mug....


Well-Known Member
Pongo said:
Hahahaha! That's so funny. I love the smell of Splash Mountain. I'll stand in front of the vents in line just so I get a whif of the water. I tell people this and they think I'm crazy... but I just love the smell of water, chlorine, etc.

Ahhhh nothing says your in disney like smelling the chlorinated water! lol. Thats why a while back ( i forget which thread it was in ) but i had said i when im putting makeup on i like the smell of my mascara because it smells like disney water lol. silly i know but almost every mascara i have had smells like it its kinda cool. :lookaroun

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