What do you look forward to when going..?


Active Member
I can't wait to get to Germany at the World Showcase to sample a Pretzel..... with the gold foil wrapped mustard of course!:slurp:

Or the "Rope drop" at the MK at opening, for the "Splash dash" over to Splash Mountain!


Active Member
Sorry, it's me again,

Just a quick one re. Pretzels... Do most people eat the whole thing, including the salt coating? I can eat a whole one, but always scrape half of the salt off! There is FAR too much salt on them... Can anyone here handle a complete pretzel with all of the salt??:eek:


New Member
I'm looking forward to getting some mickey ears! That's the first thing I'm gonna look for!

...and as for the pretzel...I can handle all the salt...and then some! :slurp:


Active Member
The first monorail sighting, the first Spaceship Earth sighting, seeing the front of the Magic Kingdom from the TTC, the attraction water smell, the taste of the water in the area, the smell of the Contemporary's Grand Canyon Concourse, the smell of my Fiance's Grandparent's villa where we stay, the toot of the WDW RailRoad whistle, the howl outside of the Haunted Mansion, the Tomorrowland music, the mainstreet feel, EVERYTHING!



Active Member
Sorry I thought of another one to add to mine earlier....I always love the music and just the atmosphere on Main Street USA and Hollywood Blvd. at MGM.

As corny as it sounds, when I am on the big ferry boat riding to the MK I swear my eyes fill up with tears just with all the build up and anticipation I think...

This makes me wish I were going this weekend!


Active Member
DisneySam said:
Sorry I thought of another one to add to mine earlier....I always love the music and just the atmosphere on Main Street USA and Hollywood Blvd. at MGM.

As corny as it sounds, when I am on the big ferry boat riding to the MK I swear my eyes fill up with tears just with all the build up and anticipation I think...

This makes me wish I were going this weekend!

That might be from the ferry exhaust...;)

I'm right there with you on the Mainstreet / Hollywood blvd atmosphere!!!



My hubby and I aways catch a really early morning flight when we go to Orlando. I usually don't sleep the night before. After hearing his alarm go off, we go rushing to get the the airport, the excitment building! As we get closer and closer , I can smell the faint tinge of jet fuel in the crisp early morning air. We enter the terminal, check the bags, get situated and wait. We sit facing the BIG windows, and watch the sun begin to rise over the runways. Our jet pulls up, we get on, I say my prayers and off we go.

I live for the ding/dong you hear just before the captain announces "Ladies and gentlemen we are now making our final decent into Orlando..." The ground gets closer and closer, till we touch down. I marvel at the sight of the green grass, the warm sun, the blue sky and feel as though all these things, although experienced by me on a daily basis, are now somehow better than before, different than before.

We approach the door to the aircraft. I can hear the faint hum of the engines, and the bustle behind me. I step out, and take a deep breath, wishing I could bottle that air for the next time I am having a bad day. We get on the monorail, get our bags, get the rental car and decend down the stairs to exit the airport.

The automatic doors open, and we emerge squinting into the sunlight. The humid air wrapping around me, warming my body. I breathe in, allowing this pure air to penetrate my lungs and giving myself a moment to register that We are finally here, our waiting is over!


Quickly, and in no particular order:

The sounds of the Liberty Square Riverboat whistle
The Haunted Mansion
Pirates of the Caribbean
Turkey Legs
Burgers from Pecos Bill's Cafe
The monorail
Star Tours
Shopping on Main Street long after the park has closed
The giddiness I get checking in to the hotel, and the ear to ear smile I get as I enter Main Street
Looking forward to planning my next trip even before I'm home from this one

I can go on and on and on...


Wow maybe Im a little off the cuff.. but besides... spending care free time with my wife and just sitting on a bench inside of MK or Epcot and watching the world go by (with a fastpass in my pocket) and just relaxing... I love the wake up call on property by Mickey Mouse.. no matter how tired or groggy or how early it is... Mickey telling me "Up and Adam Pal" cause "Big Doins Going On" always gets my tush out of bed and ready to start a new day in the parks....

PS I dont order a call on my last night... it only reminds me of ther other people that have big doins the next day while im going home


Account Suspended
I love seeing the monorail for the first time when I arrive. The monorail is the most underated ride at Disney World. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Where do I start????

the bump as the plane hits the tarmac at MCO
knowing work and stress are way back at home
my first Kungaloosh
a cookie from Goofys Candy Store

knowing I'm "home" for 2 wonderful weeks

only 6 and a half months to go!!!


Well-Known Member
My wife and I always look forward to going to EPCOT and watching Off-Kilter play, followed by at relaxing dinner at Le Cellier Steakhouse. mmmmm. To cap the night off we watch Illuminations. The rush of your first day is always unbeatable!!Can't wait to back in October for the Food & Wine Festival!! Only 5 1/2 months to go!!! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Nansafan said:
Taking the monorail at Orlando Airport signals we've arrived, then seeing a palm tree cause as my brother says "you're not on vacation until you see a palm tree".

OMG! That is exactly what I love too! There's just something about that monorail that really makes me feel like "Yes, I've arrived" and I never feel like I'm on vacation unless I see a plam tree!

The only other thing (which is something that others have said) is passing under the sign that says WDW. That's always special.

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
:) there are many but the one thing that at least I look forward to is, knowing that when we enter under the archway that all of the problems, concerns, worries, etc., are just that, on the outside and they don't follow us inside.:wave:


New Member
This is going to sound crazy..... but I love the smell when you enter the Pop Century Resort!
Me and my kids always walk in and say, "We're finally here. I love that smell"
Nuts... I know


New Member
I love the smell of the lobby at AKL! I also love the mouse ear pretzels with chocolate chips from the confectionery. The sound of the railroad and the drum beats/music in Adventureland. The warm sun that melts everything away!


New Member
The first thing I look forward to is the purple road signs. That's my signal that Disney is near, and a great vacation is 1 step away.

I also have to experience the Poly lobby. That HAS to be part of all my Disney trips. It's a family tradition! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
We try to get there just before opening. We have a routine now, the wife and kids go on ahead and I turn right under the railroad tracks and get a locker for our "Happiest Backpack on Earth." I finish with cramming the backpack into the locker and start walking...

and suddenly...

I'm there. Main Street USA. A band plays. A barbershop quartet sings. A castle beckons in the distance.

Life...for the next few days...is magical.

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