What do you adults think of when you see a character *SPOILERS*


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I always wonder what adults and kids think of when they see a character. I literally get excited.


I know full well its a person in there but that's not something I think about at all. To me its Mickey or Pluto or whatever, but not necessarily the cartoon come to life. Know what I mean? As a child I felt the same way, I didn't think I was hugging the cartoon actor Winnie the Pooh, but rather I was hugging Winnie the Pooh. I "Knew" it was a person but then again I didn't. Pinocchio freaked me out but Robin Hood, Pluto and Pooh did not.

Do you think little kids generally think it is the cartoon come to life or what...

I know full well what responses are to follow:animwink:


Well-Known Member
I don't really think of the person inside, just that I'm seeing a certain character. It's funny how the Disney costumes make you think this way, but a sports mascot can't.

But now that I'm older I prefer to see the face characters because you can talk to them and judge their acting skills.


Well-Known Member
I always think....

How hot is it in that dang suit?

Where are the eyeholes in that dang suit?

Is there a dude wearing the girl suits or a girl wearing the dude suits?

Then I see something shiny and wander off......

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
It's still fun to see a character. No matter how old you are, they are willing to have a good time with you as long as you are willing to have a good time with them. Even as I have become more "adult" now, I still always seem to get into "fights" with Dale at character meals. I also told Mickey that I remember when he was taller than me, and he laughed and agreed. My belief is that you are in Disney World, you have to play the game as it was meant to be played.


Well-Known Member
It crosses my mind - especially if they won't let go of my hand, or try to "steal" me away from my husband. It's cute, but I can't help but wonder if it's a girl under there. :lol:

For the most part though, I'm the same way. I see them as a character and get excited to get my picture with them. I wish I could remember what I thought as a kid.


Well-Known Member
I don't really think anything. All I know is that I'm meeting ____ (Mickey, Pooh, ect). I love meeting the characters. It's my favorite thing to do at Disney.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Wait, wait, wait! People inside of costumes? Cartoon characters come to life? Eye holes? Are you people nuts?

The "characters" as you put it are really talented actors that sacrifice quite a bit of their time every day to greet their fans in the parks that help promote their movies. Some of them are even nice enough to let you tour their houses. I suggest you be a bit nicer bud or the gravy train just might dry up.



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Wait, wait, wait! People inside of costumes? Cartoon characters come to life? Eye holes? Are you people nuts?

The "characters" as you put it are really talented actors that sacrifice quite a bit of their time every day to greet their fans in the parks that help promote their movies. Some of them are even nice enough to let you tour their houses. I suggest you be a bit nicer bud or the gravy train just might dry up.


These are the responses I was expecting...:wave:


Well-Known Member
I know very well that's a guy in a suit, and I don't care. IT'S MICKEY MOOOUUSEE! It also helps that they often show that very same "suit" running around in Disney park specials, shows, and various TV appearances so that when you see them in real life, you recognize those costumed characters to the point where they might as well be the real thing.
And yes, I've often said that the only place where anthropomorphic cartoon characters running around in real life DOESN'T creep me out is Disney XD


Well-Known Member
When I see a character, at first I don't even realize it's a person! Strange...
Then once I remember that there is no such thing as a 6 foot tall real-life Goofy :)hammer:), I wonder how hot it is in those costumes.
Don't they have a tubing cooling system?


Active Member
We always treat them as the characters that they are. Though for my daughter before she went the first time we had to keep telling her that they were just people in costumes otherwise she would have freaked out , she hated seeing characters. We could never get her to go see Santa Claus because she was affraid of him.


Premium Member
I always think, "it really IS magic!":dazzle:

When I see the children waiting in line for an eternity to meet the characters and get their autographs, I find myself being drawn into the magic too!


New Member
I probably get as excited as my kids do when we see the characters. I think of them not as people in suits but as that character.


New Member
Maybe it's because I've been around them when they aren't fully dressed that when ever i see a character I think about the person inside and the stupid things I've seen them do or say when they aren't onstage and I can never get out of the mindset set that it is a person. That fact will always be in the front of my mind.


New Member
my 9 year old and I were talking about it and we decided that even know we know they are people inside there is something about the characters that makes us want to hug them! call it "magic" or just being a kid again....whatever it is we love it and never get tired of it!

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