What did you do?


Well-Known Member
Ran 3 miles last night but didn't have such a great workout. It was one of those days that I was just sucking wind and couldn't get into a groove. A painful 3 miles but was able to keep it to under 11 min miles. We almost didn't run because it had started to rain. I was kind of looking for an excuse not to run but sucked it up and went out anyway. Although it wasn't a great workout, we felt better about ourselves for not making excuses and getting out there!

That's worth double points. Had one of those last week.


Well-Known Member
4.13 miles @ 8:25/mile. This was supposed to be an easy run but I am planning two rest days back to back in preparation for the Japan Day 4 mile run on Sunday and felt I should push it just a little bit with no runs for two days.

@Kristia - way to get it done, even if it wasn't pretty.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
4.13 miles @ 8:25/mile. This was supposed to be an easy run but I am planning two rest days back to back in preparation for the Japan Day 4 mile run on Sunday and felt I should push it just a little bit with no runs for two days.

I work for one of the biggest sponsors of that race.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
3 miles on the TM this morning. Easy pace. Looks like the weather will be nice on Sunday for my annual Mother's Day morning run. :) Happy Mother's Day to all the moms on the board!


RunDisney Addict
5.1 miles outside yesterday. Only the seconds outdoors run of the season due to the very cold spring we've been having. I only intended to do a quick 3 miles but just kept adding distance. I could have gone longer, but I was short on time.

Hoping the weather sticks so I can get back out and do around 8 miles sometime this week.


Well-Known Member
Japan Day 4 mile race - 30:27

I was looking for a PR and I got one. I let my husband pace me and he had control of the garmin little did I know that it wasn't working at all so he had no idea where we were pace wise. Might have pushed it a bit harder if I knew I was so close to 30 minutes, oh well for the next race...


Well-Known Member
I was on vacation in NYC (my first time there) this week. I intended to do my runs in Central Park, but I blew them off. It was rough getting back on track with a 6 miler today.

Hope you had a great time in NYC. Lots of awesome spots to run if you ever make it back, so fun "seeing" a new place via early morning runs. The only way I run while on vacation is if I plan vacation for the middle of a training cycle otherwise my laziness gets the better of me.

That was one heck of a pace @LindsayLoves ! Congrats.

Started a lovely Mother's Day with a six mile run, smelling all the beautiful lilacs that are in bloom here now. The weather today was picture perfect, and I had a quiet day with my family which was really nice.

Thanks Jill! Hope you and the rest of the moms on the board had a great Mother's Day.

4.2 miles this morning at 7:48 first mile, 8:14 5k pace, and 8:26 overall.

Great paces there!
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Well-Known Member
4 miles yesterday. The 2 miles were a little tough but I stuck it out and had negative splits each mile. We had to run in the late afternoon since I had to work in the morning which made it a little tough since it was pretty hot! I haven't checked the Garmin info yet, but I finished the run in 43:30 so under 11 min/mile.


Well-Known Member
Ended up being a hill weekend. Sat was 7+ of hills on the TM, Sun was a 10k, 5k out and back. Out was pretty much 2 1/2 miles of uphill. Meant 6 min negative split over the second half. Wish it was longer but my fault for running mid afternoon with no water.


Active Member
Saturday - 5k as Crossfit workout since the coaches were at Regionals.

Peachtree training started last week. Schedule called for 2/2.5 miles on the weekday runs. It feels weird stepping back to "only" 2 and 2.5 miles. Should I stick to the schedule or would itbe okay to do 3 or 4 miles for the weekday runs?
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