What did you do?

OG Runner

Well-Known Member
3 miles today. Not sure on my pace since my Garmin was dead and I didn't check it till right before we ran. Yep, I had watchless Friday! My back felt good although it is a little achy now. Hope to be good on Sunday! Broad Street 10 miler!

@JillC LI Good luck in your half!

So, how did the Broad Street 10 miler go? Did you get your Hoka One Ones? How is your back?
No, I never actually read what people write. Just kidding, hope all went well.


Well-Known Member
Yesterday I ran the Broad Street 10 miler, a race in Philadelphia that just keeps getting bigger by the year. This year there were 40,000 people running. They have made this a lottery race now although since it is so large, you have a pretty good chance of getting in. I kind of wish they would make it a bit smaller even if my chances of getting in go down. I didn't really take any pics this year since I have taken them the past 2 years and the course is the same. I definitely will have to take a picture of the medal which is really nice since it was the 35th anniversary.

First the good....This race is always awesome for spectator support. You run from one end of Broad St to the other which traverses 10 miles through the city of Philadelphia. It is the largest 10 mile race in the country and also holds the 10 mile course record of fastest 10 mile run. It has a net loss in elevation from start to finish so the course is mostly a slight downhill grade except for a few portions especially at the beginning. It is a great course to PR on if you are in the earlier corrals. It is great running through all the neighborhoods in Philly, past Temple University, by city hall and finally ending up at the Philadelphia Navy Yard.

The bad....It is getting to darn big!! I really wish they would break up the corrals more. I put in for a estimated finish time of 1:47 which is what I did it in last year. That unfortunately still put me in the last corral. That was about 10:53 min/mile last year. The course requires that you maintain a sub 15 min mile. So anyone who was running over a 10:30 min mile was put in the last corral. That meant very slow/walkers galore in my corral. My first mile was 11:25 because I wasn't able to get around people and it was so congested. Really....a corral with 10:30+ all the way to 15 min/mile. That really doesn't work. After the first mile, I was able to keep a sub 11 min mile until the last 2 miles where the course really bottle necked and the pace slowed considerably. I don't remember that happening last year. I think parts of the road were closed off so we didn't have as many lanes open. There were also points where the cheering crowd was lined up in one lane of the road so that created bottlenecks as well. We had the usually local people trying to cross the road as runners were coming through. Dan said he saw one guy being scolded by the police for trying to cross. I heard that people at the very end had no food and volunteers were packing up. I noticed when I got there, the food was dwindling fast. Dan finished a bit behind me due to a restroom stop and he also got food. Not sure when it ran out. Traffic was a nightmare trying get out of the stadium area. It took us over a half hour to get out of the parking lot.

I will probably try to do this again next year but I am definitely going to try for a better corral. Last corral is just craziness. Pink was by far the largest corral. Why can't they split that into more corrals? I finished in 1:51:28 which was 4 minutes slower than last year but 2 minutes faster than the first year. Part of that is my fault since I did slack a bit on my training this winter but some was also corral placement and crowds. Hope to do better next year!

Sorry...that rant was longer than I intended! :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
So, how did the Broad Street 10 miler go? Did you get your Hoka One Ones? How is your back?
No, I never actually read what people write. Just kidding, hope all went well.
Haha! I was writing as you typed! I have had my Hokas for a while and ran in them yesterday! My back was killing me since there was a lot of standing around waiting, but once I started running it loosened up thankfully!


Well-Known Member
So I'm torn. Did a "10K" on Saturday in Texas, talked my mom and dad into running the 5k. Solely to knock another state off my map. Both the 5k and the 10k started on the same course, then the 10k was supposed to split off at about mile 3, then add on another loop. So it seemed strange when the volunteer course marshals sent the 10k runners in a different direction about mile 2. And then stranger when we ran by the Mile 5 marker (didn't see Mile 4) and my watch only said 4.4 miles. And then Mile 6 sign was at 5.4ish. And crossed the finish line at 5.61 miles. Checked with a few of the other 10k runners, and yeah, their GPS also said the course was about a half mile short. Checked the map, and yeah, the volunteers sent us the wrong way, so we ended up doing more of a 9k instead of a 10k. So while I technically knocked another 4 minutes off my 10k PR (40:30ish), I can't call it a true 10k since they sent us the wrong way. I wish it was the right length as I was feeling pretty darn good.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
I had the same problem getting out of the parking lot after my Half on Sunday too, @Kristia. Half an hour to go 100 feet! Insane. The cops kept stopping the cars leaving the parking lots to let people cross the street and had no clue the backup they were creating. Glad your back held up. That's too bad about the corral crowding.

Here's my medal from the race yesterday. Helps a little with the pain I am in today. I told my coworker that if there is a fire drill today, I am hiding in a cabinet rather than have to walk down 5 flights of stairs! LOL



Well-Known Member
So I'm torn. Did a "10K" on Saturday in Texas, talked my mom and dad into running the 5k. Solely to knock another state off my map. Both the 5k and the 10k started on the same course, then the 10k was supposed to split off at about mile 3, then add on another loop. So it seemed strange when the volunteer course marshals sent the 10k runners in a different direction about mile 2. And then stranger when we ran by the Mile 5 marker (didn't see Mile 4) and my watch only said 4.4 miles. And then Mile 6 sign was at 5.4ish. And crossed the finish line at 5.61 miles. Checked with a few of the other 10k runners, and yeah, their GPS also said the course was about a half mile short. Checked the map, and yeah, the volunteers sent us the wrong way, so we ended up doing more of a 9k instead of a 10k. So while I technically knocked another 4 minutes off my 10k PR (40:30ish), I can't call it a true 10k since they sent us the wrong way. I wish it was the right length as I was feeling pretty darn good.

10K distance seems to be an issue in my home state. I've run one too short and one too long.

OG Runner

Well-Known Member
Surprised myself a little. I ran 3.38 miles, using my Garmin, and my Galloway run/walk watch, using a 4:00 minute run and :30 second walk and still brought it in, in under 10:00 minutes per mile. Hope I feel as well on Saturday. I have a half marathon then.


Well-Known Member
I changed things up this week and decided to run today instead of do Power 90 so that I wouldn't be stuck on the treadmill two days in a row. 4.1 miles of hills @ 8:59 pace.

OG Runner

Well-Known Member
Actually just walked 4 miles last night, to keep relaxed. Running a half marathon on Saturday. Actually wore my Garmin, for measuring the distance, but it confirmed, even at a relax walk I was under 17 minutes.


Well-Known Member
Track Tuesday was moved to Wednesday because at my arrival at the local track I found a high school track meet which meant no 400s for me yesterday. This was my last real speed workout before my 4 mile race this weekend and half the following weekend. Definitely the confidence boost I was looking for.

Goal: 9x400 in 1:45 or less
Actual: 9x400 with splits all under 1:40
w/ a 1.25 warm up and 1.50 mile cool down.


Well-Known Member
After tweaking my back last Thursday while cleaning up the basement from the 'flooding' rain ... finally felt good enough to run at a casual pace. 3.5 miles at a 9:42 pace this morning ... didn't want to push it considering I could finally turn side to side ;)


Well-Known Member
Ran 3 miles last night but didn't have such a great workout. It was one of those days that I was just sucking wind and couldn't get into a groove. A painful 3 miles but was able to keep it to under 11 min miles. We almost didn't run because it had started to rain. I was kind of looking for an excuse not to run but sucked it up and went out anyway. Although it wasn't a great workout, we felt better about ourselves for not making excuses and getting out there!

JillC LI

Well-Known Member

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