What did you do?


RunDisney Addict
I really wanted to go out and run....but forced myself to take it easy, and took the kids on a 2 mile walk instead. Just enough to keep the legs fresh.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
3 miles this am on sore legs. Im so done with regular shoes (provided the hoka's are the answer and if not, Ill suck it up).

3.25 miles biked on a nice cruise.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Tough 4 miles on the TM this morning doing speed work. Barely finished it off but stuck it out. Legs felt like jelly for some reason. At least the side of my calf pain is getting better. I have a hunch it was from our 5 mile walk on the beach last weekend because of the uneven ground surface (aka sand).

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
I'm so excited! As some of you will recall, my RunDisney magnet was stolen off my car at the beginning of the summer. Every time I go to my car I think of it because the dirt outline of the Mickey ears shape from where it was located is still there (yeah, yeah, I need a car wash). Anyway, I couldn't find the same magnet anywhere (just saying RunDisney without 13.1 or 26.2 or In Training). But I just found it at the following site and ordered it. Yay!


Well-Known Member
I agree, I don't want the 'In Training' stuff. But someone must be buying it. They have some new stuff at the Disney Store site. Love the Donald & Mickey shirts (Yes Joel, they are Champion ;)).


I'm in Disneyland half taper mode. Alarm went off at 0530 and wanted to go back to bed. Called myself a lazy 4-letter word and hit the oven. Not my best but by the start of mile 3 was feeling pretty good and had a decent mile 3. It's still humid.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Tough 4 miles on the TM this morning doing speed work. Barely finished it off but stuck it out. Legs felt like jelly for some reason. At least the side of my calf pain is getting better. I have a hunch it was from our 5 mile walk on the beach last weekend because of the uneven ground surface (aka sand).
Im not taking that bet. I would agree, walking in the sand worked you some how. Glad you stuck with it because I trust you would have stopped if you thought you were doing harm.
I agree, I don't want the 'In Training' stuff. But someone must be buying it. They have some new stuff at the Disney Store site. Love the Donald & Mickey shirts (Yes Joel, they are Champion ;)).


I'm in Disneyland half taper mode. Alarm went off at 0530 and wanted to go back to bed. Called myself a lazy 4-letter word and hit the oven. Not my best but by the start of mile 3 was feeling pretty good and had a decent mile 3. It's still humid.
Not a fan until they prove me wrong. Ill be the first to admit if the ToT shirts are soft or feel like burlap.

Witchy Chick

Well-Known Member
Got in 2.5-something on the TM this evening in 34:30. I did longer runs (4:30 vs 4 min), walked 30 secs, back to run, etc.

I am whooped tonight.



Well-Known Member
3.05 miles in super much cooler weather in a little over 30 minutes. Didn't really keep track of the split and felt wonderful afterwards. Not tired, steady stride and could have done the 3.05 loop again around the neighborhood.

Tried out my new kicks and my new tech Under Armour Air Force shirt, both of which I will be wearing during the Tower of Terror 10-miler. Have to represent the military!

Still have to pound out 8 miles and 9 miles soon. Have a 5K scheduled Aug. 25, a Heroes 5K and I get to run in it for free because I am military. Will likely rearrange my schedule this week to fit in the 8 miles and 9 miles.


Well-Known Member
Did a easy-going 3 miler last night. Ran pretty hard the previous night so I felt like I should take it easy on the old knee. Don't like to chance doing strenous runs 2 nights in a row!

Mr mom

Well-Known Member
Reading all the comments, it has been awhile since I last checked in here, kinda got away from it because I had no idea when I was going to get back to disney again and checking in just reminded me of what I could not afford to do. Anyway, I still do 6.25 miles five days a week, normally at around 50 mins (10km). Although one week I was on a roll and my average was 48mins. Have limited myself to that and my light weight routine, at 44 I have to watch my body and running half marathons twice a week was a little rough on the joints. I want to be able to keep running for many years yet. One of these years I have to run a disney run but for now I will stay where I am. On a positive note, I'm heading to Disneyworld next may, yippee.


Well-Known Member
Since the kids are out of camp my window for running has diminshed and it's been so nice I really don't feel like spending time in the gym so needless to say I haven't done anything since Sunday. I have enjoyed the week with my girls doing some beach days, playdates, catching up with some friends, etc. Honestly it's been a nice break.
But today---Up early for a run and some punk-a$$kids throw trash at me from a car. I was ED! Little did they know that there was a cop driving about 30 seconds behind. I flagged him and down and told him what happen. Then he went after them and I kept on running. SCREW YOU, you stupid a$$holes!
Managed just under 6 miles at a 9:38 pace.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Since the kids are out of camp my window for running has diminshed and it's been so nice I really don't feel like spending time in the gym so needless to say I haven't done anything since Sunday. I have enjoyed the week with my girls doing some beach days, playdates, catching up with some friends, etc. Honestly it's been a nice break.
But today---Up early for a run and some punk-a$$kids throw trash at me from a car. I was ED! Little did they know that there was a cop driving about 30 seconds behind. I flagged him and down and told him what happen. Then he went after them and kept on running. SCREW YOU, you stupid a$$holes!
Managed just under 6 miles at a 9:38 pace.
You go you warrior! I wish you could have caught up with them and that cop would have let you pop each one of them in the mouth. I have had some guys harass me on a 5am run and they hadn't made it in from the bar yet.

I love a fired up girl that could kick butt. Love it!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Swimming this am. I woke up this morning and it was raining. Light rain, rain and heavy rain. I drove to the Y in hopes the pool was still open... it was. Only 2 other dedicated swimmers made it this Friday. 28 lengths in all. I keep adding and getting stronger.

4 down and backs Breast Stroke
4 down and backs Crawl
2 down and backs Breast Stroke
2 down and backs Crawl
2 down and backs Breast Stroke

There was something about swimming in the rain. So cool, especially while on the portion of the BS while you are under water for about 1.5 seconds (then pop up, breathe, repeat), you could see the rain drops hitting the pool. Just awesome.

Long run tomorrow.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
I just finished lifting weights for an hour and later on I will be doing The Asylum: Game Day workout, which has to be my favorite workout I have ever done!
Anyone that runs and still goes and rocks out to P90X (1 or 2) or Insanity etc, I high five you. Nice job on lifting today and doing this later.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Reading all the comments, it has been awhile since I last checked in here, kinda got away from it because I had no idea when I was going to get back to disney again and checking in just reminded me of what I could not afford to do. Anyway, I still do 6.25 miles five days a week, normally at around 50 mins (10km). Although one week I was on a roll and my average was 48mins. Have limited myself to that and my light weight routine, at 44 I have to watch my body and running half marathons twice a week was a little rough on the joints. I want to be able to keep running for many years yet. One of these years I have to run a disney run but for now I will stay where I am. On a positive note, I'm heading to Disneyworld next may, yippee.

I feel your Disney-missing pain. We only make it to Disney about every other year ourselves, but this site keeps me feeling connected. Sounds like you're being smart about your mileage. I'm 43 myself and hope to have a lifetime of running ahead of me.

But today---Up early for a run and some punk-a$$kids throw trash at me from a car. I was ED! Little did they know that there was a cop driving about 30 seconds behind. I flagged him and down and told him what happen. Then he went after them and I kept on running. SCREW YOU, you stupid a$$holes!
Managed just under 6 miles at a 9:38 pace.

Nice pace and good for you with the cop. I hope he nailed them.


Well-Known Member
Earlier in the week was a 3 mile run, yesterday morning was a 6 mile run, and today . . . nothing yet. I'm hoping to cram in a four mile run tonight after some youth football activities.

This training cycle has been a bear for some reason. Everything just seems a bit harder than usual. Hopefully I can shake loose of it and get in some good work over the next 6 weeks, culminating in the Tower of Terror Ten Miler.

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