What did you do?


Well-Known Member
The bling is FABULOUS!!!

See for yourselves:
This is what it's all about!!!

Feeling a little bit like Mr. T with all the bling---I pity the fool that can't run a 1/2 marathon!

After a random chance meeting, Fmingo36 & Wilt Dasney looking absolutely FABULOUS after running 13.1 miles.
Look it all those medals :D


I have more pictures of the Disneyland 1/2 Marathon on my facebook page. If you want to see them, just send me a friend request (Coryna Barberis)


Well-Known Member
Awesome pictures! That's going to be me next year. :D

I haven't been doing much the last few weeks. Work is killing me. But I made myself get up this AM and did an awesome (for me) 11-something pace for 3 miles. Beautiful morning in the 50's.

Only 3 more weeks until F&W?!? :sohappy:

Mr mom

Well-Known Member
Still getting back in the swing but that looks like something I might like to try, love the medals. I am back up to 4.6 miles a day again but have not run a half marathon since the middle of june. My legs feel fine but getting my lungs back has been difficult for some reason, my 4.6 feels as bad as my 9.5 used to before my time off.


Well-Known Member
This is a weird thing to come out of lurkdom to comment on, but...

Re: Wet shoes. You might already know this but I asked the guy at my local running store and this is what he recommended to get them to dry quickly:

Stuff newspaper into the shoes for 1 hour.
Take that newspaper out and replace it with new newspaper. Leave it in for 2-3 hours.
Take that newspaper out and replace it with new newspaper. Leave it in overnight.

Voila! I did that once after getting caught in a freak hail/rainstorm and it worked pretty well. Good luck with your 11-miler, whenever you get it in.

Newspaper is good for that. It is also good for getting rid of odors - it is very absorbent.

Problem is I left the shoes out to dry Tuesday night - went right out - and was not back home until last night - so no changing of newspaper was going to happen.

They were still a bit damp last night, but then it was still raining last night too - so that really did not make much of a difference.

Last night, 11.0 miles. 2 hours 4 minutes. The last two miles kicked my a$$ - I am really out of long distace conditioning. Legs were just out of gas at the end. They feel great today. It's not muscle soreness, just a lack of glycogen to go the long distances. Wine and Dine should be interesting to say the least.



Permanent Resident of EPCOT
See for yourselves:
This is what it's all about!!!

Feeling a little bit like Mr. T with all the bling---I pity the fool that can't run a 1/2 marathon!

After a random chance meeting, Fmingo36 & Wilt Dasney looking absolutely FABULOUS after running 13.1 miles.
Look it all those medals :D
GREAT PICS. Congrats on the Bling. Yall look great in it. :wave:


Well-Known Member
Problem is I left the shoes out to dry Tuesday night - went right out - and was not back home until last night - so no changing of newspaper was going to happen.

They were still a bit damp last night, but then it was still raining last night too - so that really did not make much of a difference.


Just a little bit! Think I may need to start building an ark. :lol:

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
Great photos - thanks for sharing! :)

Yesterday made 3 days in a row at the gym. Running, weights, running, and today will be weights.

More importantly, I may have found an accountability partner yesterday. A former co-worker who has taken up running and recently ran a half marathon in ALASKA has agreed to monitor my training and vice versa to make sure we are both sticking to our plans to get ready for January. :king:

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
I ran 3 miles on lunch today. Awesome weather. I would have gone out this am early, but somewhere in the neighborhood is a transformer that keeps arching every 2 or 3 minutes since the storms. I didnt want to run near that in the dark.

Smart move. That's scary stuff.

See for yourselves:
This is what it's all about!!!
Feeling a little bit like Mr. T with all the bling---I pity the fool that can't run a 1/2 marathon!
After a random chance meeting, Fmingo36 & Wilt Dasney looking absolutely FABULOUS after running 13.1 miles.
Look it all those medals :D

LOVE LOVE LOVE all those medals! And great pics too!

I haven't been doing much the last few weeks. Work is killing me. But I made myself get up this AM and did an awesome (for me) 11-something pace for 3 miles. Beautiful morning in the 50's.

Good for you! Getting up and out of bed is the hardest part many days.

Just a little bit! Think I may need to start building an ark. :lol:

I hear ya! But today I'm hoping the rain holds off for another reason. It's our 15th wedding anniversary and we have tickets for the family to go to a Mets game (rescheduled from the weekend of Hurricane Irene). It'll be a bummer if it gets rained out again. Taking a rest day exercise wise :)

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
Sorry Jill, I guess I should have put a disclaimer on that blister post!

20.25 miles this morning.
20.11 miles yesterday.
19.53 miles the day before that, if I remember correctly (don't have my log in front of me).

Every part of my body hurts like hell. Mentally, my runs have been difficult this week. Lots of the negative chatter, losing focus and torturing myself by counting how many steps my left foot makes during 20 miles.
Fall/Autumn is my favorite season, but it's the transition of any season which seems to screw my head up with anything.

Wine in place of beer today. Cheers folks.


Well-Known Member
Great Pics and Bling Coryna!

Great runs everyone else =)

Good run this evening, One of those runs.... You know, the ones, where the miles just keep clicking off, the pace is challenging, but not too hard, and then you have finished your mid-week longer run? That was this one. This is the kind of run that keeps you coming back for more, and it was the first one for me in awhile. Splits were pretty consistent overall, with most of the slower miles the hilly ones, except for the last one which was just fatigue setting in:

1 00:09:44
2 00:09:36
3 00:09:20
4 00:09:43
5 00:09:21
6 00:09:51
7 00:09:50

Need to foam roll tonight calves/achilles, and my ankles are both a little tender, but I think overall it is just a result of my mileage build-up. I have now run 40 miles in the last 7 days, which would be a weekly high for me for sure. I will end up with 37 this calendar week after my 7 on Saturday and 15 on Sunday :)


Well-Known Member
I hear ya! But today I'm hoping the rain holds off for another reason. It's our 15th wedding anniversary and we have tickets for the family to go to a Mets game (rescheduled from the weekend of Hurricane Irene). It'll be a bummer if it gets rained out again.

Happy Anniversary and have fun at the game!

Tonight I ran 3 miles on the treadmill and did an hour with weights.
I signed up for the zombie run (5k w/obstacles) next months so my training for the next month or so is going to be focusing on improving my speed and not worrying so much about distance.


Well-Known Member
Great Pics and Bling Coryna!

Thanks! Glad everyone is enjoying the pictures.

Now I have a Princess 1/2 medal, Wine & Dine medal, Mickey marathon medal, Disneyland 1/2 marathon medal, and the Coast to Coast. I'm thinking my collection needs the Donald or the Chip & Dale next.
(Gotta think of a good way to convince my hubby to let me go to Disney to run AGAIN)


Well-Known Member
Thanks! Glad everyone is enjoying the pictures.

Now I have a Princess 1/2 medal, Wine & Dine medal, Mickey marathon medal, Disneyland 1/2 marathon medal, and the Coast to Coast. I'm thinking my collection needs the Donald or the Chip & Dale next.
(Gotta think of a good way to convince my hubby to let me go to Disney to run AGAIN)

Buy an AP or some DVC points. And then just tell him that you need to make them cost effective...... Worked well for me.


Active Member
Had to run my 18 mile long run today because
I have race tomorrow. It was a good day to run
out side. Yesterday it looked like it was supposed
to rain hard this morning, but thankfully it did not.
I would have dreaded running that long on the treadmill.
My pace was 8-8:30 minutes per mile. Tomorrow I am doing
the Warrior's Dash, which I am really excited about.

"Spartans! What is your profession? HA-OOH! HA-OOH!


Well-Known Member
Had to run my 18 mile long run today because
I have race tomorrow. It was a good day to run
out side. Yesterday it looked like it was supposed
to rain hard this morning, but thankfully it did not.
I would have dreaded running that long on the treadmill.
My pace was 8-8:30 minutes per mile. Tomorrow I am doing
the Warrior's Dash, which I am really excited about.

"Spartans! What is your profession? HA-OOH! HA-OOH!

Good luck with the Warrior Dash! I've heard they are a lot of fun. Let us know all about it.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Every part of my body hurts like hell. Mentally, my runs have been difficult this week. Lots of the negative chatter, losing focus and torturing myself by counting how many steps my left foot makes during 20 miles.
Fall/Autumn is my favorite season, but it's the transition of any season which seems to screw my head up with anything.

Wine in place of beer today. Cheers folks.

And how many might that be?! Do you actually count for 20 miles or do you count for 1 mile and then do mental math? I actually enjoy doing mental math when I'm on a longer run.

Happy Anniversary and have fun at the game!

Tonight I ran 3 miles on the treadmill and did an hour with weights.
I signed up for the zombie run (5k w/obstacles) next months so my training for the next month or so is going to be focusing on improving my speed and not worrying so much about distance.

So you actually signed up for that zombie race?!?!?! I'm not sure if that is the best 5K to go for speed given the obstacles, but more power to ya!

Cross-training on stationary bike for me today. My son signed up for cross-country track at school this week so if there was ever a question of him beating me in our November 5K, there isn't now! But I don't care as long as I hit my own time goal (shh, don't tell him though).


Well-Known Member
And how many might that be?! Do you actually count for 20 miles or do you count for 1 mile and then do mental math? I actually enjoy doing mental math when I'm on a longer run.

I do that too.

I run without music, and most of the time can get into a semi-zen zone. Sometimes I just can't

Thats when I start coverting miles to feet and figuring out how many feet are left in my run. Then I change that to percentages, ETA, etc.

Eh, it keeps my mind busy.


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