Somewhere between 2.73 and 3.02 miles. The GPS on my Ionic had a problem connecting, so it tracked distance by steps. My usual route is a little over 3 miles, so I'm going with 3.
I just got an Ionic yesterday!
Congrats! What color?
the band is dark grey and the frame is a slate gray. I've already ordered a teal sport band and screen protector from amazon
2.6@1, 1@7:53, 1@7:40, .6@7:19.
My gym got a "new" treadmill the other day. One of these things -> Don't get why a manual treadmill is some hot new thing.
I wouldnt even know how to use that
Whaaat? If I wanted something like that, I'd just run outdoors and save myself $$$$$
Tuesday - 545am quick fit
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