What did you do?


Well-Known Member
Read an article today on active.com that says heat and humidity training can have the same impact as altitude training. First I've heard of that but I've seen other articles saying summer training makes for strong fall runs.
I sure hope so!! I guess when you think about it, it makes sense. There is probably less oxygen in humid air since it is holding more water molecules. It sure feels like I need a set of gills when I run lately.
Happy belated birthday @a2grafix !!
@dreamfinder ...welcome back to the US. :)
@Texas84 - really interesting about humidity helping as much as altitude. I definitely think running in warmer/more humid weather helps but on the same level as high-altitude training? Never heard that either!

My schedule is wonky this week with not being in the office tomorrow and Friday...I lifted again today since I needed the gym access. Hopefully I didn't trash my legs for my 5-mile race tomorrow! o_O
Good luck with your race tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
I only did a mile today, BUT it was my first mile that I ran without stopping and clocked in at 12:45. I would have kept going, but my youngest was not feeling childcare at the gym today so I had to cut it short. I plan to go back in the evening.

Nice work!!!! I remember the first time I ran a mile without stopping (I am sure most of the people on this board can say the same), it was great, and it only gets better from here :) Its the little victories that matter!


Well-Known Member
I only did a mile today, BUT it was my first mile that I ran without stopping and clocked in at 12:45. I would have kept going, but my youngest was not feeling childcare at the gym today so I had to cut it short. I plan to go back in the evening.

That is so exciting! I remember when I started running, I was celebrating in 1/10th increments at first...Success comes with tiny victories!


Well-Known Member
5 miles tonight @11:07 pace. Dare I say, I think I am finally getting used to the humidity? I felt pretty good today. The first 2 miles were pretty slow but we were able to pick up the pace for the last 3 and had negative splits. My last 3 miles were under 11 min/mile which is the best I have run so far with this horrible humidity.


Well-Known Member
I just finished 4.1 miles at a 10:41 pace. I left at 9pm this time and the sun dipped behind the mountains. It's still almost 90 degrees out but being in the shade made it easier. I am not complaining about this heat though, summer here is very short and I plan on enjoying every sweaty moment that i get before I have to bust out my down jacket again.


Well-Known Member
I've been off the grid and haven't exercised since Saturday. I took the kids and went to join my sister and her kids at a friend of theirs house on Lake Norman in NC. We all had a great time tubing, playing in the pool and lake, paddle-boating on the lake, etc. I did manage to get up on water skis on my second try, it was the first time I've done it since college if not before - a long time! DS6 tried to ski, but gave up after the second try, I'm still incredibly proud of him for trying! I wish DD10 had tried, but maybe next year.

I went and helped at a local 5k race this morning, it was the first time I'd been to it. I was pretty impressed that they had a station where you could print out your unofficial results when you were finished.

I've got to get a run in soon, we have a 10k next Sunday! But first, I've got to read all the posts since last week :)


Well-Known Member
Dare I say, I think I am finally getting used to the humidity? I felt pretty good today. The first 2 miles were pretty slow but we were able to pick up the pace for the last 3 and had negative splits. My last 3 miles were under 11 min/mile which is the best I have run so far with this horrible humidity.

You are better than me. I rejoined the gym for the air conditioning. (Sorry, Nick--I'm a wimp!)


Well-Known Member
Happy Independence Day to all you WDW American runners out there, and Happy Canada Day to all of our WDW Canadian runners, too (I used to live in Anchorage and Detroit and my birthday is July 1).

So, has this ever happened to you? Had the unique opportunity of running the Stars and Stripes 5K in midtown Memphis at the Liberty Bowl, not too far away from the TV station. Race started at 7pm, so I took a "lunch break." Told my co-workers I would be back to the station around 8pm. Event director said the course was mostly flat, a few small inclines, and was a fast course. The temp was around 80F, which is unheard of in Memphis for early July. A few weeks ago I ran a 5K and run time temp was 88-90F with high-ish humidity. So, perfect running conditions.

We had a record set of runners and walkers, We all started off at 7pm and crossed out of the Liberty Bowl football stadium parking lot and onto the first road. I was not in the first throng of runners, sort of midway back but still found my slots to run. All was well for the first half mile .... until we hear the shrieking wail of a locomotive and the ding-ding-ding-ding and flashing red lights of the railroad tracks being activated.

A train was coming.

About 10-percent of runners, the lead pack fast group easily crossed the tracks. Easily. Then the crossing gates went down and we were stuck. The train took its sweet old time crossing the tracks. Some 10-11 minutes later it finally cleared and a throng of runners darted into and around the gates before they opened back up and we were off. Talk about a split-time disappointment.




Once me and several runners reached the first mile marker I looked at my cellphone and it said 7:19pm. Normally it takes me between 9m to 10m to reach the first mile marker, but not this time.

From then on everything was smooth for the rest of the race, until .... about a half mile from the finish, several of us reached an intersection. We were running on main side roads and had one lane coned off for us. Well, we reached a 4-way traffic light intersection with cops directing and halting cars and allowing the runners to continue on. Well, as soon as I and others reached the intersection, one of the cops decided to HALT US and let cross traffic continue, since there was a build-up of vehicles wanting to cross the intersection.

About 20 seconds of having bewildered looks on our faces, the cop finally stopped traffic and let us continue.

My official time was 39:38 for a 5K and a 12:47 split time. I'm deciding to subtract at least 11 minutes from that time for the train delay and the cop directing traffic delay, so I finished sub-30 for the 5K, so say 28:30. I won't say anything if you don't say anything.

Oh, got back to work at 8:30pm in time for the 9pm late news, and all heck broke loose with some breaking / developing local stories, but that's nothing you have to worry about. Finally left the station after midnight. All in a days work, I guess.

Happy Fourth everyone!


Well-Known Member
Happy 4th everyone!

I ran my town's 5-mile race this morning. It was...okay. It's put on by an area running club that runs a pretty good half marathon that I've done a couple of times in November. For this race, they put up wrong information about packet pick-up time (originally said it was Tuesday AND Wednesday, when it was only on Wednesday...of course I showed up for it on Tuesday :rolleyes:), got gender-specific shirts for the first time (which is awesome, but they didn't say women's cut was an option during registration and wouldn't let me exchange mine, so my shirt is a weeee bit too small), and chipped the finish line but not the starting line. I don't think the chipping made a big different for me but I still found it annoying. Speaking of annoying, every once in awhile I think about joining this running club, and then I go to their races and hear their members talk and remember why I talk myself out of it. Today I was running near a group of them talking about their "real" races :rolleyes: , and that group included some guy that was very loudly saying to a friend, "I should really come to this race some year and actually try to race it!" Meanwhile I'm right next to him working my --- off to get a good time. :rolleyes: Not that it made me feel bad about myself or anything, but I thought it was kind of a jerk thing to do.

ANYWAY...last year when I ran this race my time was 51:30ish, and this year I finished in 47:06. It's almost a minute slower than my 5-mile PR, but that PR was on Thanksgiving day, so the weather was about 20 degrees cooler with no humidity (today was low 70s, 85%+ humidity, and overcast - really much better than last year!). So I'm happy with how I did today. Undecided as to whether I'll do this race again...I do really like running through my community though. The highlight was seeing my husband and dog waiting for me right at the halfway mark. :)


Well-Known Member
You are better than me. I rejoined the gym for the air conditioning. (Sorry, Nick--I'm a wimp!)
Haha! The gym is really not an option for me, since the closest one is about 30 minutes away. I know I wouldn't stick with it if I joined. I also don't have a treadmill, so it is outside for me! Smartly, we waited until about 7:45 pm to start so the sun was going down. That helped!

@a2grafix - That is a crazy race! Can't say that has ever happened to me!

@Ariel484 - Great time! I really hate people sometimes. I have noticed that most people in races and other running events are super nice but there are always a few bad apples and those are the ones you seem to remember and hear the most. If you can't say something positive SHUT THE bleep UP! Shame on you for even running if you aren't going to try your best.

Happy 4th Everyone! No running for me today. Heading to the sis's for BBQ and fireworks at the local high school.

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
Great to see everyone still doing miles in the heat/crappy rain, sucks to hear about some of the injuries.

So I've been slacking the last few weeks. Int'l travel messed me up, then a week of vacation in the hills of VT screwed with the schedule even more. Although VT was a good thing. Went to Wanderlust (I'm sure some of you yoga fans have heard of it). Not only did I get roped into doing some Yoga (kinda liked it, just need time to fit some of that into the schedule) I ended up doing some slackline stuff (found out how weak my core really is) and did a trail/mountain run with Josh Ferenc. @DonaldDuck may have heard of him, pretty hard core, but he specializes in hills (ran a 1:05:XX up Mt Washington a few weeks prior) and is just getting into the ultra game. That run kicked my butt on the hill section, but it got me to remember how much fun just running can be, instead of always training. Add on that I got 6 growlers from assorted VT breweries, plus some Heady Topper (Did you get any Nick?) I'll take the setback in stride.

Last Sat was mile warm up/cool down with 5@7:03 in the middle, Sun was 10@8:03. Trying to just put the miles back on there. And then this week I've gone in off shift (like 2 AM off shift) then still do my normal day 3 outta the last 4 days, so I haven't even been able to get in my cross training/speed work this week. Hope that settles down over the long weekend and I can get some more miles in.

Sorry, don't know the dude. Haven't seen his name in UR mag.

I didn't get a chance to grab those brews, but I did get a hold of Vermonster and Switchback IPAs...boss beers, boss.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
8:15am and I am back from a 7 miler, showered and ready to start the day. Brutally hot and humid, even at the early hour. My garmin battery died 2 minutes into the run which may have turned out to be a good thing because I didn't feel compelled to keep up any specific pace. Based on my approximate start and finish times, I managed to go a little over 10 minute pace which impresses me.

In the time it took me to type this one finger at a time on my kindle, I'm already sweating again. Ugh. I think I need another cold shower!

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