What did you do?

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Welcome back Dave.

As for me, I did 7 miles this morning pre-hurricane. I have never, ever, ever run in such thick humidity. I considering stopping after 2 miles but trudged through it slowly. Don't know when my next run will be. Hurricane is supposed to hit tonight. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous - particularly about all the tall trees surrounding our property.


Active Member
Ran 15 miles this morning. The temp only got up to
65 degrees, which was perfect running weather.
My pace was 8:30 minute miles, which was
slower than normal for me, but I have a soccer
game in a couple hours and I wanted to save up
energy for that.


Well-Known Member
I got up to run before Irene hits and I couldn't believe how muggy it was so I scrapped my outside run plan and hit the treadmill at the gym for 6 miles.
Now it's time to hunker down.
Be safe out there!


Well-Known Member
Welcome back Dave.

As for me, I did 7 miles this morning pre-hurricane. I have never, ever, ever run in such thick humidity. I considering stopping after 2 miles but trudged through it slowly. Don't know when my next run will be. Hurricane is supposed to hit tonight. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous - particularly about all the tall trees surrounding our property.

It was like SOUP this morning!
So you weren't evacuated? The town next to me has voluntary evacs going on. I'm not too worried about the storm itself (I'm about 1/2 hour inland), I'm more concerned with power outtages. We got an alert from the township stating that we should expect outtages that could last 2 to 6 days. I need to pack for California!!! I don't have time for power outtages!!! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Thanks all for the welcome backs.

For the record, the end of July was crazy for me, and then our Union workers went on strike the beginning of August and I was covering by working 72 hour weeks (6 12's) as a tech. Not much time for anything else.

Well, I am back, and playing catch up on a lot of things, including running.

Got 5.62 miles in last night. Cardo and mentally I am fine. Calves just don't want to get with the program. I could have pushed out another mile like I wanted to, but I am trying to come back in time for the Wine and Dine and an injury would not be good, so I did the smart thing and walked home.



Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Welcome back Dave.

As for me, I did 7 miles this morning pre-hurricane. I have never, ever, ever run in such thick humidity. I considering stopping after 2 miles but trudged through it slowly. Don't know when my next run will be. Hurricane is supposed to hit tonight. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous - particularly about all the tall trees surrounding our property.
See below.

It was like SOUP this morning!
So you weren't evacuated? The town next to me has voluntary evacs going on. I'm not too worried about the storm itself (I'm about 1/2 hour inland), I'm more concerned with power outtages. We got an alert from the township stating that we should expect outtages that could last 2 to 6 days. I need to pack for California!!! I don't have time for power outtages!!! :lol:
First and foremost, I hope yall stay safe and your families are all ok.

Secondly, WELCOME TO MY WORLD! :lol:

Glad yall got out and ran before the storm came in... even though it was in that kind of weather.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
It was like SOUP this morning!
So you weren't evacuated? The town next to me has voluntary evacs going on. I'm not too worried about the storm itself (I'm about 1/2 hour inland), I'm more concerned with power outtages. We got an alert from the township stating that we should expect outtages that could last 2 to 6 days. I need to pack for California!!! I don't have time for power outtages!!! :lol:

No, we weren't evacuated but everyone 1.5 miles south of us was. So we're hoping for the best. We're prepared for long power outages too, but first we just have to weather the storm, hopefully without any trees on our house or floods in the basement - which is where we plan to sleep on the floor tonight because we fear trees falling in the middle of the night on the upper levels.

Joel, if it's like this where you run all summer, I don't know how you do it. It was beyond humid and muggy this morning.


Well-Known Member
Welcome Back Dave!

Stay Safe Dave, Nick, Jill, Coryna and everyone else in Irene's path!

6 miles @ 9:32 per mile this morning... And the Hurricane must've sucked all of our humidity out, because it was as dry as it has been!

100 miles for the month so far, and still 20 to go before the calendar flips...For me, a new monthly high since I began running last November.


Well-Known Member
Welcome Back Dave!

Stay Safe Dave, Nick, Jill, Coryna and everyone else in Irene's path!

6 miles @ 9:32 per mile this morning... And the Hurricane must've sucked all of our humidity out, because it was as dry as it has been!

100 miles for the month so far, and still 20 to go before the calendar flips...For me, a new monthly high since I began running last November.

Thanks Steve.
And congrats for the miles this month. That's something to be proud of.

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
Welcome Back Dave!

Stay Safe Dave, Nick, Jill, Coryna and everyone else in Irene's path!

6 miles @ 9:32 per mile this morning... And the Hurricane must've sucked all of our humidity out, because it was as dry as it has been!

100 miles for the month so far, and still 20 to go before the calendar flips...For me, a new monthly high since I began running last November.

Thanks Steve. Getting bad here...


Well-Known Member
Good luck to everyone in the northeast.

Irene definitely pulled some of our southern humidity out. 5.28 miles at 0645, 65F, 80% humidity, down from the normal 97%. BEAUTIFUL morning. I was supposed to do the Galloway 12.5 but I have to drive 1.5 hours to Atlanta for work. Tons of energy, probably due to work-related stress. Almost a full minute off my average pace.


Well-Known Member
8.08 miles at 9:59 per mile this morning.

Started off fine, All was good through the first 5 miles. Started fading during miles 6-8 and then... it happened. Stepped of the edge of the path, rolled the left ankle pretty good, fell on my right shoulder and arm. Some nice road rash on various parts of my arms and hands, hit my right thumb pretty hard on the path as well, but most worried about the ankle. Will Ice and rest it today, and see how it is tomorrow. Nobody around to witness the fall, not sure if it that is good or bad =) Was able to walk the final mile home after cleaning up in the park's restroom a bit. Only my second fall in 10 months of running, but easily my worst.


Well-Known Member
Just got power back after about 14 hours without. Still some wind gusts but I think once the branches are picked up in the yard, I'll get out for a run and see how the rest of my town fared.

Hope everyone else in the area is OK.

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
Just got power back after about 14 hours without. Still some wind gusts but I think once the branches are picked up in the yard, I'll get out for a run and see how the rest of my town fared.

Hope everyone else in the area is OK.

Glad you're okay. Major flooding just two blocks from us, but we weren't affected. Some parts of the boardwalks are destroyed. A few branches and trees are down, but that's all.
Took two days to rest since I have been running just about non-stop since January and pulling in 110-120 mile weeks (20 milers everyday back to back to back to back...) since March/April...in short, I deserve a break.
Back to run tomorrow morning and bust my butt.
Cheers folks.


Well-Known Member
Got in 6 miles before heading off to work this morning.
It was beautiful out; felt like a cool late Septmeber morning instead of late August.
Although I felt more like a hurdler than a runner with all the debris on the roads and sidewalks. Even saw a wire down, probably cable or phone but I stilled stayed clear of it.


Well-Known Member
Ended up taking Sunday off. Thanks Irene! Gym closed, and I wasn't about to run outside for 3 hours. More worried about falling branches than the rain. I already miss the run. : (

Sounds like everyone else made it through OK which is good. Hopefully no serious problems for any members.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
No, we weren't evacuated but everyone 1.5 miles south of us was. So we're hoping for the best. We're prepared for long power outages too, but first we just have to weather the storm, hopefully without any trees on our house or floods in the basement - which is where we plan to sleep on the floor tonight because we fear trees falling in the middle of the night on the upper levels.

Joel, if it's like this where you run all summer, I don't know how you do it. It was beyond humid and muggy this morning.
:lol: Yes, typically in the 90's and mostly 60+ humidity at all times, that is the south. It is like a blanket of heat and soupy moisture on you back. It is so humid and hot during the afternoons, you dont feel like you are sweating to cool yourself off.

How I do it? Just like you would if you were down here, man up. I would bet that if you had to choose to run in that weather or not at all, you would run it it. :D

Just got power back after about 14 hours without. Still some wind gusts but I think once the branches are picked up in the yard, I'll get out for a run and see how the rest of my town fared.

Hope everyone else in the area is OK.
Glad to see yall are ok. Power is a inconvenience when you dont have it, but at least you didnt have it due to structural damage.

Glad you're okay. Major flooding just two blocks from us, but we weren't affected. Some parts of the boardwalks are destroyed. A few branches and trees are down, but that's all.
Took two days to rest since I have been running just about non-stop since January and pulling in 110-120 mile weeks (20 milers everyday back to back to back to back...) since March/April...in short, I deserve a break.
Back to run tomorrow morning and bust my butt.
Cheers folks.
Glad you are ok too. I guess we found what will make Nick take 2 days off, a destructive hurricane beating the crap out of your city.

Hope your city repairs the damage quickly.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
I saw this scroll through on the Huff. For a split second, I thought this was Nick. Then, after .022 seconds, I figured this wasnt him, and to think this was him was alllll wrong. Nick and I combined dont have this guys muscles. :lol:


JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Stay Safe Dave, Nick, Jill, Coryna and everyone else in Irene's path!

Thanks Steve. We fared well. Thank goodness no trees fell by our house, and there was no flooding in our basement. There were some big tree limbs on the lawn and there were alot of trees down in the neighborhood. Our power went out but thank goodness it came back on last night after 21 hours. They say that those who didn't get it back last night will likely not have it until the weekend! So our biggest loss was a few hundred dollars of fridge and freezer food, but I'll take it. I didn't sleep a wink on Saturday night, but we made some family memories as we all crowded into one bed for awhile because the kids were scared!

8.08 miles at 9:59 per mile this morning.

Started off fine, All was good through the first 5 miles. Started fading during miles 6-8 and then... it happened. Stepped of the edge of the path, rolled the left ankle pretty good, fell on my right shoulder and arm. Some nice road rash on various parts of my arms and hands, hit my right thumb pretty hard on the path as well, but most worried about the ankle. Will Ice and rest it today, and see how it is tomorrow. Nobody around to witness the fall, not sure if it that is good or bad =) Was able to walk the final mile home after cleaning up in the park's restroom a bit. Only my second fall in 10 months of running, but easily my worst.

Oh Steve, I hope you're feeling better today. I find that those falls happen to me when I'm particularly tired - I always try to remember to pay extra attention to the ground surface when I feel like that.

Just got power back after about 14 hours without. Still some wind gusts but I think once the branches are picked up in the yard, I'll get out for a run and see how the rest of my town fared.

Hope everyone else in the area is OK.

Glad you're okay. Major flooding just two blocks from us, but we weren't affected. Some parts of the boardwalks are destroyed. A few branches and trees are down, but that's all.
Took two days to rest since I have been running just about non-stop since January and pulling in 110-120 mile weeks (20 milers everyday back to back to back to back...) since March/April...in short, I deserve a break.
Back to run tomorrow morning and bust my butt.
Cheers folks.

Glad you're both doing well. Injuries don't stop Nick, but it's nice to know that at least Mother Nature can slow him down a tad! :lol: I'm sure you're body was grateful.

Starting my newly designed, custom made 5K training plan this week. Will post more details later.


Well-Known Member
Welcome Back Dave!

Stay Safe Dave, Nick, Jill, Coryna and everyone else in Irene's path!

6 miles @ 9:32 per mile this morning... And the Hurricane must've sucked all of our humidity out, because it was as dry as it has been!

100 miles for the month so far, and still 20 to go before the calendar flips...For me, a new monthly high since I began running last November.


For the most part, nothing happend here. My parents lost a paito table, thats about it.

It is beautiful out, but today is booked. I may attempt to run tomorrow morning before work (I hate doing that though)


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