What did you do?

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
DUDE! I know you know this, but it has to be said.... this is how people drop dead. 203 bpm is very alarming. I know you guys are having a severe heat wave up there, but please be careful.

If I had to run anything over 4-5 miles and it was as extreme temps as yall have right now, Id be getting up at 3am. It is bad down here too, but like I said, 4-5 miles is much different than 19.

Be careful.

No kidding brother, it completely freaked me out. No issues today though. I'll post my mileage in a bit...


Well-Known Member
Working on getting the mileage back up to where it was when I was training form my marathon. Ran 8 miles today inside on the treadmill. Still looking for good running paths/communities near me.


Well-Known Member
5 miles @9:46 pace, slowish, but with temps and my lack of running lately, I will take it.

Really starting on Week 1 of my full training this week, so let's see how the next 600 miles go :)

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Have a great trip!

Thanks, we did! Got up at 3:45am (!) on Saturday so we could drive notrh and catch a ferry to MV arriving by 11:15am. Stayed at a beautiful B&B but the church around the corner had its bells ringing every hour on the hour throughout the entire night so another night of no sleep. We packed tons of fun stuff in, but man do I ned to catch up on sleep. May postpone my 4 miler from tonight til tomorrow.

3 miles this am. No time taken since Im still just running for the love of running right now.

I have a 10K in November followed by a 21K trail run so Ill start a schedule very soon in the new week or so.

What 21K trail run are you doing?

20 miles yesterday in 100+ degree temps (index said 115 degrees :hurl:). I have my hydration, electrolytes and calories down to a science, but it didn't matter. The heat was crushing my skull, I realized at mile 19, that I was talking out loud to myself and the local rabbits on people's lawns. For how long I was doing this, I do not know. My HR maxes out at 166 on my training runs (long and slow), but yesterday it shot up to 203 BPM. According to my wife (because I can't really remember) when I walked through the door, I took off my hydration vest, grabbed a powerade from the fridge, and walked right into a cold shower with all my clothes on, and laughed for 15 minutes non-stop. I do remember opening my eyes, laying on my back in the tub with the water hitting me, and Alison (wife) asking if I was going bonkers.

Moral of my story: DO NOT RUN THIS WEEKEND. Took today off, and will run tomorrow, so I should still get in my 115-120 miles for the week.

Cheers folks.

You are beyond nuts dude. That's how people die of heat stroke. I once went out to run 8 miles in heat I shouldn't have. Halfway through I was really dragging but I saw a runner coming towards me and I waved. "He" waved back. We got closer, and as we passed, I realized that "he" was a fire hydrant. I realized I was completely out of it and had enough sense to go home after 4 miles.

5 miles @9:46 pace, slowish, but with temps and my lack of running lately, I will take it.

Really starting on Week 1 of my full training this week, so let's see how the next 600 miles go :)

Good luck with the training! Whose plan are you using?


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
What 21K trail run are you doing?
The XTERRA series at Oak Mountain State Park, Pelham, Alabama.

I cant imagine a half on a single track running trail/biking trail in mountainous terrain. This one might be a 2+ hour run.


It says 1,354 ascent... which I average 500-600 on a normal 4 mile run, so if I really work some hills in the next 3 months, my thighs will be super ready.

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
You are beyond nuts dude. That's how people die of heat stroke. I once went out to run 8 miles in heat I shouldn't have. Halfway through I was really dragging but I saw a runner coming towards me and I waved. "He" waved back. We got closer, and as we passed, I realized that "he" was a fire hydrant. I realized I was completely out of it and had enough sense to go home after 4

Yeah it wasn't one of my brightest moments.

Just a bit over 120 miles last week.

Beer now. Cheers everyone.


Well-Known Member
Been traveling the past few days and I am just completely off my schedule. (The heat hasn't helped at all either)BLAH!!!
Ran a quick 2.5 miles and an hour of weights this evening.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, we did! Got up at 3:45am (!) on Saturday so we could drive notrh and catch a ferry to MV arriving by 11:15am. Stayed at a beautiful B&B but the church around the corner had its bells ringing every hour on the hour throughout the entire night so another night of no sleep. We packed tons of fun stuff in, but man do I ned to catch up on sleep. May postpone my 4 miler from tonight til tomorrow.

What 21K trail run are you doing?

You are beyond nuts dude. That's how people die of heat stroke. I once went out to run 8 miles in heat I shouldn't have. Halfway through I was really dragging but I saw a runner coming towards me and I waved. "He" waved back. We got closer, and as we passed, I realized that "he" was a fire hydrant. I realized I was completely out of it and had enough sense to go home after 4 miles.

Good luck with the training! Whose plan are you using?

Higdon's Intermediate, with a couple of minor changes due to a Disney Cruise Week in October, and planned back to back halfs on 10/1 & 10/2. I am also playing with the mileage just a bit this week, because I was so far out of it lately.

4 miles this morning @ 9:21, a much better run for me than yesterday.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
The XTERRA series at Oak Mountain State Park, Pelham, Alabama.

I cant imagine a half on a single track running trail/biking trail in mountainous terrain. This one might be a 2+ hour run.


It says 1,354 ascent... which I average 500-600 on a normal 4 mile run, so if I really work some hills in the next 3 months, my thighs will be super ready.

Ugh. Not my cup of tea but more power to ya!

Higdon's Intermediate, with a couple of minor changes due to a Disney Cruise Week in October, and planned back to back halfs on 10/1 & 10/2. I am also playing with the mileage just a bit this week, because I was so far out of it lately.

4 miles this morning @ 9:21, a much better run for me than yesterday.

Higdon's a good one to go with. And no harm in adjusting things to suit your schedule as long as you get in the weekly mileage and the long runs. Back to back halfs in October doesn't sound pleasant though. No way to spread those out?

As for me, I did 4 miles this morning at 9:35 pace. It wasn't that hot but it was very humid and I felt draggy. I knew I had to make it home for the kids before my hubby had to leave for work at 6:55am so that motivated me to push through it and keep the pace. Otherwise his first patient wouldn't have been too happy with me :D

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
18.81 miles this morning.
18.77 miles yesterday.
My stomache won't empty, so-to-speak, :lookaroun so I have felt pretty sluggish the last two days. TMI? Sorry for that.
Watering the garden and kicking back a few IPAs now.
Cheers folks.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Ugh. Not my cup of tea but more power to ya!

Higdon's a good one to go with. And no harm in adjusting things to suit your schedule as long as you get in the weekly mileage and the long runs. Back to back halfs in October doesn't sound pleasant though. No way to spread those out?:D
Im not sure it is mine either, I just need an event to focus on for this Fall. Because you know, having a 2 month old and a 3 year old just isnt exciting enough. :lol:

I just need to have a new goal.

Love Hal's schedule. Demanding, but boy does it pay off.

18.81 miles this morning.
18.77 miles yesterday.
My stomache won't empty, so-to-speak, :lookaroun so I have felt pretty sluggish the last two days. TMI? Sorry for that.
Watering the garden and kicking back a few IPAs now.
Cheers folks.
Oy. Nothing like carrying around extra weight. Nicely put too... :D


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
3 miles on lunch today. Im not going to complain how hot it was because it wouldnt do much good. I cant change it, so might as well embrace it. At least I sweat my butt off.


Well-Known Member
Almost beat my normal pace by a full minute on this mornings 30-minute run. Just felt really good at the start. Then about halfway lightening was in the area. Then with under a mile, chased by a dog. Adrenalin rules!

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
3 miles on lunch today. Im not going to complain how hot it was because it wouldnt do much good. I cant change it, so might as well embrace it. At least I sweat my butt off.

It's nice that you can run at lunch. No place for me to clean up at my office, and I don't think my colleagues would be too happy with me if I didn't shower! :ROFLOL:

Almost beat my normal pace by a full minute on this mornings 30-minute run. Just felt really good at the start. Then about halfway lightening was in the area. Then with under a mile, chased by a dog. Adrenalin rules!

Good job! Just remember that feeling of terror the next time you need a speed boost! :ROFLOL:


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
It's nice that you can run at lunch. No place for me to clean up at my office, and I don't think my colleagues would be too happy with me if I didn't shower! :ROFLOL:
I have to make sure my work load that day is lite. I live 6 miles from the office and run in my neighborhood, but even if I limit it too 3-4 miles, Im gone about an hour and a half.

Still, my boss is very flexible. Get your work done, I dont care when you work. :D

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
19.11 miles this morning. I tripped on one of the loose boards on the boardwalk in Belmar (for you local Jersey folk...) and fell. Cut my left knuckles and arm, bruised left palm, cut and bruised both knees. It was far more embarassing than anything, but I did let an "F-bomb" fly in front of some little girls...oops :lookaroun.

Oh well. My IBU solo 50 miler is coming up soon. A nice warm-up for a 100...

Cheers folks.


Well-Known Member
Ouch. I tripped during a 10k once but caught myself. Stiil embarrassing trying to regain my balance.

A tip if you're cross-training with a morning bike-ride: Old pick-ups may run stop signs. :mad:


Well-Known Member
Higdon's a good one to go with. And no harm in adjusting things to suit your schedule as long as you get in the weekly mileage and the long runs. Back to back halfs in October doesn't sound pleasant though. No way to spread those out?

I am only going to run one of those "pseudo-hard", otherwise I am just treating them as training runs. The weekend mileage will actually be right around where I will be in the program at that point anyways. It kind of "fell" into my lap, and then I qualify as a Half Fanatic (like Marathon Maniac's but half marathons). I am not 100% committed to one of them yet, so we will see how the next few weeks go.

Speedy (for me) 5K this morning at 8:27 per mile, with the first mile at 8:10.
Fastest for me in over two months, so that works.


Well-Known Member
19.11 miles this morning. I tripped on one of the loose boards on the boardwalk in Belmar (for you local Jersey folk...) and fell. Cut my left knuckles and arm, bruised left palm, cut and bruised both knees. It was far more embarassing than anything, but I did let an "F-bomb" fly in front of some little girls...oops :lookaroun.

Oh well. My IBU solo 50 miler is coming up soon. A nice warm-up for a 100...

Cheers folks.

Glad you didn't hurts yourself too badly!

I have fallen only once while running, on the sidewalk on A1A in Port Canaveral.....


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
19.11 miles this morning. I tripped on one of the loose boards on the boardwalk in Belmar (for you local Jersey folk...) and fell. Cut my left knuckles and arm, bruised left palm, cut and bruised both knees. It was far more embarassing than anything, but I did let an "F-bomb" fly in front of some little girls...oops :lookaroun.

Oh well. My IBU solo 50 miler is coming up soon. A nice warm-up for a 100...

Cheers folks.
It is needed and excusable in my book. Although... I drop them more than your average person. Not in front of little kids though. :lol:

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