What classic attractions would you not mind being replaced?


Well-Known Member
The only one I would toss is Snow White. yeah I cant stand it. I'm still scared of it. Bringing Mr. Toad back is Ingenious! :):drevil:


Well-Known Member
Here is another vote for Snow White. I remember not being able to go on it as a little kid. Too scary! Just took my 10 and 5 yr old on it last trip. They just scratched their heads and said "That was dumb".


Well-Known Member
Tomorrowland Speedway: The Indy car theme seems out of place in Tomorrowland. An awesome WDW version of Autopia with a futuristic theme would be a welcome replacement.

Star Tours: 2.0 has been rumored for years. No glasses 3D? Pod race? Who knows? But without updates it should go.

Country Bear Jamboree: Maybe not a total demo but would it be too difficult to update some AAs, redraw the drawn portions and remaster the audio? This feels more dated than anything else on property. It's hard for me to enjoy.

Circle of Life Theater: Not a classic but at 10+ years old. Get rid of it already!

Enchanted Tiki Room: I would prefer no Tiki room If I can't have the Tropical Serenade.

Just a few off the top of my head...


Well-Known Member
NOOOOOO!!! *falls to the floor and twitches*
Honestly, a "classic" I wouldn't mind them replacing is Country Bears. I could never get into that
Also, I think rides like BTM make for good beginner coasters. I think the same for Space Mountain
Jungle Cruise and Star Tours don't need to be replaced. They just need better effects

:lol::lol::lol: I agree with Country Bears. It just seems like the new "childhood culture" doesn't include much of this type of entertainment. It's pretty unfortunate, in a way, because it's a nice break from the heat. I've talked to some parents who don't even bring their kids into that attraction unless they need the A/C.


Well-Known Member
totally agree with CBJ. The one attraction I will never go on again.
wouldn't mind if speedway,tiki were gone.

Snow White is a different story all together. By far my favorite princess and a true classic that deserves it's own ride. but it is a little scary for the younger kids and not very interesting to the older kids. I like it and the last time I went my 6 year old DD seemed to be just the right age and she enjoyed it also.


Active Member
I would have to say possibly the speedway. It seems to be the least "Disney" ride. You could ride that ride at almost any amusement park. still, change would be difficult.


Active Member
I dunno - as just a regular park guest that's been going to WDW forever, I can easily say certain attractions are old and meh to me - like IASW or Peter Pan....but if I had kids I would be so psyched to have them ride the same rides that I loved as a kid.

That's why I can't mess with the classics. :lol: I would get rid of Stitch, though. :rolleyes:

Right. Get rid of the non classisc that don't work first.


New Member
i feel that with the HUGE success of the movies pirates of the Caribbean should be a mutchhh better ride.. or at least they could so some type of coaster with it.. the kraken would be a great idea but im pretty sure sea world's got one named that.. but they could make pirates wayy better than it is..


Well-Known Member
i feel that with the HUGE success of the movies pirates of the Caribbean should be a mutchhh better ride.. or at least they could so some type of coaster with it.. the kraken would be a great idea but im pretty sure sea world's got one named that.. but they could make pirates wayy better than it is..

From the way that sounds, I take it as better = roller coaster. I disagree with that statement.

To keep with the replace/improve theme: Go to Disneyland. Pirates is longer and more in depth. I definitely wouldn't mind seeing an expansion to WDW Pirates to include more from DL or new ideas.


New Member
Universal is just up I-4. Get off at Kirkland.

You're insane, really.

IaSM truly epitomizes Disney, way back to the Worlds Fair in NYC where it debuted.

JC is one of the funniest rides if you get the right skipper although all the ones i used to ride are no longer statused there.

Big Thunder - Great Coaster for those who need an introduction to roller coasters. Nice thrill ride and who can pass up a chance to have your girl get thrown into your lap? Amazing story and theming.

Speedway - What 5 year old doesn't want the chance to drive? Sure its not meant for anyone over the age of 12... so maybe the height requirement should be "No Adults."

In short, the parks aren't just for you. Its not about what you want. Its about having something for everyone.
He's insane, you do realize you on a disney FANATIC website talking about disney rides right? I love how people concider each other crazy on this site like there opinion of someones sanity actually holds validity.....

Plus speedway is garbage and not letting adults on...what are you thinking?
Why can't they add new attractions without replacing old ones? :shrug:
Space is limited when a 30K property sells off pieces of land to make the dividends go up and doesnt build b/c it costs money :(
i feel that with the HUGE success of the movies pirates of the Caribbean should be a mutchhh better ride.. or at least they could so some type of coaster with it.. the kraken would be a great idea but im pretty sure sea world's got one named that.. but they could make pirates wayy better than it is..
YES the ride should be better

NO they should not redesign it completly. Another boat ride, journey to atlantice style (boat coaster) maybe, extention......definately, ROLLER coaster negative, its not PoTC at that point

As for my picks for replaced attractions

SGE - replaced with ANYTHING, preferibly AE

TLSW - probably the worst attraction in WDW, its neglected beyond compare and has no theming what so ever. Theres a LOT of new technology that you could bring to that area and make it a 'Cars' partially controled adventure.

CoP - go ahead flame it. It's old, outdated, and in my opinion needs to go, it's no longer a part of 2009 tomorrowlands theme (but then again neither is anything not stitch)

Astro Orbiter - They need to replace this with something to the same effect, but old and outdated comes to mind. What about a rocket that goes faster and has legit restraints so it can go 360?? What about a game where you try to shoot the rocket in front of you and avoid getting hit in the back?

Swiss Family Treehouse - does anyone under 40 know what that even is? I'm 22 and i have no clue

Tom Sawyer island - There was a big thunder built on this island in Tokyo (i believe), we need to have something great built over there, a sexy MK frontierland E-ticket based off of something western/bayou styled

Liberity Riverboat - something else could work in that area, even if that something is filling in the lake and masively extending frontierland and giving part of FL to AL for an indiana jones like ride

Mickey's Toontown Fair - either give it more room and make it a legit ______land or let Fantasyland & TL absorb it and have only 6 themed lands (including MS USA)

WoL - just open it to the public sheesh

China, Germany, Italy, Japan, Morocco, France, UK, n Canada - E ticket or replace. Doesnt even have to be thrilling, just have some sort of an attraction with an E-tickets size and quality

The Magic of Disney Animation - i dont even know what this is, but its large enough for an attraction

Studio Backlot Tour - a LOT of land, terrible usage, give it to Pixar place and make PP STRONG!

American Film Instute Show - same as above

Honey I shrunk the kids play area - either remove or make it a bugs life play area or something like that. for a park thats supposed to be about modern and hollywood, its pretty rooted in the past

Star Tours - UPDATE dont remove

The Great Movie Ride - aka the old movie ride......cmon now HOLLYWOOD studios, step up.

Rafiki's Planet Watch and Camp Minnie Mickey - Demo the HELL out of these two places and start over. Hopefully after the new area behind asia they'll start on that. RPW = the train to no where and CMM = BK on a 10 dollar budget


New Member
I would love to see TL Speed way go. What a complete waste of space. I would also love to say goodbye to UoE. I can't comprehend how this pavillion managed last longer than Horizons and WoM. Any ideas??? I just don't get it. The only purpose it serves (IMO) is to escape the heat for a good 40 minutes. It has to go....or get completely revamped.


God bless the "Ignore" button.
My #1 to remove or do a massive rehab from each park
MK: Get rid of TL Speedway! It is absolute crap! A blot on the park!
Epcot: They need to replace Honey I Shrunk the Audience. It hasn't been TOUCHED in 15 years, except for the horrible pre-show. Of all of the videos at WDW, that video is the absolute worse!
DHS: While I'd love to just replace Sounds Dangerous!, I think they should (but it will never happen) give the Backlot Tour some MAJOR love. It's the only original ride left from when MGM Studios opened aside from TGMR (which also needs help).
DAK: Move Festival of the Lion King to Africa, and demolish Camp Minnie Mickey! Let's get a REAL land in there!

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