What at WDW Makes You Cry...


My first cry is the first time seeing the castle since my last visit.

The second cry will be my last ride on the ferry boat and looking back at the castle for the last time on my vacation.
Spectro still does it for me, reminds me of being a kid and how many hours/days/weeks of fun and love I've shared with my family at the parks!

I've only seen Wishes once but I was welling up and for some reason SSE almost gets me in places!


Original Poster
Whenever they show the Challenger crew, then the explosion @ AA...I was only a baby, but that just gives me the chills and the tears start rolling...


Well-Known Member
Wishes definitely makes my wife and I shed tears. But the thing that tugs at our hearts the most... is when we leave Disney to go home... So sad... :cry:


My princess...

:animwink: My daughters face when they made her an honorary princess at the Perfectly Princess Tea Party at the Grand Floridian...No words could describe....that Disney MAGIC


Original Poster
disneyjesus said:
Hall of Presidents when Bush speaks.

Oh wait, I thought this thread was "What at WDW makes you sick"

How embarassing.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Somebody just gave this advice in another thread: Don't drink liquids or eat while on these boards, b/c you'll end up spewing it everywhere. (Something to that effect.)

I should've listened!!!


New Member
Once again, I have never cried at Disney as I posted on this thread before. However, I finally broke down last night and cried ( Ok, pretty much bawled)

I've seen the movie before, but my fiance and I watched 'Finding Neverland' last night. I forgot how much I cried the first time I saw it, but last night was definately worse!

I cried every time they showed a scene where Depp's character imagined a scene of Peter Pan. :cry: I cried when they showed the play. :cry: I bawled my eyes out when they showed the play to the dying mother. I cried more when my fiance said it's been a long time since he's seen Peter Pan. :cry: I then continued to cry when it was over and I was thinking how wonderful of a story it really is, and how badly I want to ride Peter Pan at Disney. :cry: And then I shed just a few more tears when I realized the next 12 days would be the longest days of my life. :cry:
I'm surprised that my fiance still wants to marry me. :animwink:

I don't think I've ever cried so much in a two hour time span before. All because of Disney and it's magic.


Well-Known Member
DisneyLindz said:
Once again, I have never cried at Disney as I posted on this thread before. <SNIP>

I'm surprised that my fiance still wants to marry me. :animwink:


That's OK, we guys understand. I mean, you know how much men get all broken up over the part in the Dirty Dozen where Jim Brown gets killed by the sniper . . .


Well-Known Member
seeing wishes the music just seems to get to me everytime, walking down main street and seeing the castle for the first time on our vacation, and on our last day i cry like a baby... i cant help it i love disney and im still a newbie


New Member
Spending time with my family for once when we are on vacation. We all get along and nobody is mad. It's the time that we've lost over the past years.

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