What are your "waiting in line" pet peeves?

Ralph Wiggum

Account Suspended
First time for this one today: a guy started smoking in a queue at Busch Gardens. it took me about a minute for it to sink in, then I verbally jumped him. it got really bad, really quick. I'm apparently a F-bombing A-Hole as he repeated it over and over quite loudly. my family was pulled from the line and put on the ride. it was the ugliest situation I've ever been a part of in a theme park. some people should stay home in their trailer.


Well-Known Member
Flip flops

I hate flip-flops while in the parks or restaurants. At a pool, beach, water park, fine. Even at a hotel, fine. You might be on the way to the pool.
Yeah, they might be comfortable, but they are really pushing the line too close to being barefoot. That, and the sound they make. Man-o-man!
I have no problem with open-toed shoes. If you can look at your own feet and say "Yeah, people should stare at my very nice toes while in line" in complete confidence, then fine. By all means put on open toed anything, (except flip flops) and go to town.
If, on the other hand, anyone has ever suggested or it has entered your mind at all that you should not wear open toe anything on those nasty foot claws of yours, please do the rest of the world a favor and cover 'em up when out in public besides the places mentioned above as OK.
What's wrong with sandals if you want open and airy? Leather, plastic, cloth,rubber, they come in all kinds of nice acceptable styles at very affordable prices, but can clearly not be called flip flops. If you work in any kind of professional environment where there's a chance you could be seen in public or by a client or other visitor, I'd be willing to bet flip-flops are a no-no.
There is a reason for that.
If you can afford to go to Disney, you can afford to put something on your feet nicer than flip-flops.
Flip flops also come off by accident much more often. When was the last time you've seen anybody's shoes or genuine sandals just come off compared to flip flops.

I guess I've just seen too many people in public recently in flip flops and hair curlers. If you're going to go out in public, please have a little decorum. Just a little. Please? If we all pitch in in this little matter, I promise all our experiences at WDW will be much nicer.
I also can't think of a real medical reason for flip flops as a priority that a slightly loose sandal wouldn't accomplish if you want to go the route of a medical excuse.

(Jumping off soapbox)

Can I get an agreement from anyone here?


Well-Known Member
I guess I've just seen too many people in public recently in flip flops and hair curlers. If you're going to go out in public, please have a little decorum. Just a little. Please? If we all pitch in in this little matter, I promise all our experiences at WDW will be much nicer.

LMAO! That was a hilarious post :lol:

I sorta agree. I really am not a foot person, and I don't like to see feet. Living in Miami doesn't help because everyone is in flip flops or sandals. I personally wear sandals in special occasions or in the house. When I go to WDW, sneakers all the way. I guess I don't mind people wearing them, as long as I don't have to look at them. I have cousins who shove their feet in my face because they know how feet disgust me :rolleyes:


New Member
BeachClubVillas said:
Since I just got back, I have a ton of pet peeves!!

1. People who crowd you in line, thinking that they can magically make the hundreds of people in front of them move faster.

2. On the flip side, people who refuse to keep up with the line, and as a result there's a space of about 50 feet between the group in front of you and the people in front of them.

3. Kids who think any sort of chain or bar is a play thing. They climb all over it, kicking you in the process. Their parents totally ignore them, moving on with the line. If you DARE to move ahead with the line, leaving their kids in the dust, the parents look at you like you're a potential kidnapper

4. Large groups who send one member running ahead to get in line, and then one by one the rest of the group pushes their way through the line to catch up.

5. Little kids who fight with each other in line, kicking and hitting each other and all the people around them while their parents act like they are somebody else's children.

All of these and one more big one that's not quite a line...

When I'm sitting alone on a small bench (like waiting for the Voices of Liberty) and one person asks if they can sit on the same bench. No problem, sure! Then they tell three more family members to come sit on the bench too, and they push me off. Nice. :mad:
i personally plan on bringing a bottle of febreeze with me when i go in august. no just for others but for myself as well. its hot we are all close together, why not have everyone smelling nice and fresh?... i hope people dont mind me spraying them....


1. Families with strollers that start to load the strollers at the absolute first possible moment - eg. as soon as they get off the monorail, right in front of the door, blocking (or at least making it very difficult) the exit for the rest of the people in that car because they're trying to open/load their stroller.

2. People who push their way to the front of the queue for a show (like Philarmagic or Muppets 4D), only to realize when the doors open, that they will now have to be at the far end of the row. Then all of a sudden it's not such a big deal to go first and they lag behind, delaying everybody else behind them.

3. Smokers who try to sneak a puff. I was leaving Dinoland in AK yesterday, turned the corner right into a nicotine cloud. Only time I ever wished I could walk in front of somebody and drop a stink bomb :goodnevil


Well-Known Member
tecowdw said:
In fact, I have a group of rabbits in my Indiana back yard, nesting under the shed, that I'd like to ship to Florida!!

My pet peeves...all of the ones mentioned so far! ;)
See, some of us Hoosiers are normal!

BTW, there's always the annoying people that have to stop dead in front of you when you are in a moving crowd - because their inconcsiderate life is sooo much more important than anyone's around them!!

And people that turn back and hollar for someone at the top of their lungs at the moment they are right in front of you!

They all should be so lucky to be a civilized Hoosier, like myself!!

Exactly!! I was hoping a fellow Hoosier would join in here. I didn't see any other states being insulted!


New Member
Hoosier Proud! :wave:

Forgot some Peeves:

Parents who either scream at their kids because the kids are hot/antsy whatever. Hello, people! You are supposed to be in the Happiest Place on Earth!
Or, parents who don't dress their kids appropriately for Disney (bad shoes, hot clothes, no sun screen etc) and then get grouchy with them because the kids are miserable on "the trip they just spent a fortune on!".
Parents who "lie" to their kids about how scary a ride is just so they can go on, then have the poor kid screaming their head off and crying during and after. OK, mistakes can happen and underestimating a ride can happen to the best of us (I am still apologizing to my son about Dinosaur!), but no fibbing on purpose please!

One more.....after spending an eternity in line at a counter service place, the person in front of you finally decides to look at the menu when it is their time to order! Then asks the kids what they feel like, etc...:veryconfu (Happens at home all the time, too.....)


Account Suspended
Here's a new one: Cast Members that do not know how to operate a line! :brick: First of all, allow me to state that I think the CM's do a fantastic job and are basically just puppets for the people on top who have no idea what they are doing in some cases but the CM's just have to accept that and perform their role accordingly. However, I can not stand when a CM fills an ENTIRE PRESHOW with only people from the Fastpass line. Now I have nothing against that CM personally, but I do have something against the CM on top of him/her who tells them how to oporate a line! We stood in line for Soarin for 2 and a half hours when really the line should have been an hour and 15 min tops. This is how bad it was: we stood in one spot without moving for a half hour! Now I understand that the FP has priority but Disney has to come up with a proper statistical ratio to keep both lines moving!

Ok Im gonna take a few deep breaths now.


Premium Member
Original Poster
jiddng said:
2. People who push their way to the front of the queue for a show (like Philarmagic or Muppets 4D), only to realize when the doors open, that they will now have to be at the far end of the row. Then all of a sudden it's not such a big deal to go first and they lag behind, delaying everybody else behind them.

:lol: YES! That totally made me laugh!


Beta Return
Proud Hoosier (by State), but Boiler by School here!

1. Pregnant gal run over by wheelchair: If I had been your husband, I would have seen to it that whomever did that never got out of a wheelchair! That's BS and NOBODY can get away with that - handicapped or not!

2. Stinky people make me ill. Many of them make my eyes water - it's nasty.

3. Line jumpers should die. So, you have some friends waiting ahead for you? Perhaps they should come back here to meet YOU - idiot.

4. Personal Space - my brother and I stagger ourselves and either bend one leg to put a foot slightly behind us, or stand sideways and put hands on our hips so that our elbows stick out - hopefully injuring someone.

5. We also use the "go wide" method and will either stand side-by-side or stagger ourselves to cover a wider queue. I don't care what your reasoning is - you're not getting past.

6. Strollers should be banned, right along with motorized wheelchairs. They're dangerous to those around them.

7. Swearing in line: I'm a huge potty mouth at home, at work, with friends. However, i try to keep it PG in line and in the parks. However, if someone injures me, or continually bumps or leans on me in line - out it comes. Others who just yell out swears like they're the word "the" - boot em!

8. Cell Phones: Leave work at home and tell your family where you'll be before you get there. Or, just learn that you don't have to YELL because you're on a cell phone. They work JUST like regular phones and can pick up the slightest whisper.

9. Smoking: I grew up in a house where I was around second hand smoke for 18 years. Yeah, it's kinda gross, but I got used to it. Now I'm on my own and when i smell it, it really bothers me. I hate smelling it in lines or confined spaces. I understand that 2nd hand really doesn't cause cancer (not proven at least), but I still don't like to be cornered by it.

10. MOVE ACROSS THE ROW! They're all good seats!!!!!


Well-Known Member
There is always that family who has that one kid who WON'T PAY ATTENTION. And they sit down or something every time the line stops. Then it's time to move again and its "Katie! Katie!" trying to get the attention of the kid who has no clue the line is moving, holding everyone up. Then once the line stops again, the kid sits down again, and the whole process is repeated. That just bugs the living daylights outta me. This also can happen when the kid is playing video games, etc.


Well-Known Member
GoofyMom2 said:
Hoosier Proud! :wave:
OK, mistakes can happen and underestimating a ride can happen to the best of us (I am still apologizing to my son about Dinosaur!), but no fibbing on purpose please!

I am still apologizing to my wife about Dinosaur!! She won't go on it again either!

All of you (Or should I say y'all) proud Hoosiers need to sign in on the WDWmagic Indiana thread in this forum if you haven't already and tell what part of the state you're from.


Well-Known Member
- when you're waiting in a character line and people behind you give you wierd looks or get mad because your waiting in line for a character and you don't have any kids

- this happened when I was a CP at Casey's: people would try to come up to the register and cut everyone because they just want to "quick get one bottle of water" Hello? I'm sure there's other people waiting in line who's just getting one thing. They just expected me to hold the line up for them.

- this is also from working: people who would come up to a closed line a expect service. Casey's does it differently anyway, but sometimes you have 1 or no fillers so you only have one side of the register open, sometimes people would come up to the other side (cutting everybody else on the other side) and refuse to get in the right line because they decided that this line should be open. This guy started yelling at me one time because I told him to get in the back of the line, eventually I had to serve him, but people got in line behind him, so it slowed everything down, people that were actually waiting in line were waiting twice as long now because I only had one filler.
One time I looked over at Register 1 (there wasn't even anyone working on the register at that time) and there were like 20 people in line. It was crazy. My filler decided to be nice and take orders for her line plus those people, it slowed me down because I was now taking in cash for 3 lines but oh well. That was rediculous though. Did those people not notice that there was nobody standing at that register?


Well-Known Member
for us it's people who stand too close, people who are too lazy to stand in line and have to slide along the railings. Oh yeah, i love AK cause i love animals, but parents do not have to shove their kids in front of me to see the animals - if they just asked me niccely i would have no problem letting them in, i understand that kids are shorter!! oh and one more, the dad right in nthe front for the parade who feels the need to put his kid on his shoulders so that no one behind them can see.
that's all for now i think

tracyc & alex


New Member
Laura22 said:
Hehehehe - I do that at Tower of Terror in the library. I always run to the back corner so I can be near the front of the line in the boiler room. I don't shove my way back there or anything, just if no one else is standing there yet I hussle over. :lol:

if people find this offensive, i am guilty also....

Ralph Wiggum

Account Suspended
there's nothing wrong with knowing where the exits are to the TOT or the stretching room in the HM as long as you don't knock through people on your way. being in a group of people that recite the lines loudly with the voiceover is a different matter. don't screw rides up for people that may be experiencing it for the first time. you may love the sound of your voice, but I don't.

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