What are your "waiting in line" pet peeves?


Active Member
Laura22 said:
DisneyBunny said:
Another one that bugs me is being stuck behind a girl/woman wearing one of those little tiny tank tops/tube top, who is quite confident about it and proceeds to play with it the entire time... flexing her arms out... stretching... this happened to me once... it frustrates me when people don't dress appropriately for a park where there are lots of kids around. I don't want to have to stare at most of your exposed body for several hours while in line...
You beat me to it. That was my next one. That drives me insane.

hmm, now see.... i would say that for me.... and this is just me talking here although i bet this goes for most of the guys on the board even if they won't admit it that actually HELPS me pass the time :goodnevil


Well-Known Member
mrtoad said:
One bad thing about the queues that have wide areas like POTC or when you come out of the stretching rooms in HM is that a lot of times groups will separate you from your family unintentially (spelling?) If you try to get back to them people think you are cutting in line. HM is the worst for it. Unless you hold onto everyone in your party it happens quite a bit. It is a pain...

This happens to my family allll the time....especially since we usually have about 10+ people with us. It's like don't give me the dirty looks when you cut us off!


Active Member
mrtoad said:
One bad thing about the queues that have wide areas like POTC or when you come out of the stretching rooms in HM is that a lot of times groups will separate you from your family unintentially (spelling?) If you try to get back to them people think you are cutting in line. HM is the worst for it. Unless you hold onto everyone in your party it happens quite a bit. It is a pain...

Keep your group together, or have the people ahead fall back. That is no different from the tour groups who "save" 10 spots in line ahead of you.

It happens with my wife all of the time. She is small and agile. I am big and bulky. I make her fall back so that the people who are together, and have everyone together do not have to wait around for slow old me.


New Member
Pet Peeves:

When a group of like 15 teenagers each insist on getting individual pictures of themselves and a character, when they are saying the characters will only be there for 2 more minutes! Oh, then they have to get the group photo, and then "take one on my camera, too", etc, etc. Argh!

When standing in a closed line to see a character and someone cuts in front of you. Happened to us in August, woman jumped in front of us and even though we were polite and told her the line was closed etc she started insisting she had been there the entire time! Of course, poor CM can't really do anything....

Pet peeve that doesn't happen much....when a cast member tellls me I have to tell people that we are last in line for a character visit. My husband made a poor little girl cry because she couldn't see Jasmine! That killed some magic....

LOL....seems I have my most problems trying to get to see those characters!


Well-Known Member
bsandersjr said:
Keep your group together, or have the people ahead fall back. That is no different from the tour groups who "save" 10 spots in line ahead of you.

It happens with my wife all of the time. She is small and agile. I am big and bulky. I make her fall back so that the people who are together, and have everyone together do not have to wait around for slow old me.

My wife does come back to me as we have found that easier when it happens. It is just agravating as groups will push between us and then she has to come back. It is not that am too slow to keep up or something, it is that I am too nice to stop them from cutting me off.


Active Member
mrtoad said:
My wife does come back to me as we have found that easier when it happens. It is just agravating as groups will push between us and then she has to come back. It is not that am too slow to keep up or something, it is that I am too nice to stop them from cutting me off.

I hear ya buddy! It seems like my wife sometimes forgets that I am there :lol: :lol: :lol:


Well-Known Member
bsandersjr said:
I hear ya buddy! It seems like my wife sometimes forgets that I am there :lol: :lol: :lol:

A lot of time it does not even matter anyway. I wind up sitting alone as there are three of us and some cars are really meant for two. I am always the one by myself, well most of the time anyway....


New Member
People who sit on the railings in queues. I just want to walk by and say, "I hope you fall." but I can't anymore.
Oh, and those people who stand on top of you. I HATE THAT. It's like, "Dude, you smell. BACK UP."
And the ones who try to cut in front of you when the line's moving. It's like, "EXCUSE ME, but the last time I checked, I was here first."


Premium Member
It isn't a line, but I hate it when people are playing chicken in the big wave pool at Typhoon Lagoon. Especially when it is crowded. Last time I was there it was really crowded and this man probably about 45+ was playing chicken with his teenage son and my husband and I kept trying to get away from them and their flailing arms and legs and we asked them to please watch out. (We were polite about it). They just ignored us and then the dad almost kicked me in the head. That is when I got nasty. I used the teacher voice and asked him how many more times I have to watch him to be careful before he really kicks me in the head. The guys just laughed and then moved on and continued their game. It irked me though. THe pool was crowded and I didn't feel like being kicked in the head. I had already stubbed my toe on the steps getting out of the lazy river because people were trying to get in the river in both the exit and entry area. Argh....


Well-Known Member
Ok, I have a story- but it's not about waiting in a line- it's coming out of a show. My DH, DD and I (I was 7 months PG at the time) were just coming out of that Haunted Mansion show display that they had and while walking out all of the sudden something comes crashing into me and I fall on my stomach (no, not kidding) It was someone in a wheelchair and they took off before they even saw if I was ok or not- they saw that I was PG and my DH was pretty upset. Why couldn't they just wait 2 more seconds for me to get out of the door- it's not like I was going slow or something....

Thankfully everything was fine- I just had some cuts and bruises, but you think they would have at least made sure I was ok first before taking off....

As for in line- I agree, I hate those people that stand 2 inches away from you and breathe down your neck thinking that it will get the line to go faster....Umm, I am claustrophobic- don't make me have a panic attack because I will take it out on you!


Active Member
disneywy said:
I also get annoyed by the people that think they can sneak by and in line or use some lame excuse to get by.

Once when I was in the pre-show for Dinosaur I over heard a lady telling her daughter to sneak closer to the exit door so they would be closer when it opened. So I moved closer to the other people so she couldn't get by. She then said to me, "Oh, I just need to get by the door right over there" and pointed. I snapped and said "Yeah, so does everybody else in here!" I will admit it was rude of me to say that, but I had just had it with her. My friends I was with were shocked I said that cause I am normally very polite and just started laughing at the situation.

Oh my god!!! My biggest pet peeve if them all!!! People who run right over to the other side of the room so that they can be first in line. Give me a break.
That is my first pet peeve, second on the list is hige groups of teenagers all standing in line together, usually doing something annoying....


Well-Known Member
DisneySam said:
OMG Aurora! I can't even imagine, I would have been flipping out.
I was in too much shock to even think- My DH was furious though and what made it worse is we saw 2 Disney CMs of some sort across the way from us and they didn't even come over to see if I was ok....Hmmm...it all was fine- but that could have been a very dangerous thing. I still am a little upset that those people didn't even stop to make sure I was ok- I know they heard my husband say something about me being Pregnant....Oh well, life goes on- I have a healthy 15 month old boy :)


New Member
Nothing new here as far as pet peeves.
I do have a lot of really great experiences in line though.
Waiting in line for Tough to be a Bug I mentioned to my girlfriend that the setting remined me of jungle book. Somebody next to me started humming "Bear Neccescities" Fast forward about 2 mins and about 20 people in line are all singing Jungle book songs. That kinda thing only happens in WDW.

Also I like the people who don't notice that the line has move for a little while. Your standing there in line, every now and then you move forward like one foot, then all of a sudden you get to move WAY forward. Its a little treat for me really. I know it donsn't make the line go any faster but it does give the illusion.
Well, this happend to me.
We were in line (my wife, two boys, and I) at Peter Pan.
We had just came from MGM during star wars weekend, and I had a SW shirt on.
While we were in line, I felt someone bumping into the back of me, and then poking me in the back. I thought this was strange, and was turning around to tell someone to stop, when I cam face to face to a mentally handicapped young boy, and his brother.
I almost died.

Their parents said they were sorry, but he loved the characters on the back of my shirt.
If I had another shirt to change into, I would have given him my shirt.
For the rest of our 45 minutes in queue, my 2 year old talked to this boy and his brother. They had so much fun together, it felt bad that we had to leave them.



New Member
sleepybear said:
True story and a piece of my family's lore:

Many, many years ago our family was waiting in line and this kid behind them was sitting on the railing and slowly but surely sliding ahead of many people in line. My uncle noticed this and when the kid reached our party he just gave him a little shove that sent him falling off the railing into the shrubbery below. Mortified, the kid then exited the line.

Since that day, war has been declared between line cutters and my family.:drevil:

wow. in this sue happy world i'm suprised you didn't get sued.


New Member
Of course the biggest are the unsupervised children and beatings my ankles take from strollers, but there are a couple of less well-known queue peeves of mine that even decades removed from being a CM still annoy me.

"Know It All" guy is always annoying, and not only because he rarely knows it all. The raised voice to ensure that all around him hear how "Smart" he is makes the wait as fun as lighting your face on fire and putting it out with an icepick. And no, smart guy, the explorer canoes didn't used to require guests to use their hands instead of paddles, and there's no password to Club 33.

To all of those who would grab literally handfulls of ketchup packets from the Hungry Bear and allow your children to play little stomping games all over Bear (Critter) Country / N.O. Square attracations...I revile you to this day. Die.

And finally, to all of the little punks, numbering in the thousands, who think it's funny and original to roll up a piece of paper to resemble a joint and place it between Mr Toad's outstretched thumb and index finger...I hope your children make your lives a living hell. :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
1. While I understand personal space and I don't violate that, the biggest thing that bothers me is people not paying attention to the fact that the line is moving.
So we're all standing there while someone is lost in their conversation or argument or cellphone call or whatever.

2. When people treat holding areas as lines and then you get glares when you fill in the space. Festival of the Lion King comes to mind. You get there early and everyone is in a tight line as though you are wading through Peter Pan's Flight line. As our friends at the Haunted Mansion like to say, fill in all the dead space!

2a. The Soarin' line is a good example of 1 and 2. People gaze at the pictures waiting for the answer to the trivia question and fail to move up. And it's a pretty wide area they're clogging.

3. And then there are those who are holding a place in line. Often for an entire platoon.

4. Of course, the usual loud, rude people.

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