When we went we were in DC for Tracey's cousin's outdoor/garden wedding. A crazy heat wave hit and temps were 100+. Brian was not yet 2, Chandler was 3. During the wedding I stayed in the rental van we had w/the boys (a/c). They would've been a nightmare. We only got to the air & space museum because it was too hot to be walking the boys around outside all day. I did get to see The Wall at about 11:30 at night. Temps were still in the mid-90s but I had to touch it. We met Tracey's uncle & cousin for the fireworks. Waiting for the sun to set it was so miserably hot. We stripped both boys down to diaper/shorts only. Brian was still puking up his milk because it curdled in his belly. The whole time I kept sneaking glares at Tracey. A few times I whispered how I was going to kill him for making us go thru such hell. But then, the music & the fireworks started and we were there, laid down on a sheet on the National Mall gazing at the sky and the Washington Monument. Even the boys laid still and watched. Our crazy little family on our first real vacation right there in our nation's capital. Every shot that launched shook the ground. Chandler would squeal which sent Brian into giggles. It was a completely enchanted moment that I will never forget. I know it was like midnight before we got back to our hotel in Bethesda (via Metro & our rented mini-van). It was worth it in every way. I still thank Tracey for pushing me relentlessly to go do it. Someday I want to see those fireworks again.