"We Will Win" signs posted over Universal Orlando

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Tomorrowland Ga

New Member
Universal Copy Cats

Originally posted by NADisney
Universal should stick with what it knows how to do "Films".And translating those films into attractions.

As for Disney , they can build it because they already own it.They turned films into rides, they turn tv shows into audience participation shows , they own a baseball team and sponser leages before they built a "sports complex" .They test there products before selling there product.They don't make it and toss it out the door to see if it floats ,and let it sink.

Universal Orlando is a copycat "world". For some of us who have been to Disney and knows its background from the start ,the market has been there.It's when someone tryes to duplicate it is when you fell.

Been there ,Done that
Universal 's there , Disney "Has" Done That !!

:sohappy: :sohappy: :wave:

Universal Copy's Disney's 100x more than Disney has every copied Universal. Last month while I was in Traditions at Disney. I met a former Universal employee who had been employed for 7 years there.

He was jumping ship because they were replacing the Kong attraction with an attraction that will resemble Disney's Space Mountain. He was so upset with the copy catting, he lost all respect for Universal and quit.


Well-Known Member
>>>He was jumping ship because they were replacing the Kong attraction with an attraction that will resemble Disney's Space Mountain.<<<

Let me get this straight. This guy threw away 7 years and QUIT at Universal all because he heard a RUMOR that Kong was closing to make way for a roller coaster that "resembled" Space Mountain? I'm not sure I can wrap my mind around the stupidity of that. I think there is a little more wrong with him than some anger with his former employer, and would suggest that maybe he find a different career path. But that's fine, I'm sure that another capable, maybe even sane, cast member will take his place. He's done a good thing actually, helping unemployeement and all...

Someone should warn him though, I hear that management is composed of some royal jackasses at Disney.

And tell him it is safe to go back to Universal. The coaster you are referring to will likely never become a reality.

First off, it was nothing like Space Mountain at all. What it was, and this is going off seeing some storyboards nearly 10 years ago, was a BTTF simulator placed on a roller coaster track that would be built to simulate positive and negative G's. Nothing like Space Mountain if you ask me. Now, if that sounds a little like Mission Space to you, then you're right. Better technology came along and Disney snatched the rights to it (or bought them from an outside company, use whatever definition you see fit) That is one of the reasons they have canned that attraction, one of the other's being the extreme cost that the attraction would bring.

What IS being built,- well, you know what, that is something for Universal to know and you to find out. I'm not in the business of sharing such classified information. I can tell you that it has nothing to do with space, and will involve quite a bit of audio animatronics. This ride will push the boundaries of an E-ticket attraction, and might actually knock Spiderman off of it's #1 spot. This attraction might or might not replace Kong, no one except the people responsible for it know for sure.

Don L Duck

New Member
To MK Tiggerman... I was not trying to pass off my opinions as fact...they were what they were opinions and thats all.
The fact that I am passionate about my beliefs should not change what I believe in.
If you agree with me fine if not it's your right.
I too am familiar with your posts and agree with a lot of them.
Sometimes I can be sarcastic ...but when your banging your head against a wall it comes out like that.
My whole point from the beginning was you can't even compare the two... I have no idea how it got like this.
Sometimes it takes one word to set me off...I think wise did it ,in this case two words:brick:

Tomorrowland Ga

New Member
Well folks there is nothing better than an official Universal employee who seems to be on the higher-archy on the Universal food chain slumming <ie: he gets to see story boards as well as the "real" inside information> <ROFL> on our website.

While the information on the up and coming but, failed attempts of Universal's new attractions is enlightening. His psychological analogy on the psyche of another human being, which in fact he doesn't even know is quite fascinating <eye roll>

So to let you know he was more than just your Universal Employee who heard a rumor over lunch. He in fact was a higher-archy type as well but, unlike you had 10 times more class in explaining his leaving than you did tearing him down.

Even by your own admission there must be some truth to what he said whether Universal scraped the idea over funding or whatever their reason. The fact is they are replacing Kong, so time will tell all when the new attraction opens to see if it in deed will be a Universal Original or another copied idea from Disney.



Well-Known Member
>>>Well folks there is nothing better than an official Universal employee who seems to be on the higher-archy on the Universal food chain slumming on our website.<<<

I don't work for Universal, never have, and for the time being, I probably won't (the industry is far to volatile to pursue a career in right now).

>>>While the information on the up and coming but, failed attempts of Universal's new attractions is enlightening.<<<

As it is on Disney. :animwink:

>>>His psychological analogy on the psyche of another human being, which in fact he doesn't even know is quite fascinating.<<<

Ever heard of cynicism? I happen to be guilty of it quite often. Some of it is out of spite, most it is lighthearted. That comment was kind of 50% each. I don't know him, and probably never will, but that story was interesting to say the least. I apologize if I offended you.

>>>He in fact was a higher-archy type as well<<<

If that is the case (and I'm being serious here), then it really is quite sad that he is leaving. As much as I would like to work for the mouse (see, I don't hate Disney, just the people who run it), if I had that kind of position at UO, I would keep it, rather than starting off at the bottom of the food chain at WDW. Jump back to the top of my post: "the industry is very volatile right now." His job was probably safe at Universal, but at Disney he could be next week's layoffs for all we know...

>>>Even by your own admission there must be some truth to what he said whether Universal scraped the idea over funding or whatever their reason.<<<

Yeah, it was very similar to Mission Space (even though it was canned years ago). In fact, you could consider it a ripoff of the coaster, because I am almost certain those storyboards have been around longer than the final incarnation of M:S that Imagineering decided upon. The fact is, both rides were going to offer the same kind of experience (one could argue the same for BTTF vs. Star Tours, but the comparisons were much tighter in this case) with only a mildly different story to seperate the two. Uh... no. I'm glad that Universal scrapped the ideas now.

>>>The fact is they are replacing Kong, so time will tell all when the new attraction opens to see if it in deed will be a Universal Original or another copied idea from Disney.<<<

No comment. :zipit:


Well-Known Member
That's too bad, the manegment thing and all. I expect there are at least SOME people at Disney who aren't like that.

I rememer reading about how the management shifted dramatically at Disney around 1984. I guess Roy Disney was trying to take over the company after quitting, because of how the company was being run. Disney's profits slid from $135 million to $93 million in three years. Him and Stanley Gold sued Disney for giving 8.9% of the Company to Sid Bass, a Texas Billionaire with a large Florida Real Estate development company, Arvida. I guess doing this diluted Roy's stock holdings. The Disney board countered by installing them both on the board, and then they made Ron Miller, the current studio head of the time (and Son-in-Law of Walt), resign. They replaced him with Frank Wells and former Paramount Pictures production head, Michael Eisner.

Sorry I rambled on there. This might not have anything to do with the thread, but I thought it might be interesting for some out there.

PS: Just about all that info I got from "Since the World Began"
(I don't want to Plagurize!) :lookaroun :animwink:


Well-Known Member
>>>That's too bad, the manegment thing and all. I expect there are at least SOME people at Disney who aren't like that.<<<

There are, you just have to look for them. Okay, look hard for them. Scratch that, look VERY hard for them. :)


Well-Known Member
I think you guys are being to hard on phenix. I mean, he has a lot of good ideas and opinions that probably haven't been discussed at ALL on these boards, seeing as they are mostly Disney related.

<<see, I don't hate Disney, just the people who run it), >>

See? I think this sums it up! I, personally, don't know much about the "real" Disney company right now, but I am sure that if I did, my reactions to it could be very different or very similar to phenix's. I guess if you are looking into a career at either place, it is up to YOU to decide whether or not the things you are hearing are true. A career at either place could turn out great, or it could turn out bad. Once again, it all depends.

I, personally, am working my way up to a career in Disney Animation. Now, out of all honesty, I could NEVER be discouraged in any way to walk away from my goal. No matter how good or bad Disney does in its Animation department, I will always be devoted to it. And I am not doing this because of "blind faith" in the company. It is simply that ever since I was a child, I have been amazed at what Disney has produced over the years. I want to do my part to help in the future of the company as I can. It's like what phenix says for Disney. I am just guessing you mean the same thing I am talking about here with how you still like "Disney", but not the people running it. "Disney" being what it is known for and the great things it has created in past years.

I, personally, think that it is great that another company: Universal, is trying to do the same thing. Bring more family entertainment to the world and in new imaginative ways. I feel that this is what BOTH companies should be trying to do, and not try to "win out" over the other.
It was Walt Disney's dream to do this, and I feel that anyone with the same dream is ok in my book!


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, a quote in my last post was't posted.

Between the "<>", I meant to put

[see, I don't hate Disney, just the people who run it]

from phenix's post.


New Member
Ya know, this Disney Vs. Orlando war will go on for a long time, I just sit back and see who's doing what in Orlando & LBV and whats going on.:)

Oh.....mighty long battle it is. ;9


Well-Known Member
Sounds to me like Disney gets management training from the United States Postal Service...when the packmules (carriers)have good ideas they are laughed at...when management comes up with stupid ideas they get bonuses~ then they wonder why they need to keep raising the prices of stamps...hmmm....sounds alot like the Disney problems ....LOL~ well at least the government doesnt have the stupidity market monopolized~

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
well at least the government doesnt have the stupidity market monopolized
No theyve left that to the UK Ministry Of Defence. We used to call it the Dumn Idea of The Day.
The wheel can only be reinvented so many times, however a company ( Disney, Universal et al )is nothing without the good will of its employees.


New Member
Granted universal is smaller right now, but they are continuing to work on building ingenious attractions and a reputation of a world-class tourist destination. Ultimately Universal will win be it five,ten, or twenty years from now.
While on the other hand Disney is just trying to maintain the standards they have now which have already fallen off over the past years. Rather than focusing on improvement they are expanding across the globe and introducing a series of mediocre attractions to keep people coming back to thier old parks. Ever been to Chester and Hester's?


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
Originally posted by Disney4648
I dont see how Universal will fot 18 resorts, 4 theme parks, and 3 water parks in Orlando, aint gonna happen.:(

they have 1200 acres... lets see how they put the space to good use


New Member
Originally posted by mktiggerman

they have 1200 acres... lets see how they put the space to good use
Rob, where exactly is this land and is it being leased to smaller Orlando and I-Drive hotels?:confused:


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
Originally posted by Disney4648

Rob, where exactly is this land and is it being leased to smaller Orlando and I-Drive hotels?:confused:

it's old Lockheed Martin land, located just on the other side of I4
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