"We Will Win" signs posted over Universal Orlando

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Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Go to the Special features, then deleted sceans. You'll see a part when they ride a mine train though sceans directly ripped from Disney attractions. These include, Snow Whites Scarry Adventures, PoTC, and for grizzlyhall, Country Bears.
Without trying to be clever, you may call this copying or ripping off, Personally I would say this is extracting the urine or poking fun at Disneys self obsession. Either way its a damn fine piece of work. Its almostas good as the high quality remakes of Beauty, Peter Pan, Lion King, Aladin, Fantasia....
Whatever next? original ideas?


New Member
HAHA i know, I just wish Disney would get the credit! Universal is seen all over the world only for its thrills but Disney started alot of the stuff that Universal has, If Disney wouldnt' have got some of the things they had some rides wouldnt' even be created at Universal or anywhere.

I think our next step will be something like at the Paramount Park.
Have u seen the 7th Portal ride? That is a really unique concept.

Im not really sure about what u just said considering that i didn't get it lol. But i have a feeling i mite agree with u. The way it sounds as if universal and Disney r donig a good job? If thats what your saying ur right.

It takes alot just to run those parks.

Just Give Disney Credit Please! None of those shows do. They just put Disney down lower cause the lack of Thrills.

Does anyone know about CSR? Not tryinig to stop up this subject... but I heard its getting lap bars?! that would be pretty cool but i think Disney would freak of the idea going upsidedown with Lap Bars, It would be nice though to get the airtime needed.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Testtrack321

Go to the Special features, then deleted sceans. You'll see a part when they ride a mine train though sceans directly ripped from Disney attractions. These include, Snow Whites Scarry Adventures, PoTC, and for grizzlyhall, Country Bears.

Funny, the Brazilian version doesn't have that...


Well-Known Member
>>>Ok,Ok, u dont need to Jump down my throat<<<

I'm not. It is just that when start getting into a debate, I debate. :)

>>>May I point out to u, that E.T. is very much alike Peter Pan, and Honey I Shrunk the Audience where they got Terminator 2 3-D.<<<

That is the nature of the industry. You're going to get rides that share characteristics. I mean, you're supposed to be on a flying bicycle on ET, and there is no way to do that but to use a suspended dark ride system. And in the case of Terminator 2, there is extensive use of live actors, something that HISTA doesn't have. The film itself is also better directed, is more coherent, looks better, has more advanced digital effects, and has a more engaging storyline that HISTA. HISTA seemed more like a showcase of new special effects (granted they were damn good effects) than actually trying to tell a story, whereas Terminator 2 uses these effects to enhance the story, not get in the way of it. I'm glad that Disney figured that out when planning Philharmagic.

>>>Universal coppied our concepts, if we wouldn't have made Star Tours there wouldn't Spiderman eh?<<<

Those are two completely different attractions.

>>>No one ever credits Disney's stuff!<<<

No, they only credit Disney's stuff on virtually every other show on TV. BTW [BTW means "by the way"], the Travel Channel actually did have a special on WDW this past May.


Well-Known Member
>>>Does anyone know about CSR?<<<

CSR? :confused:

>>>Funny, the Brazilian version doesn't have that...<<<

Have you checked out the storyboards? The deleted scene was shown through storyboards, it was never animated.


Well-Known Member
If Screamin got lap bars that would be a wonderful thing. The Outer Limits at Kings Dominion recently got lap bars, and it turned it into one of the most despised coasters on the planet into one of the most beloved.


New Member
I know what u mean man, All of the Premier Coasters r getting Lap Bars, Kings Dominions Flight of Fear (FoF) isn't as good as Kings Islands cause it has a block in the middle. Kings Island however does not.

Did u all know Vekoma is switching to lap bar system?! YAY!
Do u think that will mean RnR Rock N Rollercoaster will get Lap bars? I also heard a rumour that DCA will be getting a rnR built by Premier?

Well however if CSR does get lap bars we will finally get airtime!


New Member
OH yeah, Of course they can, FoF and SOn of beast have them. Not to forget about Swarzkopf Coasters having them like Scorpion and stuff, its an excellent idea but its also more intenese, Thats what the whole world is switching to now is Lap Bars! if CSR got them u wouldbe in for a treat of AIRTIME!


Well-Known Member
>>>Do u think that will mean RnR Rock N Rollercoaster will get Lap bars?<<<

Probably not. Disney's reputation for safety is being questioned more and more by the day. And even though this will not effect the safety of the attraction in any way, I don't see them making the leap to lap bars, if only for the psychological impact.

>>>I also heard a rumour that DCA will be getting a rnR built by Premier?<<<

RnRC is not coming to DCA. They don't have enough space to build the ride.


New Member
Oh ok! Good! That would be the 3rd RnR! I think they should only made one.... Do u think Premier will be developing one for any Disney park?

I think thats bad about Disney's bar system if they would be smart, get lap bars on Those 3coasters. More air and more thrill.


Well-Known Member
>>>Do u think Premier will be developing one for any Disney park?<<<

I don't know. They seem to be pretty happy with Vekoma and Intamin.


New Member
yeah, they do, But i heard at IAAPA that B&M is selling a coaster to Disney im not sure what park but i think it will be at AK.


New Member
Does Universal have loyal fans like us? I've never seen any UniversalFreaks or UniHolics- have you? Anyone with a room devoted to the Incredible Hulk or to Twister is really wack!

With Disney, it's an entirely different passion. And this blatant competition is awfully tacky and pathetic. They're trying way too hard.

Long live the Mouse!


Well-Known Member
>>>Does Universal have loyal fans like us? I've never seen any UniversalFreaks or UniHolics- have you?<<<

Yeah, I see them all of the time. Most of them are like me, who still love Disney, but have become so frustrated with the company tha they would rather spend their time and money with a company that really is trying to provide a better guest experience, and that company is Universal.

>>>Anyone with a room devoted to the Incredible Hulk or to Twister is really wack!<<<

In the case of the Hulk, I wouldn't say that. Marvel comics still have a RABID following, as evidenced by the $100+ million opening weekend for Spiderman.

>>>They're trying way too hard.<<<

At least they're trying.


New Member
I thought I'd just chime in here. I saw all of the "we will win" pins that the cast members were wearing, and I couldn't help but chuckle at all of them. I did Disney-MGM STUdios and Universal Studios back to back. I just have to say that there is no way that Universal is on par or even close to Disney. Disney parks were so much cleaner, CM's so much nicer, and the atmosphere of the Disney parks so much better. UNiversal Studios was fun but no way will they win. They don't have the attention to detail that Disney has. I'll still continue to visit the Universal parks but they will not win.


New Member
It's all a mind set. Would you prefer Universal to not accept the fact that Disney is better, would you prefer them not to try to do better and better, would you prefer them to give up. I say... FIght, Fight, Fight! Universal is much more a real contender than anyone else has ever been, and if they stay committed and keep trying to do better and better, then I'm all for it 200%. Keep the new resorts coming, keep the Spider-man's coming, keep trying to win. I love Disney, but I love what Universal has been doing of late also.

Disney is huge but even they have money restraints apparent in JIYI and the absence of BK. Universal has nowhere near as much park experience or money, but almost instantly they went to the #2 spot in Amusement Parks, now having the #1 ride, and have already branched out as a global succcess. Don't take Universal so softly. They really are doing well due to the circumstances, and if they want to incorporate a mind set of "we will win" in their employees, then all the better. It's simply a motivation tool, not a true make it or break ot goal. Always strive for more! As time goes on I see Universal uping the ante on keeping more things clean and new and getting more friendly employees (there seems to be a shortage right now anyway). The big difference is that most parks have always tried to either be basic rides and games or to imitate Disney. Universal is trying to be Unique, but still maintain a higher standard than a typical park and they have done pretty well so far.

Actually a big advantage for Universal is the amount of space they have, they are big, but not Disney big... so they have to try to put more quality in less area (no WWoS or Disney Institutes). They may not always succeed (Jaws and being forced through Citywalk come to mind), but they try to fit more quality in less space.

I find that their Resorts seem quite nice. I don't think they are Disney Standard, but they are very impressive.

Ten years ago I would have never expected universal to be what it is now, in ten more years I feel they may be a huge draw to Orlando, we'll see, but I'm glad they want to go for the best.

I know someone will rip this apart, but you have to give credit where credit is due. I'm not saying they can win now, but let them try... only good things can come from it.


New Member
I agree that Universal is a very good theme park, and it is a very close contender with Disney. I'm probably more picky then other people, but when I went to IoA and US, I just didn't see the quality of the park and attractions that I see in Disney. I actually do hope that Universal starts to gain on Disney, competition is good for the consumers. Hopefully this competition will help us get even bigger and better attractions.
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