We Are Surrounded By Idiots Report 12/11 - 12/17

Well Christmas in Disney is pretty amazing. The magic is definitely all around you. The lights, snow, smells, trees...everything atmosphere wise was simply amazing. However I had my first issues with some CM's, and honestly guests were at an all time high in stupidity, rudeness, and just plain lazy.

The cast



Day 1.

We flew Air Tran for the first time. It was not all that bad. Its no Southwest by any means but it got us there alive so I am VERY thankful for that.

When we arrived at MCO we went straight to ME. They put us right on a bus and we took the 2 first seats so we could get off first! We probably waited a good 25-30 minutes before we left. It started raining as be boarded the bus, and it rained until we got to our resort and it stopped. I get off the bus and what do I see inside the lobby? 50 kids ALL dressed in their football jerseys! I thought, oh no this is going to be a nightmare. Thankfully that was the last night of whatever the hell they were there for. We checked in, put our stuff in our room, and headed to Epcot for EMH. We get on the bus and Italian music starts playing! Then we stop at All Star Music and these two Japanese girls get on the bus and they start playing Japanese music! It was kind of funny and probably something only I would notice. Its probably around 9:40pm at this time but Epcot is open till 12:30am so we figured we would go walk around, eat some Seasons Grill and be happy we are in Disney.

It was probably about 50 degrees with tons of wind, and I loved it! I was so thrilled that I could go to Epcot and not be hot and miserable the whole time. We went to Sunshine Seasons Grill, ate and then walked around World Showcase. We only rode Maelstrom. Everything was beautiful. The lights, trees...really awesome. We decided to call it a night being that we both been up since around 6am, and we both worked. We got back to Sports around 11:45 and went to bed.

Day 2 will be posted later...Im really busy today!


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In the Parks
Ok, call me naiive, but... what is so gross about the feathers? :veryconfu

Its probably a good sign the chicken was not clean, inspected, or whatever they need to do to it before its shipped, cooked, and or served. Think about it...If that was your job to clean chicken, serve chicken, cook chicken...would you let it get as far as the table with feathers still attached to it? I assume you answered no to that question...Now answer why? Because its HORRIBLE to present that to someone and it looks dirty.


Well-Known Member
Its probably a good sign the chicken was not clean, inspected, or whatever they need to do to it before its shipped, cooked, and or served. Think about it...If that was your job to clean chicken, serve chicken, cook chicken...would you let it get as far as the table with feathers still attached to it? I assume you answered no to that question...Now answer why? Because its HORRIBLE to present that to someone and it looks dirty.

I worked at a meat market one summer when I was young (not that I'm old :)). Several of the chickens which were received in large boxes on a daily basis and cut by the butchers at the company still had feather tips on the wing section, similar to the picture shown on this thread. The butchers would remove those tips as they prepared the chicken for sale. The feathers do not signify a break in the normal processing of chicken at their place of origin. It is not uncommon to see such a thing on US inspected poultry. The problem lies in the preparation of the meat at the restaurant in question. It was their duty to prepare the meat properly for cooking and plating by yanking those feather tips in the kitchen. I agree with your disgust because their lack of proper preparation and presentation leaves me wondering, "what else did they neglect in the kitchen?"


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I worked at a meat market one summer when I was young (not that I'm old :)). Several of the chickens which were received in large boxes on a daily basis and cut by the butchers at the company still had feather tips on the wing section, similar to the picture shown on this thread. The butchers would remove those tips as they prepared the chicken for sale. The feathers do not signify a break in the normal processing of chicken at their place of origin. It is not uncommon to see such a thing on US inspected poultry. The problem lies in the preparation of the meat at the restaurant in question. It was their duty to prepare the meat properly for cooking and plating by yanking those feather tips in the kitchen. I agree with your disgust because their lack of proper preparation and presentation leaves me wondering, "what else did they neglect in the kitchen?"

Thats my point exactly...yes the feathers are gross but its the fact THEY LET IT COME OUT TO US LIKE THAT. Its unacceptable. Plus it sat under a heat lamp for god knows how long SOMEONE should have noticed it while it was sitting there...


Not trying to be stupid or start a fight, however how can you get mad that they didn't see the feathers when you almost ate the whole chicken before you saw it. Just saying.


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Not trying to be stupid or start a fight, however how can you get mad that they didn't see the feathers when you almost ate the whole chicken before you saw it. Just saying.

Dont you think the handled the chicken a lot more than we did? The piece was under 2 other pieces and the feathers were against the plate. There is no excuse.


New Member
Not trying to be stupid or start a fight, however how can you get mad that they didn't see the feathers when you almost ate the whole chicken before you saw it. Just saying.

So what? It doesn't change the fact he paid a premium for chicken with feathers on it.... hahaha.
I never really liked any of the resturants in MGM/DHS. Heard great things about Mama Melrose's, but haven't tried it yet. Prime time always tasted awful and low grade to me, even as a young child. I remember on the 2 or 3 times we visited that resturant, I didn't even finish my food, since it was so awful. The milkshakes were more appealing.

Public misbehavior was to be expected... as the saying goes: "None of us are as dumb as all of us - never underestimate the stupidity of people in large groups". Lots of kids using cellphones inappropriately, but my serious business pet peeve is people that enjoy flash photography during dark rides when specifically inappropriate to do so. Most of the smokers smoked in their specified areas, but the smell still wafts around the area (at least to me) on a breezy day.

Did you mention that besides the servers at the resturant, that you had any other bad experiences with cast members?


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Yes. They just weren't as helpful or wiling to be as helpful. Like they were always looking the "other" way. Using phones, chatting with each other, or just miserable and non responsive. There was no particular incident or anything personal that we experienced...it was just things I noticed.


Active Member
DW my boys and I were thinking about eating there in April. Cross that one out!! As for kids behaviour, I am always pointing out poor behaviour in other kids and parents. I have done so at the World, and just about every where else.



New Member
We'd eaten at Prime Time about 5 years ago and had a great time....the server was hysterical & the entire room was having fun with the theme.

Have read on other boards that it's gone downhill but took DD for her bday in April since she remembered it so fondly - wow what a difference! We live locally so were not on DP - over $120 for basically subpar diner food. And, the servers didn't really do anything to make it the experience it used to be.

We visit the parks quite frequently (at least 2x month) and have been AP for 3+ years. Prior to that we'd bring the kids down every year or two and always felt Disney raised the bar so high for all others.

Now, not so much. There is a real difference in the level of service & the experience -- we just get the impression that the CMs don't feel like they are part of the 'magic' anymore. Sure some of this may be from being able to visit quite a bit but I venture that anyone who visits fairly often has noticed the same thing. We probably won't renew our passes again -- which makes me sad but we just don't think its worth the money any more.


Well-Known Member
We ate at Prime Time in November and had a great time. Was it expensive, sure but what TS isn't. The "babysitter" we had was a hoot.
Spoon fed our 16 year old her veggies that came with the fried chicken when she caught her dad eating them for her:ROFLOL: I wish I'd had a video camera. I didn't think fast enough to use my cell phone. I'm surprised by daughter didn't gag. She was a trooper when the entire room we were in made like airplanes as the fork went in the hangar.


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We had a good waitress in September. But all the other trips Ive had were for the chicken because the waiters/waitresses really havent got into the theme.


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Ive been there while our server was pretty quiet and others were REALLY into the theme. Thats what I want and expect when I go there.
Without it then there is really no point of going.

Let me rephrase that...If your server isn't really into it then the atmosphere of Prime Time is wrecked.


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In the Parks
We really like the chicken meal A LOT but you're right. Without the server being in character its a real drag.
When we went ours was VERY into it! My dad and my friend's dad were getting in arguments with her. It was real interesting! Then my friend and I started to get embarrassed!

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