WDWMagic Prom


Erika, There'a plenty of room. It's an SUV limo. We're having our own prom in here. Never mind all that other business outside. All the booze and fun is in here.

Dan... the bar's over here. With the cool kids...

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
*Makes Grand Entrance*

Sorry Freak, you know how I like to make a memorable entrance. ;) :kiss:

I have no doubt you were faithful to me. Now, lets hit the bar/dance/frisk/after prom party... :sohappy:

By the way, DANG! Ya'll look HOTT!!


HI JENN! OK, here's what you missed: Bri and I decided to hang together while you and Dan were MIA. Minutes later, Brian left me and ran off with Maria to get married. Whether or not little freaks are on their way remains to be seen; I think I went to bed before this issue was fully resolved, but I believe Maria was hoping for a "no" on that one.


New Member
Originally posted by Erika
HI JENN! OK, here's what you missed: Bri and I decided to hang together while you and Dan were MIA. Minutes later, Brian left me and ran off with Maria to get married. Whether or not little freaks are on their way remains to be seen; I think I went to bed before this issue was fully resolved, but I believe Maria was hoping for a "no" on that one.


Well-Known Member
You know the square on the Monopoly board next to the Jail that says "Just Visiting"? Well, that's me. Just visiting. Passing by on my way to Timbuktu.:animwink: ;) ;) ;)


New Member
Okay guys, noone post anything. I'm going to post the winners in the ceremony I wrote.

If you want to skip the theatrics, slowly scroll past them and look for the WINNERS written in BLUE AND RED. They're at the end of the show. Thanks!

Okay folks, there's the disclaimer, let's get to business. - The WeirdOne :D


New Member
“Coronation Celebration – Lights Of Romance” – Coronation Show

*the lights dim with all the coaches “parked” in the center forecourt area and you hear bells of a clock several times with accompanying white lights consecutively going down the main tower. The bells stop and with a drum roll and trumpets, the stage lights up in blue colors and various star patters light up on the dark castle.*

Unknown Female Voice – Welcome one and all to the coronation ceremony of the WDWMagic Prom! I’m so excited to be here with everyone! Our princesses and princes should be arriving soon to join you all and Cinderella will be here to give up her crown to the winning princess. Oh dear, I bet you’re wondering who I am?

*then the stars which have since moved to the base of the castle star moving upwards as “Bibbity Bobbity Boo” plays and when they reach their original positions, a blast of pyro explodes at the tower and the Fairy Godmother appears*

Fairy Godmother – Oh ho! I’m so sorry for that sudden appearance. Once the winner is crowned, the Lights of Romance set up in the forecourt will light up signaling the time for the romance to begin and that true love finally has been found. Oh, sorry, let me not stall the ceremonies any more.

*the Fairy Godmother disappears and trumpeters appear above the stage in that castle balcony and sound a trumpeting fanfare. The guy who found Cinderella’s slipper, the king’s assistant comes out.*

King’s Assistant – *coughs* Hello there royal subjects. Tonight we will have the coronation of WDWMagic’s first prom queen and king. Expect all of the royal couples to show up…OH! Here comes the king!

*King comes up to the area where the King’s Assistant is and bows.*

King – I can’t wait to see the winner, where are they?!

King's Assistant – Let the official prom ceremonies begin! *goes running out jumping and dancing*

*six dancers come out dressed in gowns and suits (Cinderella-era dress: big poofy gowns and tight suit-type things) and begin to dance and sing this song to beautiful Cinderella inspired waltz music.*

Female Dancers - All my friends, it's time for a princess to have her day.
Time for dancing, by the night and through the day.

Male Dancers - Time for princes,

Female Dancers - and for maidens so fair, to find love, true love
in a garden where crystal gleams.

Male Dancers - For a royal coronation we sing,

Female Dancers - there's a real coronation today!

All Dancers - Let Coronation Celebration begin, in the kingdom of dreams,
in our kingdom of dreams...

*waltz music continues playing and they dance for a bit without singing.*

All Dancers – Coronation Celebration! It’s a coronation!

Female Dancers – And the princess and the glamour, now that all their friends are here.

All Dancers – Princess dance, pirouette through the Lights of Romance.

Male Dancers - For a royal coronation we sing,

Female Dancers - there's a real coronation today!

All Dancers - Let Coronation Celebration begin, in the kingdom of dreams!

*the music comes to a dramatic close and the King’s Assistant comes back out.*

King’s Assistant – The Royal Couples have arrived!

*Suddenly, Snow White and Prince Charming and “Someday My Prince Will Come” plays as a waltz type tune. They march down to the bottom of the stage where the six dancer couples are and they greet each other, when Sleeping Beauty and Prince Phillip come out to the tune of “Once Upon A Dream”.*

Recorded Singers – I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream.
But if I know you, I know what you’ll do,
you’ll love me at once, the way you did once…
once upon a dream.

*music is interrupted with a gong and “Prince Ali” plays as Aladdin and Jasmine come out doing a little dance and at the end he kneels and kisses her hand. All the couples move to the side and Belle and the Beast come out and “Beauty And The Beast” plays.*

Recorded Female Singers – Certain as the sun,
rising in the east, tale as old as time,
song as old as rhyme…
Beauty and the Beast.

*music is once again interrupted by a trumpet as the White Rabbit and the Queen of Hearts come out as the “Queen Of Hearts March” plays. She makes her way to the bottom scolding all the others when her music fades out and Lady Tremaine, Anastasia, and Griselda come out with an old piano type version of “Sing Sweet Knighting Gale” plays. Suddenly Griselda trips knocking herself into Anastasia and they go falling down the steps landing feet up and the Queen of Hearts feet. The music gets really fast and anxious with the sisters pointing fingers at each other and Lady Tremaine trying the get the couples to look another way. The music reaches a climax/end and they bow infront of the Queen of Hearts. Embarrassed, they sulk off to the crowd of other couples with Lady Tremaine scolding the two daughters. King Mickey and Queen Minnie come out to the tune of “Mickey Mouse Club March” followed by Queen Daisy and King Donald, Baron Goofy, and Dukes Chip and Dale, and Prince Pluto. Trumpets blare again as the King’s Assistant comes out again.*

King’s Assistant – Where’s Cinderella? Oh dear…the king! Oh no…wait, here she comes! Cinderella everyone!

*Cinderella suddenly arrives to the stage with a cavalcade of trumpeters, and guards, and maidens in a sparking coach with a fairy motive. She disembarks and all of the other royalty bows and pays respects. She gets to the round raised area when the music ends. The WDWMagic prom theme plays as all of the royal nominees arrive in pumpkin coaches each disembarking and going to the highest part of the stage. Once each couple is up on stage when the music finally ends.*

Cinderella – Now, for our winner to be announced. The winning king and queen couple will take our crowns and be declared the winners. And the winning queen is One Lil Spark. The winning king is WDWFreak53.

*The theme to Cinderella plays as the winners get in the raised portion of the stage and Cinderella and her Prince hand their crowns over to the winners. The platform rises with them to abut 25 feet in the air and they give each other a kiss (not necessarily on the lips). Then the whole stage lights up in fiber optics and everyone claps and applauds, when blasts of pyro explode in the air and BOOM, two giant blasts shoot from the stage and everyone freezes. The Fairy Godmother appears on her tower.*

Fairy Godmother – Ah! How sweet! But, this royal coronation won’t be complete without the Lights Of Romance! Bibbity! *forecourt area lights up once*. Bobbity! *forecourt lights up once again*. BOO!

*with a blast of sparkling pyro out of her wand into the air, the whole area lights up including Main Street U.S.A in blue lights changing colors with pinks, whites, blues, greens, and silvers and then WHOOSH! Confetti shoots from everywhere covering the forecourt area and stage with Mickey shaped confetti that reads “WDWMagic Prom – 3/14/03”. Then “So This Is Love” from Cinderella plays. Finally, with the ceremonies over, everyone leaves to give the couple their moment alone when the Fairy Godmother appears center stage.*

Fairy Godmother – Congratulations! And they lived happily ever after!

*With a blast of pyro the Fairy Godmother is gone leaving just the winning couple on stage.*

Now, tell us what song you want to be played during your moment alone. Congratulations to the winners! - The WeirdOne :D


Well-Known Member
Congratulations, Freak and Sparky!

You're a great-looking couple!!!:sohappy:

And WierdOne - GREAT JOB on the ceremonial festivities!:D

Darthdarrel - how about one last dance?

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