WDWMagic Prom


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by PrincessAli
me either....makes ya feel special don't it? :cry:

You would have had mine Ali but nobody tells me whats going on so I was clueless and didn't know there was a vote. :hammer:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by MerHearted
I motion that we strip Freak of the crown... and just strip Sparky. :lol:

*takes crown off of head and bashes Vince*

(Ahhh...that felt good)

Now...about that "stripping of Sparky" :lol: I think we need to go off to the "Royal Quarters" and celebrate


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
*takes crown off of head and bashes Vince*

(Ahhh...that felt good)

Now...about that "stripping of Sparky" :lol: I think we need to go off to the "Royal Quarters" and celebrate

Fine, keep the crown.. but keep the sappiness to a minimum!


New Member
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
1. Darrel, I did not cheat on Sparky
2. Erika...we did hang out together :) (but platonically even though you were trying to get all up on this)
3. Sparky, about the whole "running off with Maria thing" See, I did that because she made a comment about her friends and she seemed down...so I tried to help her out a little...My true feelings are still with you. (See, just trying to spread the love). OF COURSE there would be no LITTLE FREAKS running around...sheesh... (There is no such thing as a "little freak" hehe)

Ok Mister.... let´s get a few things straight here!
You did cheat on Sparky and many of us in that chat saw it (and listened to it too). Right Erika and the others?
I do NOT recall making ANY comment about my friends and being "down" that night. Whaaat??
Of course there will be NO LITTLE FREAKS running around! I am not that dumb, if you know what I mean!




New Member
Originally posted by MerHearted
Prom Queen:

One Lil Spark - 6
tiggerlover1971 - 3
Angelique - 3
Maria - 3
Goofette - 2
Erika - 2
Alicia - 2
cuteypatooty78 - 2
Figmentmom - 2
Disneyanna0521 - 1
Tinkerbell16 - 1
wdwprincess03 - 1

Wow... I got three votes! I didn´t even know I was running up for it! lol So, Angel, Cheryl and me were "Princesses". LOL :lol: Thanks to whoever voted for me! :lol: :animwink:


Oooooooooooooooookaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, I can see a lot of sad faces. I was afraid that would happen. Come on, now, it's Freak and Sparky- they're already kind of the unofficial king and queen anyway- I think it's cute and I am happy they won. Don't make them feel bad. Now everybody hold hands and sing "-by-a"

PS I didn't think I was running either but thanks for the votes, whoever you are :lol: ALL HAIL PRINCESSES ANGEL, CHERYL AND MARIA!!!!!!


New Member
Originally posted by Maria
Wow... I got three votes! I didn´t even know I was running up for it! lol So, Angel, Cheryl and me were "Princesses". LOL :lol: Thanks to whoever voted for me! :lol: :animwink:

Wow I didnt even think I would get one vote congrats to us maria thanks to all who voted for me. I now want to be known as Princess Cheryl :lol:

P.S freaky those songs were making me sick:hurl:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Erika
Oooooooooooooooookaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, I can see a lot of sad faces. I was afraid that would happen. Come on, now, it's Freak and Sparky- they're already kind of the unofficial king and queen anyway- I think it's cute and I am happy they won. Don't make them feel bad. Now everybody hold hands and sing "-by-a"

PS I didn't think I was running either but thanks for the votes, whoever you are :lol: ALL HAIL PRINCESSES ANGEL, CHERYL AND MARIA!!!!!!


(And I quote Maria, "All of my friends are married or married with kids" ) (I may have taken that the wrong way and thought that you were "down" about it) So, if that's the case...then the whole chat was just a big misunderstanding :lol: )

Sparky...now that our dance is over...I would like to ask all of the ladies for a dance. I'm here to spread the love


Well-Known Member
Hey - I got two votes!!! Honest to Pete, I'm thrilled! - and here I thought I was running for Official Chaperone!:lol: Thanks, you guys!

And, YES, this was WAY more fun than my high school prom!:)


Well-Known Member
LOL !!!

I can't believe what I'm reading!! ( LMAO! )

This whole thread makes me wanna YAK!!

OMG,... it's funny to see that we're all still in touch with our inner child. hehee,....I remember conversations similar to this back in elementry school!

Sorry,...It's just soooo freakin' hilarious to me!

OK,...I'll shut up now. ( I just HAD to get that out!)


:hammer: :hammer:


New Member
Originally posted by 10021982
LOL !!!

I can't believe what I'm reading!! ( LMAO! )

This whole thread makes me wanna YAK!!

OMG,... it's funny to see that we're all still in touch with our inner child. hehee,....I remember conversations similar to this back in elementry school!

Sorry,...It's just soooo freakin' hilarious to me!

OK,...I'll shut up now. ( I just HAD to get that out!)


:hammer: :hammer:


I've posted in this thread and even got a "date" but I never had the patience to read anything.


So, where's the Cliff Notes, Cliff? (The whole idea was a little "odd" to me as well)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by spider-man

So, where's the Cliff Notes, Cliff? (The whole idea was a little "odd" to me as well)

So let me get this straight Spidey....

Talking about a "prom" isn't cool because it's soooo "high school" BUT...talking about toys, cartoons, and comic books IS cool... Hmmm... :lol:

I liked the "prom" idea...it brought life back to the threads (kinda like the IASW Thread in which it was a huge thread that actually STUCK to the topic)

Ummm...do I suggest another one? NO...lol...I mean...I don't feel like reading another one of those things hehe


New Member
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
So let me get this straight Spidey....

Talking about a "prom" isn't cool because it's soooo "high school" BUT...talking about toys, cartoons, and comic books IS cool... Hmmm... :lol:

When does odd mean not cool or too high school???

Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
I liked the "prom" idea...it brought life back to the threads (kinda like the IASW Thread in which it was a huge thread that actually STUCK to the topic)

I didn't see this happen cause I never really payed attention to this thread, but that's fine if it did something for you. It just didn't do anything for me, and it seems kinds anti-climatic. Where is the great Prom. Sure the build up was excellent, but how do you complete an idea like this?

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