WDWMagic Bar-Room Brawl 2: Electric Bargaloo!


Missing my mind...
Premium Member
*in my shrunk down size I jump into a cut on EE's leg and ride his blood stream to his brain*

*takes control over his brain and turns him into my personal robot*


Well-Known Member
*Find EE walking funny around the parks*

*Suspects something amiss*

*Chops head off with machete*

*Dumps it into the stil battery acid filled pool at MK*


Well-Known Member
*Sees EE explode, again*

*Has some fun and finds the turkey leg station at DHS*

*Stuffs turkey legs in every oriface on GoofyDad possible*

*Drops GoofyDad from ToT*

*Turkey is now the new color in front of Tot*


Active Member
*Wonders what WDWmazprty has in store*

*Then realizes he's got a REALLY idea too*

*Laughs at the wakeup calls he got when he went to WDW last summer*

*Ponders about his idea*

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