WDW Theme Park Dress Code for Guests


[When you see someone smoking out on the street you don't walk up and tell them not to do it because your kids are there..]

My 10 yr old DD tells people not to smoke it is bad for them. Even though we have told her that it is rude for her to do that. Although I am proud of her for sticking up for what she believes. She still tells people.


Well-Known Member
Mariposa said:
What a strange topic to make a first post on, anyway...

Personally, I can cuss up a storm with the best of them, but I do avoid doing it in public when possible.

HOWEVER, I don't think anyone really has the right to invade another person's private conversation just to make editorial comments on their choice of words and I CERTAINLY don't approve of the suggestion that you'd threaten to 'knock a person on their back' for telling you not to stick your nose in their business. I mean, cursing may be something you'd prefer to not expose your child to for as long as possible, but I'd imagine pointless violence, or threats thereof, are a bit worse.

Plus, look at it this way, if you catch someone cursing in front of your kids it becomes a great chance to teach them not to talk that way. A well-worded, "Hey, Bobby, doesn't it make that man sound stupid to say that ugly word here in front of everybody?" should do.

Realistically, there are many worse things our kids encounter everyday.. When you see someone smoking out on the street you don't walk up and tell them not to do it because your kids are there.. You tell your kids it's bad for them (a lot worse than curse words). Same goes for seeing people drunk at WDW (which could lead to cursing. =) ).

Sorry, it just got my hackles up that people would be so confrontational about this instead of things that can ACTUALLY hurt people.

If smoking in public is legal in your scenario, then no I would not say something. Obscenities in public can draw you a fine though.

Also, WDW is a family place and there is no need for it. So if you really feel the need to let the curses fly, go back to your room and curse into your pillow because nobody else cares to hear them.


New Member
mrtoad said:
If smoking in public is legal in your scenario, then no I would not say something. Obscenities in public can draw you a fine though.

Also, WDW is a family place and there is no need for it. So if you really feel the need to let the curses fly, go back to your room and curse into your pillow because nobody else cares to hear them.
Look, I never said that cursing in public was something people should condone.. What I said is, it's not something I'd be nearly as upset about my kid being party to as I would them seeing someone threaten another person or do even worse because someone cursed in public. I'd much rather have my child hear a four letter word than see someone HIT someone else because they didn't like the WORDS that person used.. I never even implied that I thought cursing in public was a good thing.

For that matter, I'd rather my child know that not only is cursing in public rude, but so is butting into someone else's conversation to tell them what they're allowed to say and what they aren't... So, I'd try my best not to portray either of those behaviors as correct to my child or any children around me.

For that matter, I'd also read someone's entire post before I quoted it and portrayed them as being pro-public cursing. Maybe that's just me, too, though.


Well-Known Member
Mariposa said:
Look, I never said that cursing in public was something people should condone.. What I said is, it's not something I'd be nearly as upset about my kid being party to as I would them seeing someone threaten another person or do even worse because someone cursed in public. I'd much rather have my child hear a four letter word than see someone HIT someone else because they didn't like the WORDS that person used.. I never even implied that I thought cursing in public was a good thing.

For that matter, I'd rather my child know that not only is cursing in public rude, but so is butting into someone else's conversation to tell them what they're allowed to say and what they aren't... So, I'd try my best not to portray either of those behaviors as correct to my child or any children around me.

For that matter, I'd also read someone's entire post before I quoted it and portrayed them as being pro-public cursing. Maybe that's just me, too, though.

I agree someone should not just but in if someone swears, but if the person continues to do it and you trapped in a line with them for the next 20 or so minutes with your kids I think you need to step in to stop them. Maybe that is just me, but I don't want my kid subjected to someone with with a foul mouth who should save it for later.


New Member
signerdreams said:
has disney ever thrown someone out of the parks b/c of their language
I have been made aware of a guest being escorted out of the parks after using bad language insults towards a cast member.


weluvtink said:
I wish they would ban Speedos. I think it's so nasty seeing grown men and sometimes their sons in those things.

pardon my french, but i admit, i do wear speedos, but not too often. it's more of a "every once in a while" type of issue

(p.s. try to find the reference to ferris bueller's day off in this one.)


New Member
Sandles all day?? How?

GaryT977 said:
I just wish they'd ban sandals. Who wants to see peoples nasty, stinky feet?
Not only see people's feet, but how can you adequately walk in sandles all day? I wear sneakers all day and they hurt due to lack of enough support.


New Member
The Mom said:
I'll have you know that I, along with "Missy" aka The Daughter, have very cute, petite feet. Not stinky at all. :animwink: (Ducky, Angel & Tyler know what I'm talking about.)


What I don't understand are females who wear stilettos to the parks. I wear heals on occasion (sandals with stacked heel or my boots) but some of the shoes I see girls wear.... I'm suprised they don't fall INTO the cars at Test Track cause they are so high!


New Member
Angelique said:

What I don't understand are females who wear stilettos to the parks. I wear heals on occasion (sandals with stacked heel or my boots) but some of the shoes I see girls wear.... I'm suprised they don't fall INTO the cars at Test Track cause they are so high!

This goes for Disneyland, but I always assumed the girls walking around the park in heels have AP's and they're just there for an hour or two. (Just seems silly to put yourself through torture for a whole day in heels) I'll admit to sometimes wearing heels at Disneyland, but that's only if I go to the park after work for dinner.

Gail Hayden

New Member
masterv said:
I'm sorry but I hate censorship. If you see someone wear something you find offensive just look away. We shouldn't have to walk around always thinking, "Gee am I going to offend someone?" Censorship has gone way out of hand lately because of this being a political year. And I agree imagineer99, if you find that offensive don't ever go to a college campus or the mall or... mmmm.. come to think of it... ANYWHERE.
I hate censorship also. BUT....I like common decency. Having a modicum of class should dictate that you simply don't wear offensive clothing in a public area.

I have a t-shirt that says " I am going n__________g futs", but, I would NEVER wear that in public.
I also have one for coed naked tennis "IT's in, it's out, it's over", which I will wear in public.
I also had a bumper sticker that read: "Put some excitment between your legs, Ride and Arabian".
The last two are somewhat suggestive, but, not lewd. The first one is definitely lewd and could be offensive to some. JMHO here. :)

Gail Hayden

New Member
mrtoad said:
Just becuase kids hear worse things at school does not make it right.

When you told that person to mind there own business what did they do? If it were me I would have the urge to knock you on your back (but my wife being the sensible one would stop me. If it were a place like WDW, I would give you another warning and if it continued, I would ask to have you removed.

People need to learn to respect the people around them, especially when kids are present. When you are in public it is no longer private and you don't have the right to tell someone to mind there own business. Don't get me wrong, I swear quite a bit but not in front of children. It is not right to do that.


Gail Hayden

New Member
weluvtink said:
I wish they would ban Speedos. I think it's so nasty seeing grown men and sometimes their sons in those things.
That completely depends on the shape of the wearer. some look WONDERFUL!!!
(yep, a dirty old lady here.) :)

Gail Hayden

New Member
Mariposa said:
Look, I never said that cursing in public was something people should condone.. What I said is, it's not something I'd be nearly as upset about my kid being party to as I would them seeing someone threaten another person or do even worse because someone cursed in public. I'd much rather have my child hear a four letter word than see someone HIT someone else because they didn't like the WORDS that person used.. I never even implied that I thought cursing in public was a good thing.

For that matter, I'd rather my child know that not only is cursing in public rude, but so is butting into someone else's conversation to tell them what they're allowed to say and what they aren't... So, I'd try my best not to portray either of those behaviors as correct to my child or any children around me.

For that matter, I'd also read someone's entire post before I quoted it and portrayed them as being pro-public cursing. Maybe that's just me, too, though.
If the conversation's sound level is kept to a private level, then there probably would not be any need to say anything. Haven't you ever noticed that when profanity starts, the voice level goes up.
I don't have small kids anymore, but, I can and have been offended by conversations that would be fine if they were, indeed, private, but, that was not the case. The immediate area of this line was privey to it all.
Sorry, but, that is not right.


New Member
I was at TL on Friday and there were 3 girls in brazil cut-almost thongs. 2 were a pleasure to look at and 1 was a 40 year old lady who was tan to the point her skin looked like leather and besides being 15 pounds over weight she had the nastiest cottage cheese butt/thigh. It was bad. It was really bad.She spoke Spanish so she may have been a foreigner but I don't care-cover that up.


New Member
Oh, and the Speedos have got to go also. We call those things "banana hammicks" around here but it seems to me that 95% of the men who wear them are below average in that department. STOP WITH THE SPEEDOS.

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